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Template:Usopp Infobox

Fishman Island Saga

Return to Sabaody Arc

Straw Hat Reunion

After two years, Usopp escaped the Boin Archipelago and has returned to Sabaody Archipelago. At a bar, he easily ties up a group of fakers who are pretending to be the Straw Hat Pirates with his new Pop Green weapon. Usopp then meets and gets reacquainted with Nami, who happily gives him a hug. Usopp states that he graduated from the "weakling trio" and has become a warrior who is not afraid of anything, but immediately afterwards is surprised to see people posing as Luffy and himself, the Fake Luffy and Fake Sogeking, respectively. After Nami gives the Impostor Straw Hat Pirates a thunder cloud, Usopp and Nami leave the bar to avoid the impact. Once outside, Nami tells Usopp that she was on a sky island and acquired some new technology.[1]

Usopp and Nami then ran into Chopper, who was searching for "Robin". After telling Chopper that the Straw Hats that he encountered were fakes, they head on back to the Thousand Sunny. Usopp and Chopper were amazed when Franky revealed his new upgrades. He was pleasantly surprised when he heard from Rayleigh that Luffy was already on the archipelago.[2]

Coating Infobox

The Straw Hats descend to Fishman Island.

After arriving at Grove 42, the entire crew has assembled. After Boa Hancock intercepts a Marine ship, Usopp is surprised to see a Shichibukai and comments that she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. He is also shocked to learn that Luffy was sent to Amazon Lily and befriended Hancock. With the Marines held back by the Straw Hats' new allies, the crew submerged into the ocean and head for Fishman Island.[3]

Fishman Island Arc

Undersea Voyage

While sailing under the ocean, Usopp and the crew marvel at the site of the underwater world. He and Chopper had to keep Luffy and Zoro from doing anything that might endanger the crew and hit them multiple times to keep them from trying to fish. He, along with the rest of the crew decided to sit down and eat one of Luffy's lunchboxes as Franky explained how the ship was kept safe for almost two whole years by Kuma.

With the help of their seacow, the Caribou Pirates caught up with the Straw Hats and prepare for battle. Caribou quickly sets foot on the Thousand Sunny. Before his crew can follow, his seacow, which turns out to be Mohmoo, fled in fear after seeing Nami, Sanji, and Luffy. The Straw Hats then tie up Caribou as he begs for mercy. Caribou claims that he is a victim and not a pirate but Usopp see through his lie. Usopp then listens to Nami's explanation of Sea Currents, but quickly loses interest (much to her annoyance). The crew soon encounter the Downward Plunge, and immediately after, the Kraken.

As Luffy decides to tame the Kraken, Usopp tries to discourage him, but to no avail. When Sanji manages to hold back a major nosebleed, Usopp is impressed. Soon after, the Caribou pirates ship has finally caught up to the Sunny, but, much to the shock and terror of Caribou and the Straw Hats, it is easily crushed by the Kraken. The sea monster then turns its attention to the Sunny, and Usopp had to hold back Zoro and Luffy, knowing that their attacks would burst the bubble. After using Chicken Voyage to dodge a tentacle, Caribou introduces Flutter Kick Coating to the Straw Hats enabling the Monster Trio to fight the beast. Usopp at first scolds Caribou, but when Caribou asks him if it is better to fight the Kraken while they are on the ship or away from it, Usopp wholeheartedly cheers the Monster Trio to fight as far away from the ship as possible.

After the Sunny is again assaulted by the Kraken, Franky reveals his Rocket Launcher, much to Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy's amusement. The Monster Trio soon defeats the Kraken and Usopp marvels at how powerful they have become. The Straw Hats then notice a large shark near the Kraken, before all of them are pulled down by the Downward Plunge. The Monster Trio are separated from the ship since they were not wearing life-lines. It seems that Usopp lost consciousness on the way down, for when the Sunny reaches a depth of around 7000 meters, he came to. It was to dark to see anything and it was very cold. Franky lights up the ocean with his Franky Nipple Lights (which for once does not impress Usopp) revealing a giant sea monster.

While sailing through the Underwater Underworld, Usopp and the others search for Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji. When they realize that Caribou untied himself, Usopp looks worried. Franky assures everyone by sealing Caribou in a barrel. When they arrive at the Deep-Sea Volcanic region, they encounter an angler fish, which attempts to eat the Thousand Sunny. Usopp and the others are saved by an Umibouzo named Wadatsumi. The crew then hear someone singing and the captain of the Flying Dutchman, Vander Decken, appears. Vander Decken orders Wadatsumi to punch the Sunny, but the Umibouzo is stopped by the newly-tamed Kraken. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji are then reunited with the rest of the Straw Hats but the undersea volcano starts to erupt. Nami notices that the log pose points down a crevice thats pitch black, the Sunny is steered into it to escape the eruption as the heat creates wild currents.

Usopp green star

Usopp protects the Thousand Sunny with Green Star: Saragasso.

As they go down the crevice, the eruption creates a landslide. Without any hesitation, Usopp shoots another pop green: "Green Star: Saragasso", sending out a massive sea kelp that as big as the Kraken to hold back the landslide before it could hit the ship. After reaching 10,000 meters below the surface, Usopp and the rest of the crew finally see Fishman Island. Usopp and Chopper then show concern for Sanji because seeing the mermaids could put his life in jeopardy since he has a tendacy to have nosebleeds. The crew soon encounter Hammond of the New Fishman Pirates. Hammond gives the Straw Hats two options: join the New Fishman Pirates or die. Usopp says that he will refill the ship's fuel for the Coup de Burst while Franky handles the steering.

Trouble in the Underwater Paradise

Luffy rejects Hammond's offer of joining the new Fishman Pirates and the fishman prepares to attack the Thousand Sunny. Usopp tells Franky via Den Den Mushi that the fuel is loaded and ready to go. He, along with the rest of the crew, is thrust forward and pressed against the ship as the coating bubble deflates. Upon entry to Fishman Island, Usopp is whisked away by the powerful water currents, along with the rest of the crew. He, Luffy, Sanji, and Chopper, were all rescued by the mermaids. He awoke shortly before Luffy did, regaining consciousness in Keimi's apartment.

Usopp quickly filled Luffy in on what had happened and how they ended up with Keimi. Keimi introduces the four pirates to some of her friends, the Medaka Mermaid Quintuplets. When Sanji begins to think about all the mermaids in the mermaid dormitory, Usopp suspects that he is about to get another nosebleed. Sanji quickly regains his composure, yelling at Usopp that he is in control and that he vowed to not waste time with the wasteful acts of bleeding everywhere and losing consciousness while on Fishman Island and that he should be rewarded. Usopp replies that the chef did not put up a very compelling argument.

When they got on the turtle elevator with Keimi to visit her friends on the higher floors, Usopp and Sanji listened while Keimi explained the social layout of Fishman Island while Luffy and Chopper stared out at the view. While riding, Usopp asks about the straw-like tunnels of water he sees. Keimi explains they are water roads, allowing for quicker travel around the island. When they reach the mermaid cove, Usopp exclaims that it is like a fairy tale that came true. When Sanji declared that he had found the All Blue, Usopp questioned whether or not that was true. When a mermaid took Sanji by the hand, Sanji broke into tears, saying he could never be this happy that today must be the day he would die. Usopp, alarmed by such a statement, contradicted it and asked Sanji what happened to him during their two years of separation.

When Sanji says he wants to live on Fishman Island, Usopp asks if he really meant it. When Luffy said he wanted to see Jinbe, Usopp was surprised that Luffy knew him and even more surprised when Luffy called him his friend. When the Neptune brothers arrived, Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper hid behind cover while Sanji is covered by a mermaid. The Neptune brothers are searching for people who entered Fishman Island illegally, but the mermaids deny that they have seen any intruders. As the brothers are leaving, Sanji suffered his potentially fatal nosebleed. Usopp declared that all the excitement Sanji was suppressing had just exploded. When the Ammo Knights advanced, Usopp watched Sanji while Chopper tries to negotiate with them. He also joined Chopper in asking for donor blood.

Hammond and his group then appear and tell the story of how Fisher Tiger supposedly died. After a gruesome battle, Fisher Tiger suffered a critical blood lost and could have been saved with a blood transfusion, but humans refused to help him. Hammond goes on to say that because of the humans who left Fisher Tiger to die, there is a law that prevents fishman and merfolk from sharing blood with humans. Hammond and his group attempt to capture the four Straw Hats, but Luffy repels them. When Luffy dispels a sea monster just by raising his hand, Usopp was surprised that the monster would acknowledge its loss so easily.

The Straw Hats then escape on the royal gondola after Keimi stole it. Usopp tells Keimi that she did not need to apologize for Sanji's condition, that it was all brought about by impure, obscene thoughts, pointing out the smirk on Sanji's face. He then comments on how the discrimination that Keimi and Hatchan were subjected to on Sabaody two years ago had very deep roots. He also could not believe that Sanji's nosebleeds would lead to such an emergency situation. Keimi then takes the group to the town port.

At the town port, Keimi and the four pirates find shelter in Madam Shyarly's Mermaid Cafe. Madam Shyarly provides them a room where they can treat Sanji. Usopp and the others luckily come across Splash and Splatter, a pair of okamas who happily agree to donate blood to Sanji. As Sanji is resting with Chopper watching over him, Usopp, Luffy, and Keimi go and meet Madam Shyarly. Usopp and Luffy marvel at Shyarly's crystal ball and then Usopp slapped Luffy when he asks if mermaids can poop.

Keimi then takes Usopp and Luffy to the front entrance of the Mermaid Cafe where they reunite with Brook and Pappug. Before boarding a fish taxi, Usopp and Brook notice a wanted poster for Vander Decken. While riding on the taxi, Pappug reveals that the Vander Decken from the legend died on Fishman Island and the one that the Straw Hats encountered was his grandson. They then come across a candy factory with Big Mom's jolly roger on it. After passing the factory, they arrive at Pappug's house.

Usopp and the group soon learn that there is a Criminal clothing store on the first floor. As soon as they enter the store, they find Nami making complaints for the high prices. Pappug says that the Straw Hats can have whatever they want for free. After hearing this joyful news, they empty the store much to Pappug's dismay. They then hear a commotion outside the store and they find that King Neptune has arrived to meet them. Usopp and the others are then invited by the King himself to his castle.

The Straw Hats, Keimi, and Pappug rides on Megalo while Neptune rides on Hoe as he calls to them not to fall off. Keimi asked Usopp if he was sure it was ok for her and Pappug to go to the palace too. Usopp says Neptune told them to bring their company so it was fine. As Neptune explains the Sunlight Tree Eve, the source of light on Fishman Island, Usopp considers it like the boss of the Yarukiman Mangroves at Sabaody. Usopp takes notes about it to tell Franky later as the Sunlight Tree Eve could have a connection to the Treasure Tree Adam. Upon arriving at the palace, everyone looked at in awe. After entering the caste, Luffy wanders away from the group in search for food. After finding out that Luffy went away, Usopp comments that Luffy could not stay still.

Nami, Usopp, & Brook Occupy Palace

Usopp, Nami, and Brook fight back against the Ryugu Palace guards.

After receiving word of the mysterious disappearances of the mermaids from Mermaid Cove and of Madam Shyarly's ominous prediction, the palace guards and personnel took action against the Straw Hats. Usopp, Nami, and Brook battle against the attacking guards. Usopp is surprised to see Zoro, who was locked up a while ago, joins the fight.

The Straw Hats eventually subdue and tie up the king, the ministers, and the royal guards. Usopp and his crew mates then have a little argument. Usopp says that they should have intimidate the guards and run instead of going all out like Zoro did. Usopp then asks where Luffy is and is annoyed when Nami asks where is the treasury. Usopp is further annoyed when Brook suggests singing.

The three princes of the Neptune House return to the palace only to find it under the control of the Straw Hats. Since the princes are unable to enter, Fukaboshi speaks with Zoro through Den Den Mushi. While Zoro makes demands, Nami asks for one billion berries annoying Usopp once again. Usopp then listens to Fukaboshi as he reveals Jinbe's message. After hearing noises coming from Shirahoshi's room, Neptune begs the Straw Hats to check on the princess to ensure her safety. Usopp then watches Brook dashes off to her location.

Brook instantly dashes off to her location while carrying the Minister of the Right. When they return, the minister informs Neptune of Shirahoshi's disappearance and Brook yells that pirates (pawns of Hody Jones) are invading the palace. Usopp panics asking what to do. Zoro gives a simple answer, "cut them".

After they defeat the pirates, Neptune demands that Shirahoshi be returned to him. Usopp points out that they did not kidnap the Mermaid Princess. During their conversation, one of the pirates manages to open the connection corridor. Usopp and the others (save for Luffy) then encounter Hody Jones and Vander Decken IX. The Minister of the Left accuses the Straw Hats of plotting with the enemy. Usopp yells back at him, saying that they were invited to the palace and then inquires about the invaders.


Usopp holding back the New Fishman Pirates with Midori Boshi: Rafflesia.

Once Decken learns from Neptune that Shirahoshi is no longer in the palace, he quickly goes after her. When Jones explains his intentions of finishing what Arlong started, Usopp realizes that the New Fishman Pirates are united under Arlong's will. Jones then crushes a palace wall, flooding the palace in the process. He launches his Archer Shark attack injuring Neptune and some of his soldiers. Usopp narrowly avoids the attack. Brook tells Usopp that he noticed Nami went off somewhere and the water is draining his strength. Jones then orders his crew to attack, but Usopp holds them back by launching a Pop Green that spawns a plant the gives off a bad odor. Jones remains unfazed, although his crew retreat. Usopp and Brook untie the guards and Zoro cuts Neptune's chains. Usopp then carries Brook away before the room is completely submerged.

Usopp is then worried about Zoro because he does not think hes capable of fighting a fishman underwater. Usopp looks underwater to check up on Zoro and finds out that Zoro has dealt a striking blow to Jones with one slash.

Once Jones is staggered, Usopp, Brook, and Zoro grab onto Neptune as he prepares to make an escape route. Neptune creates a vortex and clear a path. The ministers and the Ryugu Palace guards manage to escape. However, Neptune's back gave in, putting him, Usopp, Zoro, and Brook in a dangerous situation. Neptune's whale, Hoe, arrives to save them, but before they can leave the palace, Jones, energized by Energy Steroids, stops Neptune with one hand. Usopp, Zoro, Brook, and Neptune are then captured by the New Fishman Pirates.

Battle for Fishman Island

Usopp, Zoro, and Brook are then locked in a cage in a room filling with water. Hody plans to drown them after he executes King Neptune. The three eventually escape captivity and appear in Gyoncorde Plaza with the rest of the Straw Hats, preparing to fight against the New Fishman Pirates. When Franky mentions a new weapon in the Soldier Dock system, Usopp hops in along with Nami, Chopper, and Pappug. Usopp then comes out of Soldier Dock 5, manning the cannon on the Brachio Tank V. When a pirate was about to attack Franky, Usopp stops him by shooting him in the face with a cannon ball.

After the tank goes down in a pit made be Daruma, Franky arrives and throws the three out to combine the Rhino Fr-u and Brachio Tank to form the Iron Pirate Franky Shogun. After he and Chopper get amazed by the robot, he notices he is out on the battlefield now, but stays cool. He defeats a group of pirates with a new Pop Green, Bamboo Javelin which sprout out from the ground and impale the pirates. He then thanks Heracles for his two years of training.

A little bit later, Usopp calls out for Chopper while the latter is underground with Daruma. Unbeknownst to him, Dosun is behind him ready to attack. Fortunately, Chopper catches the fishman's scent and tells Usopp to get down. He does so and Chopper repels Dosun. Usopp attacks Daruma by launching an explosive Pop Green into the tunnels. With Daruma smoked out, Usopp recalls the time he and Chopper fought another enemy who could dig underground. Usopp and the enraged Daruma prepare for a battle.

Daruma tries to taunt Usopp by saying that he's a burden to his crewmates since he's firing duds at random. Instead of allowing the insults to get to him as he once would in the past, Usopp grins as he states that he has laid out a trap that will allow him to defeat Daruma in three steps. When Daruma yells for Usopp to stop saying nonsence, Usopp states that he used to lie a lot but now he can actually do what he claims.

After Luffy's victory against Hody, Chopper is seen rampaging in his 'Monster Point' much to Usopp's surprise. Usopp nervously tells Chopper that the situation is not that serious for him to go like that. Then, Chopper turns to him and says that he is alright, meaning that Chopper is in fact still conscious.

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Usopp defeating Daruma with third shot, Midori Boshi: Impact Wolf.

After Chopper tells him that he can control Monster Point for three minutes, Usopp compliments him and continues his battle with Daruma. As the fishman lauches at him, Usopp unveils his pop green traps: Humandrake (which trips him up) and Trampolia (which sends him high in the air). Usopp then shoots his Green Star Impact Wolf to defeat Daruma with a massive shockwave. After all the leaders of the New Fishman Pirates have been defeated, the Straw Hats look into the sky as Luffy tries to destroy Noah. When the Sea Kings appear and stop Noah from falling, saving the ship and the island at the same time, everyone on Fishman Island celebrates.

The After Battle Celebration and Departure

The Straw Hats then rest during the aftermath of the battle. After reuniting with Luffy, the crew leaves the plaza because they do not want to be hailed as heroes. A royal guard catches up with them and through Den Den Mushi, Neptune invites the crew to a banquet. The crew then party at Ryugu Palace with the royal family. After the party ends, he is sitting with some of the other Straw Hats, Keimi, Hatchan and Shirahoshi.

After learning that Luffy declares war on Big Mom, Usopp is horrified by the ordeal. As they prepare to leave, Usopp and Chopper are afraid of Big Mom's wrath and are crying about becoming enemies with her. As everyone on Fishman Island bid the Straw Hats farewell, the crew (except Zoro and Franky) promises to take Shirahoshi to the upper world someday and the Thousand Sunny sails towards the New World. As they travel, Usopp uses his Hoshaku-Boshi to catch a sea monster to eat. When the crew is caught up in the White Storm, they are stopped by a group of whales and they help them reach the New World's surface and Usopp comments on how terrible the weather is.

Pirate Alliance Saga

Punk Hazard Arc

Arriving at Punk Hazard

Straw Hats Riding Mini Merry Over Sea of Fire

Robin, Zoro, Luffy, and Usopp riding over the sea of flames.

Soon after entering the New World, the crew spotted an island surrounded by a sea of flames. The Straw Hats then received a distress call from someone who seemed to be in trouble and this person also mentioned something about a samurai. Usopp was then terrified of the danger that the caller was implying and much to his horror, Luffy decided to go save him. Usopp was then one of the three people (along with Zoro and Robin) who were chosen to accompany Luffy along to explore the island. After Nami created a road of clouds, they made their way to the island on the Mini Merry II. Usopp did not eat and he was completely apprehensive about landing on the island.[4]

He told them that his his fear of visiting islands was back, but they just acknowledge it, and let him know that they are already aware. When they reached the gates of the island, he reacted with horror when Zoro cut it down, trespassing further. He warned them both that they are going to inflict the wrath of the World Government, but then remembered they had already done so many times.[4]

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Robin, Zoro, Usopp, and Luffy encounter a dragon.

During their exploration of Punk Hazard, Usopp commented on how odd it was that the mysterious caller mentioned something about being cold on the island even though all they have seen is flames. Usopp and the others were then surprised to see a dragon, a creature believed to be a legend.[4] While Usopp was afraid of the fire breathing dragon, he and the others heard voices that supposedly came from the dragon. Usopp took shelter with Robin while Zoro and Luffy fought the dragon. When Usopp used a pop green that enabled Zoro to jump up to the dragon, he cut the dragon's head off. They then found a pair of legs that were attached to the dragon. After Luffy pulled the pair of legs off, they found out that it could move on its own and talk, making the group realize that the voices they heard did not came from the dragon. Usopp and Luffy were shocked by this. The pair of legs then took off in pursuit of a Shichibukai.[5]

After the group cut up and ate the dragon meat and took the rest with them, they continued their expedition. Luffy decided to play with the legs, placing them on his back and pretending to be a centaur, even though the legs keep flipping him over. Zoro then drawed the group's attention to a remarkable sight: a lake separating the flaming half of the island from a frozen, mountainous region on the other half. After the mystery of the caller saying something about cold is cleared up, Usopp then spotted a humanoid figure with wings.[6]

Luffy's group then received a call from Brook, who informed them that the Sunny had been taken to the frozen side of the island and that the other Straw Hats went missing. Usopp then witnessed Luffy fighting and defeating a centaur. A second centaur attacked Luffy, but Robin subdued it. Usopp then picked up a Den Den Mushi and found "CC" written on it. Usopp concluded that the centaurs are part of some organization. The group then decided to go to the frozen side.[7]

To cross the lake separating the two sides of the island, Usopp formed a boat from Pop Greens. While the group was riding on the boat, the centaur that Luffy had just fought jumped after them and informed his boss that the pirates were heading his way. Usopp then remembered the mystery caller mentioning his boss. The group then saw a group of centaurs waiting for them and Usopp speculated that this "boss" mentioned in the distress call was the centaur leader.[8] The centaurs then fired their bazookas at the water around the boat, capsizing it and leaving Usopp and Zoro to hold up Luffy and Robin. Zoro moved to attack the centaurs, but was instead dragged underwater by sharks. The centaurs prepared to attack the Straw Hats again, but they were then stopped by Brook, giving Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp enough time to escape the lake. After they emerged from the freezing water, they planned on stealing coats from the centaurs.[9] After defeating them and stealing their coats, the group used Brownbeard as transportation to Vegapunk's former research facility. They soon arrived at the scene where Law and Smoker had just fought.[10]

Straw Hat Body Switch

Usopp makes headbands to help identify the crewmembers who were scrambled up by Law.

After Luffy talked to Law, the group quickly got away from the Marines and headed to the back side of the facility and met up with Franky, Nami, Sanji, Chopper, and the children that were held prisoner in the research facility. The Straw Hats then tied up Brownbeard and brought each other up to speed on the current situation.[11] To better help determine who is who, Usopp created small masks for Chopper, Franky, Nami, and Sanji. They then interrogated Brownbeard and learned about a man known as Caesar Clown.[12]

Before long, several of the giant children started to feel pain, saying that they need candy usually given to them in order to make the pain go away. However, Chopper then stated that the candy contains a drug that the children became addicted to and Luffy's group learned that the children have been experimented on. One of the giant children hit Luffy and the others went on a rampage, forcing Usopp to put them to sleep. Luffy's group decided to help the children and find Caesar. The group tied up the giant children so that they could not destroy anything else. Luffy, Usopp, Franky, and Robin then left Chopper and Nami to watch the children while they headed to Caesar's lab.[13] While they were gone, Luffy's group heard an explosion coming from the hideout and turned back to help Nami and Chopper. When they returned, the Yeti Cool Brothers opened fire on the group and kidnapped Nami, who they thought was Franky.[14]

Alliance with Law and Confrontation with Caesar Clown

Luffy and Franky went after the brothers and Usopp and the rest wee shocked that Franky turned into Monster Point and started to go on a rampage. After the Yeti Cool Brothers were defeated, Luffy, Franky, Nami, and Law returned to the hideout.[15] Usopp and the rest are surprised that Luffy and Law formed an alliance. After Law returned Franky and Chopper to their bodies and put Nami in Sanji's body, the Straw Hats and Law then formed a plan to capture Caesar while helping the children.[16]


Caesar Clown defeating Usopp by removing the oxygen from his immediate area.

Usopp and Nami stayed behind to watch the children while the rest went to the research facility. The children later woke up and started acting crazy again due to their withdrawal symptoms. Nami and Usopp tried to figure out how to calm them, but the children were getting more out of control. They started demanding "candy" to make them feel better and started rampaging. Caesar Clown then showed up behind Nami and Usopp and offered the children candy if they returnd to the research facility.[17] As Caesar lured the children to him, Usopp and Nami tried to stop them only to get beaten down. Usopp then tried to attack Caesar with a Firebird Star but to no avail. Caesar simply suffocated Usopp and Nami, leaving them to be beaten by the giant children. They are saved when Brownbeard regained consciousness and attacked Caesar out of revenge for his betrayal. Caesar quickly subdued Brownbeard and the two Straw Hats and took back the children.[18]

Brownbeard and Others Entering Lab

Brownbeard and the others crashing into Caesar's lab.

Usopp later woke up while Nami helped him. Usopp mistook Nami for Sanji yet again, and was disappointed that it was not him rather comically.[19] After Smiley exploded and released poisonous gas on the island, Usopp and Nami were seen riding on Brownbeard, who survived Caesar's attack. While they fled, they joined up with Zoro's group. Once they reached the laboratory, Brownbeard managed to get the group through the shutters which Zoro and Kin'emon managed to cut open.[20]

After the G-5 Marines plugged up the hole made by Kin'emon and Zoro, they prepared to arrest the Straw Hats and Brownbeard. Law interrupted them and told everyone present about a way off the island but that they will only have two hours to escape. Everyone then split up into three teams. Usopp went with Kin'emon, Zoro, Nami, Sanji, and Brook while the G-5 Marines went with Tashigi. Usopp's group decided to rescue Momonosuke and the rest of the children. Usopp told Zoro about Luffy's earlier defeat at the hands of Caesar Clown, and Zoro mentioned his group's defeat at the hands of the Yeti Cool Brothers. When Zoro commented that they could not afford to let their guards down anymore, Usopp calmly stated they always manage to survive. He laughed when his captain, after just promising to be serious, used Gomu Gomu no UFO.[21]

Usopp continued on, and witnessed Brook, Zoro, and Kin'emon do a three way attack on the G-5 Marines, calling them the "Three Helpful Musketeers." Usopp rode on Brownbeards back with Nami, Sanji, and Robin. After Caesar's henchmen used a cannon to blow a hole on the wall of Building A, the gas poured in. As the gate to the passageway to Building B closed, Usopp and the others made haste to escape Building A. They narrowly escaped to the passageway, but a group of G-5 Marines turned to stone, which was a noble sacrifice for Tashigi. They then left Tashigi and the surviving Marines to mourn and continued through the passageway while riding on Brownbeard's back.[22][23] After they entered Building B, the small dragon, after attacking Tashigi's group, attacked the Straw Hats, Kin'emon, and Brownbeard. After the dragon got caught in Nami's Thunder Trap, Usopp attacked it with his Rafflesia attack, followed by Robin performing Quarento Fleur Quatro Mano. Brook and Kin'emon then delivered the finishing blow.[24]

Usopp and the group then found Chopper (in Monster Point) trying to prevent the children from getting their candy.[24] Regardless of his efforts, the children beat him down and ran pass him when the Rumble Ball wore off. Usopp, Kin'emon, Nami, Robin, Zoro, and Brook quickly went to Chopper's aid and ran after the children to the Biscuits Room.[25] Once they reached there, they encountered Monet. When Zoro asked who it was, Usopp said that it was the bird woman he had seen before.[26]

Usopp, Brook, and Kin'emon separated from the group to see if they could find Momonosuke, and Kairoseki handcuffs, which Robin asked for.[26] While searching for Kairoseki handcuffs, Usopp stumbled into R Building Second Floor, "Secret Room". This surprised Caeser's underlings who recognized him as one of the Straw Hat Pirates. After the underlings opened the air vents to the first floor to allow Caesar to absorb his gaseous weapon, they finally saw his true colors when they witnessed him killing his own men. As they grieved over Caesar's betrayal, Usopp approached them and asked them to let him use the control panel. Usopp was then forced to subdue them since they did not comply.[27] After assessing the control panel, Usopp informed Chopper of the quickest way to Building R. After everyone reached Building R safely, Usopp and Caesar's former subordinates boarded the rail car.[28]

Usopp and Nami Team Up on Punk Hazard

Usopp and Nami working together.

Usopp and the others were able to escape outside and found Franky battling Baby 5 and Buffalo in his Franky Shogun mech. Usopp and the others gushed over how cool his robot was, but Nami and the other women are left unimpressed. Seeing themselves outnumbered, Buffalo and Baby 5 grabbed Caesar and tried to make a hasty retreat. Law prepared to stop them, but Nami and Usopp insisted on doing it themselves. Nami created a enormous thundercloud above the pair which shocked them with a lighting strike. The attack knocked out Baby 5 and Buffalo, and caused Caesar and them to fall from the sky. Caesar then pleaded with Buffalo to save him, but multiple projectiles fired by Usopp quickly took him out. Caesar tried to escape on his own but the last projectile turned out to be seastone handcuffs which quickly cancel out Caesar's powers. With this, Doflamingo's subordinates were defeated and fell into the ocean. Law then proclaimed the first step of his plan completed.[29]


After the defeat of Buffalo and Baby 5 and the capture of Caesar Clown, Usopp had a feast with eveyone else. Later, as Tashigi and her men took the children away from Punk Hazard, the Straw Hats left with Law, Kin'emon, and Momonosuke.[30]

While sailing to their next destination, Dressrosa, Luffy explained that he and Law formed alliance to take down a Yonko. Usopp asked for clarification, and Luffy responded by saying that their crew and Law’s crew formed an alliance which Usopp voted against. Law proceeded to explain about Doflamingo and his connection and influence in the underworld.[31] Law continued to explain the next goal of their plan which is to cut down Kaido’s forces as much as possible, specifically his army of synthetic devil fruit users. Usopp asked if that means he could create an infinite amount of devil fruit users. Law replied that this is correct and informed them that the current number of Synthetic devil fruit users are about 500, which made Chopper, Usopp, and Nami vote against the plan, albeit without success.[32]

During the evening, Usopp and Chopper went on guard duty. Usopp remained nervous that Doflamingo may attack at any moment.[33] On the next morning, everyone read the news about Doflamingo's resignation from the Shichibukai. They also saw that the paper explains about Luffy and Law's alliance and the alliance between Kid, Hawkins, and Apoo.[34]

Dressrosa Arc

The Next Objective

Law, Caesar, and Straw Hats in Disguise

Usopp and his group incognito.

Law contacted Doflamingo to discuss the next part of the negotiation. However, Luffy interrupted the call and angrily spoke to Doflamingo concerning the crimes Caesar committed against his own subordinates and the kidnapped children. Doflamingo then put Luffy into a trance by saying that he has something that he would desire. Usopp snapped Luffy out of the trance while Law informed Doflamingo that they will bring Caesar to Green Bit. After Law finished his discussion, Usopp had a meal with the rest of the crew while Kin'emon and Momonosuke told them the story about how they were shipwrecked and drifted to Dressrosa, how Momonosuke was separated from his father, and how Kanjuro was captured. The Thousand Sunny later approached Dressrosa.[35]

After disembarking, the group splits into three teams. Usopp is part of the team responsible for delivering Caesar to Green Bit.[36] Law's group stop by at a northeastern cafe near the bridge wearing disguises like Luffy's group. They were getting information on the passage to Green Bit and learned that the bridge is surrounded by Fighting Fish that can even destroy iron. The man they were talking to warned them that no one who crossed the bridge to Green Bit has returned. Usopp freaked out and suggested to deliver Caesar somewhere else, but Law remained firm in his decision. They then spot CP-0 walking by.[37]

File:Law, Straw Hats, and Caesar Encounter Big Fighting Fish.png

Law, Robin, Usopp, and Caesar encounter a fighting fish while crossing the bridge.

As Law's group crossed the bridge, they were attacked by the fighting fishes. Law told Usopp to release Caesar from his handcuffs so he can help fight off the fishes. Law also revealed that he holds Caesar's heart as an insurance. Since the use of his devil fruit powers deplete his strength the more he uses it, Law tasked Usopp, Robin, and Caesar with defending the bridge, wanting to save all of his strength should he confront Doflamingo. Despite their efforts, the bridge was destroyed. A fighting fish attacked them from the front, but it was then captured by some unknown people. The group then used Caesar to fly to the other side.[38] After reaching Green Bit, they discovered a Marine ship on the island. Usopp and Robin scout the island and spotted a group of Marines searching for someone. The two then witnessed the Marines suddenly stripped by the mysterious inhabitants of the island. Robin used her powers to catch the unseen people and deduced that they are dwarves.[39]

Company with the Dwarves

While Robin was talking to the dwarf she caught, she and Usopp were put to sleep by the other dwarves and taken to the Tontatta Kingdom. Usopp later convinced the dwarves that he was the legendary hero who came to help them.[40]

Usopp was then seen having a feast with Robin and the dwarves. The sniper made more claims such as using Haki to defeat 50,000 enemies on Fishman Island and him being a descendant of Montblanc Noland. Usopp enjoyed being treated as a celebrity until the dwarves requested him to lead them in the fight against the Donquixote Family.[41]

Usopp later asked Leo about why they were against Doflamingo and the dwarves revealed that 500 of their friends, including their princess, were forced to work in a dark factory located under the Corrida Colosseum. Usopp nervously declared that he could help as the dwarves prepared for their assault on the factory.[42]

When the dwarves completed their preparations, they marched to Dressrosa through an underground passage, riding on an army of insects while Usopp and Robin rode on linear foxes. Shortly after the beginning of the march, Gancho appeared out of Robin's cleavage and explained to Usopp and Robin that the dwarves' history with Dressrosa went back 900 years.[43]

The group from Green Bit later gathered at the Riku Royal Army Headquarters hidden beneath the flower field. As Thunder Soldier gave his speech to the dwarves about overthrowing Doflamingo, Usopp thought about listening to their plan and finding the right time to run.[44]

After Sanji and Nami's group escaped Green Bit with Caesar and the Thousand Sunny, Sanji contacted Usopp and Franky and told them to take care of Robin.[45] Afterwards, Usopp listened to Gancho as he explained more about the history of the dwarves centuries ago including their enslavement by the Donquixote Family and their liberation by the Riku Family after the Void Century. Once Gancho finished with his story, Thunder Soldier explained about an incident ten years ago which caused the former Riku King to lose all trust from the citizens. Usopp then asked Thunder Soldier who he was. The toy soldier revealed himself to be Rebecca's father.[46]

Usopp was surprised at this revelation. He started wondering how Thunder Soldier could be related to the former king, but the toy soldier ignored him and started telling the story of Dressrosa's tragedy in detail.[47]

Usopp Robin and Franky Shocked

Usopp, Robin, and Franky after listening to Thunder Soldier's reason for rebellion.

After Thunder Soldier finished explaining the story behind Doflamingo's past takeover of the kingdom, Usopp was deeply shocked at how Doflamingo passed himself off as a hero while Riku Dold was made a villain. Usopp assumed that Dold was charged for the crimes he supposedly committed and put to death. Thunder Soldier explained otherwise, saying that Dold still lived because his daughter, Viola, would aid the Donquixote Pirates on the condition that the king was spared. Thunder Soldier describes how the citizens that were turned into toys were forgotten by their families and loved ones and also mentioned that some of the toys are beginning to lose their memories as well. However, they still remembered their hatred for Doflamingo and Thunder Soldier planned to use that fact to recruit them for the rebellion. Franky was all up for it, but Usopp was less optimistic. He quietly told Franky that they should just destroy the factory and leave the country rather than picking a fight with Doflamingo. Much to Usopp's dismay, Robin was also willing to join the fight. Thunder Soldier then expressed his despair regarding Doflamingo's fake resignation. As he went into detail about how at first they were overjoyed at his "resignation", he mentioned the fact that this being false information was what drove he and the dwarves to plan a rebellion. Usopp, Robin, and Franky looked on in shock as they realized they were the catalyst of the imminent rebellion.[48]

When Zoro finally made contact with Luffy at the Corrida Colosseum, Usopp, Robin, and Franky engaged in a conference call with both Sanji and Luffy's group. Having made sure that the dwarves were not going to eavesdrop on their call, everyone was brought up to speed as they learned the true situation in Dressrosa. After Franky pleaded to Luffy, their captain then gave his approval to join the revolution against the Donquixote Family.[49]

During the skirmish at Corrida Colosseum, Kin'emon informed everyone that Law was defeated in battle by Doflamingo. Everyone was then shocked to hear that an admiral was present in Dressrosa and that the Sunny was under attack by the Big Mom Pirates, who were after Caesar Clown. As Sanji's group continued on to Zo and Luffy's group decided to take the fight to Doflamingo, Franky's group was left in charge of destroying the SMILE factory.[50]

Thunder Soldier then explained to Usopp, Franky, and Robin the plans for the upcoming assault, which he named Dressrosa Operation S.O.P. As the three Straw Hats wondered what S.O.P. meant, the soldier informed them about an underground world where the factory and trade port are located and they are going to infiltrate through an underground tunnel. Other than destroying the factory and the port, the key to the operation's success would be taking out Sugar, the Devil Fruit user who turned humans into toys. The Straw Hats learned that by defeating Sugar, her powers would be undone. After hearing that Sugar was a little girl, Usopp became optimistic in participating in the attack.[51]

Dressrosa Operation S.O.P.

Robin and Usopp Infiltrate Dressrosa Underground

Usopp and Robin infiltrate the underground world.

Usopp, Robin, the dwarves, and Thunder Soldier entered the tunnel to the underground world and made their way to the trade port. Usopp was carried through the tunnel by Leo, Bomba and Rampo, and along the way he learned about the Donquixote Pirates' hierarchy from the dwarves. While Franky attempted to enter the underground world through the toy house, Usopp, Robin, and the rebels infiltrated the trade port.[52]

After Thunder Soldier separated from the group to go to the royal palace, Usopp became nervous when the dwarves asked him to lead the charge. He panicked when two of Doflamingo's subordinates spotted him but the dwarves stripped them of their clothes and knocked them out. After Usopp and Robin put on their clothes to disguise themselves, Usopp thought to himself that he could take advantage of the dwarves' strength and then told them to go to the front lines as they made their way to the central tower where Sugar was located.[53]

Once they arrived at the officer tower, Usopp noticed toys exiting from the place, with Leo explaining to Usopp about the connection between the tower and the scrap place. They then infiltrated the tower and arrived at the room where Trebol and Sugar were located. Leo explained the strategy they devised to take down Sugar by placing a spice known as Tatababasco into her basket of grapes, hoping to trick her into eating it and knocking her unconscious. With Usopp's encouragement, Leo prepared to put his plan into motion. Meanwhile, Usopp, unsure of the plan, was thinking about running away if the plan failed.[54]

After seeing Trebol shot a fly between the eyes with his devil fruit powers, Robin stopped Leo from proceeding, knowing that the plan would likely fail as long as Trebol was with Sugar.[55] After Robin and Bian lured Trebol out of the tower, Usopp remained on the sidelines as the dwarves charged into the room. Usopp watched as their attempted assault failed as Sugar transformed some of the dwarves into toys and ordered them to kill all the intruders in the tower.[56]

Usopp was then surprised when a ship thrown by Trebol crashed into the officer tower he was still in. After the tower collapsed, Robin helped Usopp out of the wreckage. They then saw Trebol captured the dwarves with his sticky substance. They could only watch as Trebol tricked Leo into revealing who they were allied with and then ignited the sticky substance, causing it to explode, and throwing Leo a good distance away to where Usopp and Robin were. After picking Leo up, Usopp urged Leo to retreat, but the dwarf remained determined to complete the operation so Thunder Soldier can fight Doflamingo. When Usopp asked Leo why the dwarves put so much faith in Thunder Soldier, Leo revealed that the toy soldier's true identity is the legendary gladiator, Kyros.[57]

With the dwarves incapacitated and Robin transformed into a toy by Sugar, all hope lied on Usopp to complete the operation. However, Usopp decided to run from the scene and angrily asked himself why Franky was not coming.[58]

Platanus Shuriken

Usopp attacking Trebol

While Usopp was looking for a way out, he heard Trebol and the dwarves through a loudspeaker. Though Trebol was correct about Usopp deceiving them, the dwarves continued to believe in him, making Usopp feel more guilty for leaving them. When Trebol started stomping on the helpless dwarves, Usopp finally mustered his courage and revealed himself. He then revealed to the dwarves his true identity and admitted his deception towards them. Usopp declared that because of the dwarves' faith in him, he decided to risk his life and become their legendary hero. He then asked them to build a statue of him next to Noland's if he dies. Having found his resolve, Usopp fired a new attack, Midori Boshi: Platanus Shuriken, at Trebol, bisecting him.[59]

Usopp Scares Sugar

Usopp suffering from the spicy grape.

Despite his efforts, Usopp was badly beaten. Sugar then forced the Tatababasco spice into Usopp's mouth. Usopp started screaming in pain and made a horrible expression which both surprised and terrified Sugar to the point that she lost consciousness.[60]

With the primary objective of Operation SOP completed, the dwarves cried over Usopp's success. As he was tended to and thanked by Robin, Usopp gave the dwarves a thumbs up, saying that all went as he planned, much to the dwarves' amazement. He then told them his crew will deal with the rest and that the real fight was about to begin.[61]

God Usopp

Hajrudin holds "God Usopp" before the former toys.

The dwarves carried Usopp and ran from Trebol while Robin held him back. Hajrudin then picked up Usopp and held him high for all to see. Part of the roof collapses, which allowed a single sunbeam to shine down upon Usopp which caused the freed captives to look up to him even more. He attempted to ask Hajrudin to put him down, but everyone mistakenly believed him to say that he would lead them. After hearing them swearing to follow him, Usopp told them to destroy the SMILE factory.[62]

Robin introduced Usopp to Sabo, Koala, and Hack upon reuniting with the Revolutionaries.[63]

The Birdcage

God Usopp's Bounty

God Usopp's followers cheer at his Beli Small500 million bounty before turning on him.

Doflamingo trapped everyone on Dressrosa in his "Birdcage" and forced them into a survival game. He coaxed them into going after twelve individuals by putting a price on their heads. Doflamingo placed the highest price of Beli500 million on Usopp's head, much to his horror.[64]

With Usopp's followers becoming enemies, Usopp, Robin, Rebecca, Bartolomeo, the Revolutionaries, and the dwarves fled to the surface.[65]

Usopp's group (except for Sabo and Koala) later reached the colosseum stands, chased by a horde of people seeking Usopp's bounty.[66]

They eventually arrived at the top of the old King's Plateau where they met up with Riku Dold III, Viola, and Tank Lepanto.[67]

Usopp, Dold, Viola, Tank, and Hack remained after Rebecca, Robin, Leo, and Bartolomeo later left to meet Luffy at the New King's plateau while the rest of the dwarves went to the SMILE factory to assist Franky. When the Dressrosa citizens started coming after Usopp and Dold, Usopp began to panic.[68]

The group on the old King's plateau were later joined by Kin'emon and Kanjuro. When Kanjuro foolishly created ladders to the top of the plateau, Usopp gave the two samurais a beating. Usopp was then horrified when Viola informed them that Sugar had recovered.[69]

Usopp immediately decided to act as he remembered his dismay at forgetting Robin and went to the edge of plateau to begin preparations to snipe Sugar who was inside the castle before she could use her powers on Luffy and Law. Neither of them had seen Sugar before, nor were they picking up their Den-Den Mushi, so it became imperative that Usopp save them. He explained to his nearby comrades the urgency of the situation, and had Viola use her vision to find and describe what was going in the palace. Bit by bit, he gathered information from her, and had the rest of his companions hold back the citizens who came to capture him. Usopp hardened his resolve to go out to sea with Luffy and protect his comrades, even if they didn't notice his very efforts. While taking aim, he awakened his Kenbunshoku Haki and clearly saw the aura of Sugar, making it possible for him to shoot at her accurately. He launched a doll of his face with the same expression that knocked Sugar out earlier, made by Kanjuro. After Usopp once again made Sugar lose consciousness, Viola praised him and congratulated him for his amazing feat. He himself was simply happy to have helped Luffy and smiled when he heard that Luffy and Law reached Doflamingo unharmed.[70]

Usopp was tied up by the Dressrosa citizens, but he was shocked when they soon decided to release him. The citizens realized that they were merely playing into Doflamingo's hands if they had continued. Usopp was once again shocked to see Admiral Fujitora, who decided to put his faith in Luffy like Riku Dold III.[71]

As the battle against the Donquixote Pirates raged on, Usopp asked Viola about how many officers are left.[72]

While Leo and Kabu were on a mission to rescue Mansherry, Usopp learned about her healing powers from Viola and panicked when he heard that Mansherry was being forced to heal the defeated Donquixote Pirates' officers, including Sugar. Fortunately, Leo and Kabu managed to save Mansherry and prevented the revival of the fallen enemies.[73]

After hearing the news of Diamante's defeat from Viola, Usopp noticed King Riku leaving and asked where he was going. Dold said that he would go to the city and do whatever he could to help the citizens. When Usopp noticed that Fujitora had left, Kanjuro told him he had gone to the city as well. Usopp was then seen screaming in terror as Pica made his way towards the King's Plateau.[74] He panicked when Pica prepared to crush everyone on the plateau but later cried in joy when Zoro destroyed the Pica statue and defeated Pica.

After Pica's downfall, Usopp pulled up Zoro from a ledge. He and Kin'emon then praised Zoro on his display of strength, but Zoro told them to save it for later, as Doflamingo was still standing.[75]

While Dold, Tank, and the citizens were leaving the Old King's Plateau, Usopp was surprised to hear about Law's defeat from Viola.[76]

When Doflamingo's Birdcage started shrinking, Usopp placed his hopes in Luffy.[77]


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 598 and Episode 517.
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 600 and Episodes 519520.
  3. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 602 and Episode 522.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 655 and Episode 579, the Straw Hats arrive at Punk Hazard.
  5. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 656 and Episode 580, the Straw Hats kill the dragon.
  6. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 657 and Episode 581, Usopp spots a winged woman.
  7. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 658 and Episode 581, the Straw Hats decide to go to the frozen side.
  8. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 659 and Episode 583, Crossing the lake with a boat
  9. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 661 and Episode 586, Brook saves the group
  10. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 662 and Episode 588, the group arrives at the research facility on Brownbeard.
  11. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 663 and Episode 588, the group enters the facility.
  12. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 664 and Episode 589, the Straw Hats interrogate Brownbeard.
  13. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 665 and Episode 591, the kids go berserk
  14. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 666 and Episode 592, the Yeti Cool Brothers kidnap Nami.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 667 and Episode 593, the Yeti Cool Brothers are defeated.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 668 and Episode 594, Law and Luffy form an alliance.
  17. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 673 and Episode 599, the kids go berserk again.
  18. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 674 and Episode 600, Usopp and Nami lose against Caesar.
  19. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 675 and Episode 601, Nami and Usopp wake up.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 677 and Episode 603, the Straw Hats unite in the laboratory.
  21. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 678 and Episode 604, the counterattack begins.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 679 and Episode 605, the gateway between A and B closes.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 680 and Episode 606, Usopp rides the Brownbeard bus with the other Straw Hats and Kin'emon.
  24. 24.0 24.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 682 and Episode 608.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 683 and Episode 609, Usopp and the others chase after the children.
  26. 26.0 26.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 685 and Episode 611.
  27. One Piece Manga — Vol. 70 Chapter 692 (p. 9), Usopp subdues Caesar's underlying with Grow Up Kuro Kabuto.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 693 and Episode 619, the Straw Hats and the others reach the R-Building and prepare to leave.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 695 and Episode 621.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 697 and Episode 623, the Straw Hats, Law, Kin'emon and his son leave Punk Hazard.
  31. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 698 and Episode 624.
  32. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 698 (p. 15-17) and Episode 625.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 699 (p. 14) and Episode 626.
  34. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 699 (p. 15-19) and Episode 628.
  35. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 700 and Episode 629, the Straw Hats, Law, Kin'emon and his son approach Dressrosa.
  36. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 701 and Episode 630, Usopp is revealed to be on the team that delivers Caesar to Green Bit.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 705 and Episode 635.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 710 (p. 4-13) and Episode 639.
  39. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 710 (p. 14-19) and Episode 640.
  40. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 711 and Episode 641, Usopp and Robin are captured by the dwarves.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Chapter 713 and Episode 643.
  42. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Chapter 717 and Episode 647.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Chapter 718 and Episode 648.
  44. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 722 and Episode 652.
  45. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 725 and Episode 656.
  46. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 726 and Episode 658.
  47. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 727 and Episode 659.
  48. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 728 and Episode 660.
  49. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 729 and Episode 661.
  50. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 730 and Episode 662.
  51. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 731 and Episode 663.
  52. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 732 and Episode 664.
  53. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 733 and Episode 665.
  54. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 737 and Episode 669.
  55. One Piece Manga — Vol. 74 Chapter 738 (p. 2-3).
  56. One Piece Manga — Vol. 74 Chapter 738 (p. 8-15).
  57. One Piece Manga — Vol. 74 Chapter 739.
  58. One Piece Manga — Vol. 74 Chapter 740.
  59. One Piece Manga — Vol. 74 Chapter 741.
  60. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 742 and Episode 676.
  61. One Piece Manga — Vol. 75 Chapter 743.
  62. One Piece Manga — Vol. 75 Chapter 744.
  63. One Piece Manga — Vol. 75 Chapter 745.
  64. One Piece Manga — Vol. 75 Chapter 746.
  65. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named c647
  66. One Piece Manga — Vol. 75 Chapter 747.
  67. One Piece Manga — Vol. 75 Chapter 750.
  68. One Piece Manga — Vol. 76 Chapter 755.
  69. One Piece Manga — Vol. 76 Chapter 756.
  70. One Piece Manga — Vol. 76 Chapter 758.
  71. One Piece Manga — Vol. 76 Chapter 760.
  72. One Piece Manga — Vol. 78 Chapter 776.
  73. One Piece Manga — Vol. 77 Chapter 774.
  74. One Piece Manga — Vol. 78 Chapter 777.
  75. One Piece Manga — Vol. 78 Chapter 779 (p. 9-11), Usopp and Kin'emon reunite with Zoro.
  76. One Piece Manga — Vol. 78 Chapter 780 (p. 8), Usopp learns about Law's defeat from Viola.
  77. One Piece Manga — Vol. 78 Chapter 781 (p. 4-6), Usopp cheers for Luffy.

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  • Sniper — Wikipedia article on Snipers

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