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how high do you think the new bounties of the straw hats will be, with their strength after the time skip?

I think:

Luffy - 500M or more.

Zoro - more than 200M, maybe even 300M.

Nami - around the 45M.

Usopp - 60 - 70M.

Sanji - 200M.

Chopper - 80M.

Robin - 100M+.

Franky - 130M.

Brook - 50M.

Of course, i'm talking only about their current strength, i'm sure they will be stronger in the future, and then they will have bigger bounties. Strawhat1 13:27, August 15, 2011 (UTC)

i think brook is a bit on the low side, and zorro's 300M aswell as franky's 130M is to high. And dont forget the bounty is the threat level, not their actual strenght The Humaniod Typhoon Talkco

the bounty is the threat level as well as their actions, but if someone is strong they will get a bigger bounty. i don't know about brook, so far he didn't seem to be too strong (or a threat) so right now i 50M is mabye a bit too high, we need to wait for him to do something... maybe 300M is a bit too mach for zoro, but i did say 200M too. i think franky is worth 130M, or at least 100M+. Strawhat1 20:33, August 15, 2011 (UTC)

After seeing their actual improvement i would say Brook must be nearby 100 The Humaniod Typhoon Talkco

I would say only Luffy's would increase, only because of the Marineford situation along with harming a World Noble. Actually Robin's might as well since her involvement in Tequilla Wolf. But besides that I would say that the other's bounties have stayed at their current levels because despite their newfound strengths and skills, they haven't done anything to gain the attention of the Marines in the Two Years at practice.

The Marines said they were watching for the SH, not just Luffy, meaning they consider them all to be a very serious threat (maybe not Chopper, but he'd probably go up slightly)

Yeah, I know, but it seems the only thing that causes a bounty to rise would be a direct attack of sorts. I just don't believe it's purely based on just strength.

i was talking about the bountys they will get in the future, after the marines will see their new strength and after future actions. i wasn't talking about rasing their bountys for actions that happend before/during the two year time skip. Strawhat1 18:33, September 13, 2011 (UTC)
