One Piece Wiki

Family Time is the 9th Omake of some sort, this one was made in response to the question, "What if Luffy and the others were a Family?" originally published in The 13th Log: "Nico Robin" in July 1, 2009.




  • Robina Mugiwara (麦わらロビナ). The Grandma of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Robin
  • Buruzou Mugiwara (麦わらブル蔵). The Grandpa of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Brook
  • Zorohei Mugiwara (麦わらゾロ平). The father of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Zoro
  • Usoe Mugiwara (麦わらウソエ). The mother of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Usopp
  • Fraichiro Mugiwara (麦わらフライチロー). The Eldest son of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Franky
  • Sanjiro Mugiwara (麦わらサンジロー). The Middle son of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Sanji
  • Namimi Mugiwara (麦わらナミミ). The Daughter of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Nami
  • Luffiro Mugiwara (麦わらルフィロー). The Young son of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Luffy
  • Chopa Mugiwara (麦わらチョパ). The Mascot of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Chopper
  • Bugiyama (ブギ山). A Neighbor of the Mugiwara Family. Played by Buggy


  • Laki - is seen being persuit by Sanjiro.
  • Kalifa - is seen in the girls bathroom.
  • Tashigi - is seen in the girls bathroom.
  • Mr. 9 - is seen take a picture of Robina.
  • Igaram - is seen take a picture of Robina.
  • Kuma - is seen crying in the top of a mountain.
  • Boa Hancock - is seen accusing Buruzou in a Train Station.
  • Smoker - is the police who arrested Buruzou
  • Peeply Lulu - is seen defeated by Luffiro, Zorohei and Fraichiro
  • Kaku - is seen defeated by Luffiro, Zorohei and Fraichiro
  • Gedatsu - is seen defeated by Luffiro, Zorohei and Fraichiro
  • Mr. 2 Bon Kurei - is seen marrying Namimi

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