One Piece Wiki

Lakiller39 Lakiller39 1 September 2013

What will happen AFTER Luffy becomes the pirate king???

I've been thinking about this a lot. it is kinda obvious that everyone in the SH crew will accomplish their dreams at the end

Luffy will become the pirate king

Zoro will defeat mihawk

Nami will draw her map

Ussop will be known as a brave worrior of the sea

Sanji will find all blue 

Chopper will be known as the world's best doctor

Robin will find the rio poniglyth 

Franky will travel the world with Sunny Go

Brooke will meet laboon again

But I also realized something... if Luffy found one piece, then all the other pirate will stop looking for it, therefore the pirate era will be over.. so there won't be a lot of adventures in the sea anymore

Dragon will form a new goverment, that allows luffy and the others to live peacefully, so the crew will seperate…

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