One Piece Wiki

Mr. Strongworld Mr. Strongworld 20 April 2011

Just how we like it.

I AM SO EXCITEEEEED!!!!! This chapter was soooooooo amazing i cant believe it. Did you seee strawberry, dont know if it was him but think so. hahahhaa, and the cute little new fishman pirates, laughed so much when at Dosun and Daruma. Interesting name for the rear admiral Kadhal or something like that, sounds arabic. intersting story about the Koala kid, i was thinking poor thing the whole time, stupid arlong, hate that guy more and more. And when Tiger said that he would never kill the humas, got me thinking because they said that his ideals where so fdifferent from Otohimes, but maybe they are really similar.

I lloveeeeee

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Mr. Strongworld Mr. Strongworld 18 February 2011

one piece world at war

I was thinking about the huge war that was said to involve the whole world when someone gets to mariejois, right?? and i saw through the WB-war chapters again and i was thinking something similar, only a lot more elaborated, with longer fights, more strategies, and a lot of killing. this will probably be one of the last things in one piece to happens, and i know that trying to predict something like this is very difficult but please, try and give me your opinions.

Who will be killed?

who will participate?

What is going to be the results?

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Mr. Strongworld Mr. Strongworld 5 February 2011

Brook Power!!

So, Let´s talk about brook!! The most amazing living skeleton in any series i have watched so far, he is just hilarious and I absolutley love his skull jokes, if you have any then PLEASE post them here, we all need a good laugh, right? so i am wondering what has brook achieved during his 2 years training, maybe some new musical techniques, even more speed?? what more has he got besides that awsome outfit and and a ton of new jokes?

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Mr. Strongworld Mr. Strongworld 23 January 2011

The arc of the New World

Tension. Expectations. Rumors. Excitement. This is what we all feel as our favorite heroes enter the second half of the grand line.

Now what i want to know is what do you guys think the new world will bring? What will the arcs after fishman island focus on? What people do you want to see again and who do you not want to see? What islands will they arrive at? What do YOU think? tell me

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Mr. Strongworld Mr. Strongworld 19 January 2011

new guy

HI!! im new here, i got my account today and i woud like to introduce myself to the rest of you and i hope i can get along very well with every one of you!!!

is it ok to post blogposts like this??

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