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does anyone think caribou has any chance of being the 10th crew member of the strawhats. i mean he is a logia and he would be a great addition to the SH. sure he's bad but so was robin and franky in the beginning but then they switched. all im saying is he could turn good and he kinda has a personality that would make the SH crew even cooler.

-no this is just wrong..

Amostajo: No I don't think so. I guess Jinbei or Bon-Chan have more chances. Remember Jinbei promises Luffy that they will meet again in 2 years. i agree with you!!

caribou is too evil.he's killed people. no "bad" guy who ever joined the strawhats did anything like that

The 10th is obviously Jinbe. I 'd love to see the 11th be female logia user, but I think Bonney is the one gonna join.

I agree that the 11th will be a female, but I seriously doubt it's Bonney. She hates the Straw Hat Pirates after what happened at SA, and her age-changing DF is pretty useless for the fights the Straw Hat Pirates are going to get into, and so far she hasn't shown an expandable moveset that every SH has.
