One Piece Wiki

Blackendedsoul Blackendedsoul 25 May 2012

Crew Type


Once again I appear before you with another absurd blog of mine! *everyone in the background: You don't say!* Anyways, as you have already figured out, I am pretty shameless and thus would keep on publishing this kinda blogs regardless of how lame they are.

So today I would bring into discussion the topic that is very important in the world of One Piece, that is pirate crews. Now my discussion is not going to be about the general one, i.e. about Peace Main and Morganeers (visiting the article about pirates is a better solution for it) rather I would discuss something else.

We have seen several crews till now in the series, they could be classified in many ways and one of those ways is the system each crew operate.

Here is the deal, there …

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Blackendedsoul Blackendedsoul 22 May 2012



Here I am once again, to discuss my thoughts! Although today unlike what I normally do; I would talk about something that is not directly related to One Piece and I am sure that I will not receive very good responses but I don't care!

Now you people have probably guessed from the title that this blog has something to do with the so called "Necroing" of old blogs.

BINGO!!! Now most veteran users get really pissed when an old blog is revived. I am sorry to say, I am not one of them. I in fact enjoy revivals!

The thing is, many old blogs are ideas that are yet not obsolete in the series (and most of the blogs which are revived falls to this category). Also unlike some particular topics which have been discussed to death, there are many old …

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Blackendedsoul Blackendedsoul 17 May 2012

Roger's Illness


Since I am back here, I think I would do some blogging too, I mean that is what I use to do. Well since I am trying to take is easy, I won't go all the way (no pervy meaning intended) as that would probably attract hate once again.

So the topic I want to discuss today is about the sickness that Roger had. Well all we know about is that it was a fatal illness and only Crocus could somewhat control it but even he could not cure it.

Now we also know that even with the sickness Roger could fight and fight good as he fought and won (albeit with some luck) in Edd War.

That makes me wonder what kind of sickness it was, I mean it was definitely not something that weakens the infected person's body gradually and makes him physically unable/disabl…

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Blackendedsoul Blackendedsoul 11 May 2012

Final War Prediction - Part Fourteen

Part Fourteen: The battle that did not go down in history!

Leckob looked at the man in front of him with disbelief in his eyes. He could not accept that a mere pirate who was not even the Captain of a crew could be this powerful. “You sure are tough; no one ever had managed to get up that easily after taking a direct blow from me!” He braced himself with his blades to block against Rayleigh’s slash.

Rayleigh charged while holding his sword by his side, at the last moment he refrained from slashing as Leckob seemed ready for a counter, instead he side-stepped and shoved the handle of his sword into Leckob’s belly. The attacked stunned the Admiral a bit and Rayleigh took advantage and kicked at Leckob’s jaw, toppling the bigger man.

Rudolph loo…

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Blackendedsoul Blackendedsoul 24 March 2012

Will there be a BOUNTY on MY HEAD for this?


As you can see, I just can’t keep my goddamn mouth shut! I come back every time people shoos me away. Well, that’s me for you: Blackened D. Soul, better known as Blackendedsoul or just Soul in this community. *Everyone in the background: “if you don’t stop making these crappy blogs and more importantly the lame ass introduction, then we are gonna skin you alive this time!”* Hey I was just trying to be formal!

Anyways, I am not here today to talk about how pathetic my existence is – I leave that for you to discuss and also for the chat, so I am cutting to the chase. *Everyone in the background: You never learn do you? As if you actually have something to say, you sorry ass moron of a philosopher wannabe! Stop pretending to be knowledgea…

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