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I have to go back and read everything but seeing her with a child I'm like"Mhm...who's is it".

Honestly I know alot of people want her and Shanks as a pairing which I kind of like but since Ace's death I'm like kind of looking into another Will od D child.

It would be kind of Ironic, the Marines kill the son of Roger only for his blood to live on in another.

What do you guys think?

Side note It could be possiable that the child's father is a villager or no one important, But I doubt that considering what Oda's said

Forums: Index → One Piece Manga →  Makino's Baby?
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Ace being the father is highly unlikely as Makino was more like an aunt to him and Luffy and also the fact that he left the village three years before his death and never returned  Blackened D. Soul  Talk  16:14, January 26, 2012 (UTC)

Probably Shanks, as the villagers mentioned "It's probably his baby" or something along those lines, implying that it's someone important.

If it's Shanks does it mean he's going to settle down?? Then there wont be the problem of how is luffy going to be king of the pirates with shanks in the way
