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one piece ep 300 opening credits who are the two extra guys with the crew

I've just checked the opening there is no extra guys with the crew. Shanks, Mihawk & Ace appear in it if that's what you mean. Besty17 09:28, June 15, 2012 (UTC)

It was episode 303. I wondered the same thing myself, who were the two extra people. Extensive googling eventually revealed the following: "The singing duo for the opening, Tackey and Tsubasa, were animated into Episode 303, to celebrate April Fool's Day in 2007". source: Koryuu (talk) 05:09, December 23, 2015 (UTC)Koryuu

Add that as trivia to both the episode and the opening. leviathan_89 10:58, 23 December, 2015 (UTC)
