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I'm just throwing up my thoughts here cuz ever since Vivi stayed behind in Alabasta I've felt like she would one day return as a SH since she was actually an official SH for a short time and was really loved by the rest of the crew. She has a GREAT character and I think that over the timeskip she's grown a lot stronger too. Oda's hinted at one more female joining at least and the way I see it Vivi never really stopped being a SH. Since she stayed behind b/c she believed there was a lot of work to be done to her damaged country, I think her reasoning will be something like she has done a lot already and the country is flourishing, and she can entrust the rest to her father and the hawk guy with the purple painted eyes and the dog-zoan guy (completely forget their names). Anyways I think Vivi's return will be perfect, and along with Jinbei's eventual joining the crew will be pretty much perfect in my opinion. Anyways whatre your thoughts? Besides Jinbei and Vivi who do you think will be the final two members of the SH crew? ViviIsTheShiat 22:29, January 26, 2014 (UTC)

