One Piece Wiki

Results of Part 1: Jinbe, Magellan, Wiper, Kaido, Lulu, Zeff, Caesar, Dorry, Pell, Rayleigh, Gan Fall, and Yasopp advance.

To clarify: 'This tournament is on favorite characters, not strength.

Lets get started with 12 more!

Moriah vs Brogy

Smoker vs Kuma

Pandaman vs Hatchan

Rebecca vs Dragon

Gedatsu vs Shiryu

Vergo vsPerona

ChouChou vs Hawkins

Carue vs Garp

Roger vs Tashigi

Jozu vs Shiki

Yosaku vs Luffy

Aokiji vs Ace

Votes no longer count, polls are closed![]


Moriah(15), Kuma(16), Hatchan(15), Dragon(20), Shiryu(21), Perona(14), Hawkins(18), Garp(21), Roger(11), Jozu(16), Luffy(21), and Aokiji(17) win.
