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Forums: Index → Translation →  Who renamed Shiryu to Shiliew?
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This is my first time ever posting anywhere on Wikia and normally I don't do this but I was browsing around and saw that Shiryu got renamed to Shiliew for some ridiculous reason. I thought it must have been a troll user who edited it, but when I tried to it wouldn't let me for whatever reason I don't know like I said I don't normally do this thing but thats such a stupid thing to do and it bothers me much more than it should but I can't help it. If this is an official wiki decision thing then Enel might as well be renamed to Eneru, Zoro to Zolo, and countless other 4Kids level name changes.Jacob3178259 (talk) 23:03, September 13, 2015 (UTC)

Actually it's very different from those other examples because Oda himself spelled it as Shiliew. Kaido | Remnants of My Broken Sig 23:20, September 13, 2015 (UTC)

Oda did. I ignore it anyway since it sucks ass and still call him Shiryuu. SeaTerror (talk) 23:39, September 13, 2015 (UTC)

We put references to all of our information. In Chapter 595, Shiliew's name is romanized. That's why we have it like that. uknownada Talk 00:05, September 14, 2015 (UTC)

Oh wow, how didn't this get noticed before and why isn't used anywhere else? Lol it even says on the page that they pronounce it Shiryu, it's his name in the english everything, and just seems 100% uneccesary. It's almost like Oda did it on purpose knowing how translations always reverse the L's and R's and thought they would this time to make it right which worked I suppose. Sorry if I came off as an ass a little, I just thought it was someone who wanted to force their way of saying things as the official way because it seemed too stupid to be true, it still kinda is actually but whatever still Shiryu to me and proabably 99% of everyone else lol.Jacob3178259 (talk) 03:44, September 14, 2015 (UTC)

Regardless of his intention, we're going by how it was spelled in the manga. End of discussion.DancePowderer Talk 03:54, September 14, 2015 (UTC)

Translators actually don't reverse L's and R's. They just sometimes change R's to L's because Japanese doesn't have an L sound so any non-Japanese words with an L would have it replaced by an R when it's spoken or written in Japanese. Videogamep Talk 02:10, September 15, 2015 (UTC)

That doesn't even apply anyway since his name would be spelled Shilyuu if it was a r and l thing. SeaTerror (talk) 06:59, September 15, 2015 (UTC)

That's just a matter of English spelling since the name would ordinarily be written in katakana. Some [1] Japanese people spell names like that when they write in English. Videogamep Talk 15:33, September 15, 2015 (UTC)
