One Piece Wiki

JOPfan's Lesson #1 ; Speech suffixes

This is not directly about One Piece but it sort of is. When I explained about the Japanese name suffixes in a certain blog post, people seemed to not know this stuff, so I decided to do small lessons on blogs that may help you guys in the manga/anime world. Today, I will explain about suffixes added to Japanese speech.

  • -Yo/Ne/Wa/Dawa/Dawayo: usually used by females or okamas in some cases; common in manga but rare in real life. Not too common for old people to say. (ex. Shinpaidawa!; means "I'm worried!")
  • -Ze/Daze: used by "wild" or "cool" type male, or tomboy girls in some cases. Common in both manga and real life. (ex. Shinpaidaze!; "I'm worried!")
  • -Da/Dayo/Dane: used by any gender; informal suffix. VERY (and most) common in reality and okay in manga. (ex. Shinpaidayo!; you know by now. (I'm worried))
  • -Ja/Jayo: This is a very rare suffix used by royalty, and more commonly used by old people or people from the countryside. As some of you may know, Hancock uses this suffix. As for old people; this is more often than royality, but the suffix is fading away in reality since more people age in the city and don't speak in a countryside dialect anymore. It is still common in manga though. (ex. Shinpaija!)
  • -Desu/Masu: a formal suffix used by any gender. People may normally speak this way when they are raised formally or just want to be polite. (ex. Shinpaidesu!)
  • -Degozaimasu: a very formal suffix usually used when talking to royalty. It is sometimes also used in sarcasm. Not as rare as "-ja" in royalty, but pretty rare. (ex: Shinpaidegozaimasu!)
  • -Ya/Yade/Yawa/Yaken/Yasakai/Jaken/Jano(etc.): a Kansai dialect suffix (or other dialects). Old people may speak this way too. I'm pretty sure Kaku is the only one in OP that speaks this way; but he doesn't have a kansai dialect, he just talks like an old person. (ex: Shinpaiya!)
  • No suffix: this is also common. Any gender.

There are many MANY other suffixes; these are just the basics. There are also personal suffixes as well (such as Dapyon,Danya~,etc.). Feel free to ask any questions. Please comment if you would like me to continue posting this stuff or just stop, and possibly rate how useful it was. I don't mind criticism. Based on this, I will decide if I should continue my lessons or not. I have ideas on other lessons, but you can give me some ideas that I may have not thought of. Please think of me as completly reliable; I am fluent in Japanese, including pronunciation. Thank you.


| Lesson Two (Animal Sounds) >
