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Usually with a Logia user u have an easier time fighting them with haki. But with him having two devil fruits, one which is able to nullify the powers of the others once in his grasp it would seem Blackbeard has an upperhand. The down side to his logia is that he doesnt take on the form of darkness so he is highly vulnerable to physical attacks...But if it was that simple Ace would have defeated him... Tristateballer88 (talk) 02:10, September 22, 2012 (UTC

Blackbeard is very dangerous we know from Shanks that he used to be a very skilled fighter even without DF powers. We can also assume his Crew are very powerful made mostly of level 6 prisoners. So atm i have no idea how Luffy and the strawhats are even going to challenge them. But we know Luffy has only just reached his sea of dreams where he can become King so he still will devolpe a lot more long before he takes of Blackbeard.

Buggy Will help Luffy Defeat Blackbeard.
