One Piece Wiki


The Basque dub of One Piece was broadcast in 2007-2009 on the TV channel ETB1. Due to financial difficulties in Spain, many dubs have been canceled, especially the regional dubs such as Basque (for there is a very small audience that watches them). It reached up to episode 156 before being canceled. Just as the Catalan dub, all of the openings and endings have been dubbed into the Basque language. It has no censorship. Now, the channel in property of ETB1, ETB3, is airing it.

Name changes

  • Hatchan is called Olagar (Octopus)
  • Kuroobi is called Motots (Chignon)
  • Smoker is called Ketzar (Ke means Smoke, and Tzar means Bad)
  • Baroque Works is called Barroko Taldea (Baroque Group). And the start of the names of its members, "Mr." and "Miss", are changed to "Lord" and "Lady".


Opening 1

Opening 1 Lyrics
Basque Lyrics English Translation
Dirua, ospea eta boterea. Money, fame and power.
Mundu honetan dena lortu zuen gizon batek: Gold Roger Piraten Erregea. In this world everything got it a man: Gold Roger the King of the Pirates.
Hil aurretik esan zituen hitzak, itsasoetara bultzatu zuen jendea. The words he said before he died, pushed people to the sea.
"Nire altzorrak? Nahi izanes gero ar ditzakezue. "My treasures? If you want you can get it.
Bilatu! Guztiak munduan utzi bai ditut nik!" Seek him! I leave all in the world!"
Bai neska mutilok. Zergatik ez zoazte Marra Handiko ametsen bila? Yes boys and girls. Why do not you go in search of dreams of Grand Line?
Entzun arretaz. Bidaia Bikanaren garaian gaude. Listen carefully. We are in the time of the Perfect Trip.
Hasi da abentura. Piraten Aro berria. It has started the adventure. The new Pirate Era.
Zazpi itsasoetan zehar altzorra-ren bila. Through the seven seas in search of the treasure.
Gold Roger Kapitaina, Piraten Erregea Captain Gold Roger, the King of the Pirates
Aspaldi eskutatu zuen altzor bikaina. Long time ago hid the perfect treasure.
Luffy gaztea, eta bere lagunak The young Luffy, and his friends
One Piece-en bila joango dira, zazpi itsasoetan zehar. They go in search of One Piece, across the seven seas.
Zoro gerrari ausarta, Sanji tipo dotorea, Zoro the brave warrior, Sanji the elegant guy,
Usopp sudur-luzea, eta Nami dira Usopp the long-nose, and Nami are
bere lagun leialak! his loyal friends!
Hasi da abentura. Piraten Aro berria. It has started the adventure. The new Pirate Era.
Zazpi itsasoetan zehar altzorra-ren bila. Through the seven seas in search of the treasure.
Luffy-ren ametsa da Luffy's dream is
Piraten Erregea izatea. be King of the Pirates.
Zabaldu belak, bidaia hasi da... Open the sails, the journey has begun...
One Piece! One Piece!

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