One Piece Wiki

For other uses of this name, see Episode of Luffy (Disambiguation).

Special Episode "Luff" is a three chapter "what if" storyline showing what would happen if Sabo had rescued Luffy and Ace at Marineford. It ran in the official One Piece magazine.


Rushing to his brothers' aid during the Battle of Marineford, Sabo manages to rescue Portgas D. Ace and Monkey D. Luffy from Admiral Akainu at the last moment before Ace's death.

Following the war, the brothers catch up on an unnamed island and renew their brotherly vow.

Luffy and Sabo wake up from their dreams and are greeted by their respected crews, as they continue their journey.


Special Episode Luff 1
Sabo arrives at the last moment as Sakazuki strikes.
Special Episode Luff 2
The brothers renew their oath.
Special Episode Luff 3
Luffy and Sabo wake up and the events turn out to have been a dream.

Characters in Order of Appearance


  • The premise for this special was spoken by Koala in Chapter 731.
  • Each of the three title pages is different, but they all show the three sworn brothers.
    • The first title page shows the three brothers as young adults. It is the same depiction as that on the cover of Chapter 596.
    • The second title page shows the brothers' portraits in their young days and as young adults, as well as the three cups of sake.
    • The third title page shows scenes from Chapter 585 of the brothers living with the Dadan Family.
  • The first installment shows some of the events from Chapter 573 from new angles.
  • This is the second "What If?" re-imagination, the first being the ninth movie.
  • This is the second "It was all a Dream" story, the first being Episode of Nami.
  • Despite being written by Oda, the frame story can not took place during the current timeline. Sabo has obtained the Mera Mera no Mi, meaning this story happened after the Dressrosa Arc. However, every member of the Straw Hat Pirates are seen on the Thousand Sunny, and the Revolutionary Army appear to have business as usual despite the Blackbeard Pirates' attack on Baltigo, which is not possible before the Whole Cake Island Arc.

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