One Piece Wiki

Coby413 Coby413 3 December 2012


So in chapter 690, Law mentions that the war 2 years sgo at Marineford was just a prelude. As me know Doflamingo is supplying some with SAD to build an army of what appears to a mass amount of Zoans; awakened or not, that seems badass. Back during Marinefold, Doflamingo was given an order from higher up to stripped Moria's Shichibukai title. So a theory i was thinking aboout is that Doflamingo is providing the DFs to the Navy so they can take one a yonko with no problem. It's just a idea i thought about randomly. Thoughts?

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Coby413 Coby413 26 November 2012


Kuro vs Kreig

Buggy vs Foxy

Sengoku vs Rayleigh

Magellan vs Akainu

Ivankov vs Lucci

who do you guys think it will be??

also what matchups would you like to see and who would be the winner?

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Coby413 Coby413 25 November 2012

Fruits of Satan

What are your guy's opinions of the the top 3 logia, paramecia and zoan devil fruits in the series so far. Non-canon fruits are ok to add in but remember they are non- canon...?

My top 3 are:

Logia: 1. Enel's Goro Goro no Mi? 2. Blackbeard's Yami Yami no Mi? 3. Caesar's Gasu Gasu no Mi

Paramecia: 1. Whitebeards's Gura Gura no Mi? 2. Magellan's Doku Doku no Mi? 3. Absalom's Suke Suke no Mi

Zoan: 1. Marco's mythical zoan fruit 2. Boa Marigold's Hebi Hebi no Mi Mode:King Cobra 3. Sengoku's Hito Hito no Mi Model: Diabutsu

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Coby413 Coby413 3 November 2012

D for Determination

so several characters are seen to have the middle initail D. the will of D is an interesting concept that is still hidden. an idea i was thinking about was that the D may stand for determination. I dont literally mean its stands for determination because that would be a weird middle name but that idea of determination. so far every character with the initial D has a strong will to never back down. they protect what they love and if beaten the accept thier loss and comeback even stronger (like saiyans from dragonball). i think the D is identification mark to identify those who will do anything to stand by what they beileve in.

For example:

Luffy- nakama is most important and he will do anything to protect them,

Jaguar- protected robin to allow…

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Coby413 Coby413 26 October 2012

stupid theory

so im pretty sure that this may have already been mentioned in another blog but how do you guys think one piece will end?

my theory is that luffy makes it close to becoming the pirate king but shanks is the one to defeat him and he fails. after his death, luffys crew joins shanks crew to reach raftel and the truth behind void century is unraveled (which happens to the the great tresure/one piece) about the WG. the manga series ends there right after shanks declares war on the WG and the straw hats fight since they already declared war back at enies lobby. ends epically and maybe oda will do one last movie that depicts the war where the pirates loose. a happy ending is so clique.

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