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  • Only add one sentence at a time.
  • Only add one Sentence per person a day.
  • Finish the story with three full stops like these... so everyone knows where the story ends.

Story begins here:

Once upon a time in a far away land lived a young man. Who was renowned for making great inventions. However one day, he accidentally ate a coconut shaped Devil Fruit. He found his body was now made of jelly. Then, Yama arrived, having survived his fall.He looked instantly at the man and a chase began,for surely such things as primordial hunger is an animistic tendency and thusly is more then hard to dispose of, especially if the person in question (we'll call him Randolph for the fun of it) is a more then sluggish runner and when the other one (Yama) is almost unstoppable, when pursuing food, however, this tendency can be a fools errand, for, not long away from Randolph's house (which itself lies in Commoriom) is the infamous jungle, which lead the two, the pursuer and the pursued, like so many other before them, to a certain circular hill, upon which a crude, stone altar stood, where the shrine of the Great God Tsathoghua remained, undisturbed for several thousand years, awaiting the return of the primordial savages, who in elder times, poured their libations to the forms of the The Sleeper of N'kai, who himself is but the spawn of Ghisguth, spawn of Cxaxukluth, the son of the Idiot, who gnaws at the centre of all things and whom the insane Arab named as "Ye Sultan in ye center of all things" (Necronomicon-Allijah Bilington manuscript, ca. 18th century), who shalt once awake from his idiocy and call forth all the Great Old Ones, from their domains beyond the stars and beyond the stars BEYOND the stars and from bellow the seas and from within mountains and the centres of worlds, from unseen shadows and incomparably bestial vortexes, tearing the wery fabrications of the universe, calling to those upon the Earth and those within Yugoth and those of Cykranosh and he, whose accursed name be Azathoth, shalt then send the Crawling Chaos (who is The Black Man, The White Man, Ahtu of the Golden Tentacles, L'rog'g in L'gy'hx and the Thing in the Yellow Mask in the lands of Dream, but whose thousands form are known under but one acronym, which be Nyarlathotep, messenger of the Outer Gods) to the Dreamlands and call forth those that reign in Kadath and those from the Acursed Leng and he shalt lead the stallions of war from within the dreaming and cause uncounted millions of death in the ten thousand lands of mans dreaming and I, as well as all the others, cannot hope to fathom the destruction that will follow........
