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The Post-War Arc, also referred to as the Post-Marineford Arc, is the twenty-third story arc of the manga and anime One Piece, both the fifth and last story arc of the Summit War Saga, and the last story arc of the first half of the series.

The effects of the Summit War of Marineford ripple across the world for both Pirates and Marines. As Luffy mourns Ace's death, he remembers the childhood he spent with Ace and another brother, Sabo. After coming to terms with Ace's death, Luffy and Rayleigh must formulate a plan for the Straw Hat Pirates to survive in the New World.


One Era Ends, Another Begins: The Aftermath of Whitebeard's Death[]

All across the world, civilians rejoice that the Marines emerged victorious in the Summit War of Marineford. The Eleven Supernovas, having all assembled at Marineford to take part in the battle (viewing it from a safe distance), realize that Whitebeard has been killed and all of them take their own separate actions. Eustass Kid claims that the Emperor's death (now consisting of only Shanks, Kaidou, and Big Mom), has caused the balance of the Three Great Powers to crumble, and the world is about to enter an age like nothing ever seen before.

The world reacts in different ways to Whitebeard's death. Pirates celebrate that Whitebeard's claimed that the One Piece definitely exists. Civilians and Marines cheer that Whitebeard is dead. A band of ferocious pirates, under the helm of the self-proclaimed "Brownbeard", attacks the town of Foodvalten, which was formerly protected by Whitebeard. Even though the Marines were triumphant, their victory has inevitably brought nothing but chaos.


Luffy undergoing rehabilitation.

Hancock, having traced Law's submarine through Salome, turns the Marines on her ship to stone and inquires about Luffy's condition. Law informs Hancock that Luffy's life is preserved for the moment but that he is in critical condition. At that moment, the Impel Down prisoners, led by Ivankov, arrive in a stolen Marine ship.

The Newkama Land citizens cheer that they will finally be able to head forth to the Kamabakka Kingdom now that the war is over, and they are finally free. Ivankov informs Hancock of the trials he had to endure in escaping Impel Down, and how the death of Ace would crush anyone's mind. This prompts Hancock to muse to herself, wishing that she could have instead been in Luffy's place. When Ivankov asks Law why he saved Luffy, he claims that he had no obligation, and Ivankov understands that he had done it without thinking.

Jinbe emerges from the submarine, thanking Law for saving his life. Although Ivankov tells him to rest, he says that he cannot, for his heart is in too much turmoil. He worries not about Luffy's current condition, but rather more about what will happen when he awakens. Hancock demands that Bepo give her a Den Den Mushi so she can call the Kuja Pirates to carry them across the Calm Belt to Amazon Lily. There, Luffy should be able to recover without possible discovery by the Marines.

At the destroyed Marineford, Sengoku is informed by Brannew that Magellan had been beaten to an inch of his life. Upon reaching Level 6: Eternal Hell, Blackbeard had instructed the prisoners in each cage to engage in a battle for life and death, and the winners would be set free. Although Blackbeard only took four prisoners with him, there were many Level 6 prisoners that went missing, having escaped during the chaos. Although Sengoku demands that wanted posters of the escaped criminals be sent throughout the world, Brannew claims that the World Government has chosen to hide the information of the Level 6 prisoners' escape lest the world lose trust in the World Government, a decision which enrages Sengoku.

Moria Attacked by Doflamingo and Pacifistas

Doflamingo and a squad of Pacifista attacking Gecko Moria.

Elsewhere on Marineford, Donquixote Doflamingo and the Pacifista are beating Gecko Moria to death. Doflamingo claims that the government has decided that he is too weak to be a Warlord of the Sea, and that it would be better if he was thought to be "killed in the war" rather than eliminated by the government. Moria asks if Sengoku is behind the decision, but Doflamingo claims that the decision was made by powers even higher than him.[1]

Two weeks later, the aftereffects of the war are still taking hold. In the town of Las Camp in the West Blue, a new pirate crew has formed, and its captain proclaims that they will head to the Grand Line. While the Marines are trying to stop them, new pirate crews are being formed all around the world.

After Ivankov and the Newkama leave on the stolen Marine ship to sail back to the Kamabakka Kingdom, Luffy, Hancock, Jinbe, and the Heart Pirates all return to Amazon Lily. The Heart Pirates are given special permission to land on a small beach on the island but are forbidden from going elsewhere. Luffy has woken up and is now desperately trying to convince himself that Ace's death was but a dream. He goes on a rampage, with the Heart Pirates unable to calm him. Law comments that if Luffy does not calm down soon, his wounds will open up and certainly kill him.

At the central palace in Amazon Lily, Hancock is ecstatic to hear that Luffy is awake once more. She wishes to see him at once, though Elder Nyon prevents this as she sees such an action as a bad example to her subjects, and that allowing the Heart Pirates to even be on the island was a special exception already. Hancock's sisters, remembering that she had not eaten since she returned, tell her to eat, but only convince her to prepare a feast for Luffy so that he can recover. Nyon says that once Luffy is at full strength, she will allow him to see Hancock. Nyon thinks about both Hancock's strengthening "Love Sickness" and Luffy's incredible survival, going through both Impel Down and Marineford.

Luffy Cries Over the Death of Ace

Luffy grieving over Ace's death.

Back at the Heart Pirates' camp, the crew members discuss the women of the island and wish that they could go past their boundary to see them. Sitting on a rock not too far from them is Law, who is looking at the straw hat he has in his hand with a curious look.

Luffy finally calms down after recalling everything that had happened to him right before he fainted and finally accepts that he was not dreaming. Jinbe watches over him, remembering that he promised Ace that if he died, he would protect him. Luffy cries out to Jinbe, asking him if Ace died, which Jinbe confirms, making Luffy cry even harder. Jinbe begins to tear up at the sight of Luffy's grief.[2]

Flashback: Dawn Island[]

Bond of Brothers: Ace and Luffy's Past![]

Ten years ago, on the road to Mt. Colubo on Dawn Island, Garp brings a young Luffy to be raised by Curly Dadan, who has already been raising Ace since his birth, ten years before the flashback. Luffy, who had already met Shanks and obtained his Gomu Gomu no Mi, is angry at his grandfather since he has already made up his mind to become the Pirate King, much to Garp's dismay, as he wishes for Luffy and Ace to become great Marines. After knocking on Dadan's door in her large house in the forest, Dadan, a large bandit woman, and two of her henchmen step out of the door. Dadan complains about how much of a hassle Ace is, and that she can barely handle him. To her surprise, Garp tells her that he is entrusting her with Luffy. She claims that she could not possibly raise both Luffy and Ace, but Garp reminds her that he knows all about her illegal activities and that if she refused, he would turn her and her men in. She then changed her mind and accepted it with anger. Suddenly, Luffy is attacked with a ball of spit. He turns to see who it came from and sees Ace for the first time. Although Garp tells both Ace and Luffy to get along, the two stare at each other with a seeming hatred.[2]

Luffy is left with the bandits and quickly shows his disdain for them due to his previous encounter not too long ago. The bandits sit down to eat, and Luffy complains about the small portion he has gotten compared to Ace's, who gets a bigger share. Dadan explains that since Ace had slain the buffalo, he got the bigger meat, and that Luffy should count himself lucky that Ace is sharing with them. Dadan then tries to take advantage of Luffy and makes him her servant, but her attempts backfire due to Luffy's simple-minded nature. Ace heads off on his own, with Luffy following after him. Luffy tells him that he forgives him for spitting on him earlier and tries to be his friend. Ace, however, ignores him and knocks down a tree to prevent Luffy from following him.

Luffy manages to break through and continues after Ace on a rope bridge. Annoyed, Ace knocks him off into the chasm below. Ace returns to the mountain bandits and claims he does not know where Luffy is when asked, which Dadan roughly shrugs off as not being her responsibility. A week later, Luffy returns to the cabin, battered but alive. When asked what happened, Luffy claims to have been chased off a cliff by wolves. The next day, Ace heads off on his own again, and Luffy tags along behind him. Ace would venture out and Luffy would try to follow him, each time with Luffy ending up in one dangerous situation after another, which Ace would purposely lead Luffy into.

Sabo Counting Ace's Stolen Loot

Sabo counting Ace's stolen loot.

After an unknown period of time, Luffy eventually managed to follow Ace out of the forest and into a junkyard area of the island known as "The Gray Terminal," where there is no law, no doctors, and where many homeless and dangerous individuals roam. Making his way through the junkyard, Luffy finds Ace with a boy of his own age named Sabo. Ace shows Sabo some money he snagged off people at the front gate of the area when he came in, and it is revealed that the two are collecting money for a pirate ship. Luffy overhears the two and tries to get the duo to let him join them. However, they tie him to a tree and, after pondering what to do with him, agree to just kill him.

Luffy's yelling attracts attention to the trio and they hide as the Bluejam Pirates arrive, led by a man named Porchemy. His subordinates reveal that it was they whom Ace had stolen the money from. At first, it seemed the three managed to hide before he spotted them, but Luffy somehow ended up near them and was captured. Porchemy threatens him but Luffy claims he does not know anything about the money, though his expression states otherwise, and he accidentally gives away Ace's name. Porchemy then carries Luffy off, stating he will make him talk, as Ace and Sabo look on in horror.[3]

The pirates take Luffy back to their hideout. Luffy, however, yells that he will not tell them anything. Porchemy tries to kill Luffy with a giant mallet, but due to his Gomu Gomu no Mi, it just bounces off Luffy. Porchemy then switches to spiked boxing gloves, which indeed penetrate Luffy's defenses. Porchemy then has the others go search for Ace and Sabo as he tries to get Luffy to talk. Meanwhile, the said boys have started moving their hidden funds, scared that the pirates will come looking for them when Luffy breaks. As they do that, the pirates ask around the junkyard for any info on Ace and Sabo, but no one gives them anything useful. Sunset comes and the two boys have managed to move their loot successfully. Sabo, who went to see how Luffy was doing, rushes back and informs Ace that Luffy had not told the pirates where the money was. Not far from their location, the leader of the pirates, Captain Bluejam, himself, grows impatient when his money is not found. Back with Porchemy and Luffy, the former savagely roughs up Luffy to get him to cough up the information. One of the pirates tries to get Porchemy to lay off as Luffy is being beaten to the point where he can no longer say anything. Even those outside the building feel sympathy for Luffy but comment that no law official will come to that part of the island, even with the murder that happens every now and then.

Porchemy Tortures Luffy

Porchemy forcing Luffy to reveal the location of Ace and Sabo's hidden loot.

Despite all the abuse he's taken, Luffy steadfastly refuses to rat out Ace. Porchemy, tired of getting nowhere, proceeds to kill him. Ace and Sabo suddenly burst into the hideout, which the pirates instantly recognized as they were the ones that took their money. Porchemy grabs Ace, but Sabo saves him by knocking Porchemy down. He then grabs a knife, cuts Luffy free, and runs away, yelling at Ace to do so as well. However, Ace decides to stay behind, citing that when he faces an enemy he does not run. Sabo runs back to aid him and the two fight against Porchemy. In the end, the two come out victorious, and Porchemy later faces the wrath of Captain Bluejam, who kills him for his failure. Back in the forest, Sabo scolds Ace for his stubbornness, and Ace scolds Luffy who is crying his eyes out after the encounter. Luffy thanks the two before Ace asks Luffy why he did not talk when he was being tortured. Luffy responds that he would not have Ace as a friend anymore and that he did not have anyone on the island to rely on since he could not go back to Foosha Village and he does not trust bandits. Moreover, he does not wish to be alone. Ace, thinking back to when he was mocked by those that hated Gol D. Roger, realizes he is in the same boat. As Luffy and he begin to bicker over pointless things, Sabo realizes that the pirates will come looking for them. Thus, he invites himself to live with Dadan, much to her annoyance. Since then, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy hang out together in the forest, fighting any beast, bandit, or pirate that gets in their way. One day, while they were out, Dadan picked up a newspaper and found out some shocking news, Celestial Dragons were coming to the island for some unknown reason.[4]

The boys are unaware of this and continue training and running around the mountain, getting stronger day by day. Beyond the Gray Terminal is an area known as the Great Gate, which is part of a wall that surrounds another area called the Goa Kingdom. Foosha Village is also part of this kingdom, though it is largely forgotten due to the mountains around the area. The Kingdom is divided into sections. The Edge Town, which is still near the Gray Terminal, has buildings and is home to delinquents and vagrants. The Town Center is where the middle-class lives and, in the center, guarded by another high wall, is the High Town, where the royals and nobles live. It is said to be the most beautiful country in the East Blue, though it is segregated due to the class system.

Sakazuki (Ceremony) Infobox

Luffy, Ace, and Sabo become brothers.

The three boys sneak past the Great Wall one day during the trash dumping of the Gray Terminal into the Town Center and pull a dine and dash, escaping out the window of a diner and running from the guards. However, one of the citizens recognizes Sabo and calls out to him, but Sabo just ignores the man. Once back in the forest, Ace and Luffy demand to know if he is keeping anything from them. After some goading, Sabo comes clean and reveals he is actually a noble who ran away from home.

The reason for this was that his parents always pressured him and were more concerned about their financial and social security than him, making Sabo feel like a burden and alone in the world; hence his desire to become a pirate, as he wished to feel free from their overbearing rule and write a book about their adventures. Ace and Luffy agree wholeheartedly, the former wanting to do it for acknowledgement and the latter, of course, wanting to be Pirate King, though Ace and Sabo are skeptical of it. Regardless, Ace pulls out some alcohol and pours them into sake cups, declaring they were brothers from that day forward.[5]

The Sabo Incident[]

From day to day, they kept getting stronger; fighting pirates, taking baths together, eating together, saving one another during their trips across the mountains; fighting against the wild animals of the forest; getting visited by Garp and beaten senseless; and building their own tree house and living in it; and generally, just acting like boys their age should. Makino and Woop Slap regularly pass by and drop off new clothes for the bunch.

But one day, Sabo's father found them and, with the assistance of the Bluejam Pirates, captured the three, with Sabo's father claiming Ace and Luffy lured him away from home. Just as the pirates were about to beat Ace and Luffy, Sabo willingly decided to go back with his father to save them, though with great reluctance. Ace and Luffy could do nothing more but beg him to stay as he was led away.[5]

While Luffy and Ace are once again in the custody of the Bluejam Pirates, Bluejam reveals that he wished he was born a Noble, and that if they are truly brothers, they will not return after Sabo. Luffy and Ace join the Bluejam Pirates at the request of the captain, and then carry cargo to marked locations in Gray Terminal with other pirates. Meanwhile, Sabo, accompanied by his father, is being questioned about the crimes he has committed. His father urges him to place all the blame on Luffy and Ace to save his family's name. However, Sabo refuses and is hit to the ground, and his father is forced to bribe the officer.

Sabo returns home with his father and is greeted by his mother and newly adopted brother, Sterry. Sterry tells Sabo that Gray Terminal will be burned to an ash along with its inhabitants, and that this has been planned for months in accordance with the arrival of the Inspection Unit and Celestial Dragon. Sabo escapes from the family manor at night and overhears a group of Royal Guards discussing the plan. In their discussion, it is revealed to Sabo that the burning of Gray Terminal will proceed tomorrow and that the Bluejam Pirates will be behind the act.

The next day, Sabo escapes the manor and travels the streets of High Town, only to find that all the nobles are aware of the massacre. His father sends out a search party, and soon Sabo is given chase by two Royal Guards. Meanwhile, Bluejam reveals to Luffy and Ace that the cargo they had carried was oil and gunpowder, and that Gray Terminal would be set alight that day. Luffy and Ace react in outrage and are quickly apprehended by Bluejam's underlings. Bluejam informs them that they can no longer be left alive, then asks where their "likely" hoard of treasure is located.

Later that night, the inhabitants of Edge Town, the Town Center, and Mt. Colubo all bear witness as the monstrous inferno rages. The Royal Guards usher the citizens of Edge Town into the Town Center, while the inhabitants of Gray Terminal flee in terror, only to find that every exit is blocked by the blaze. The Bluejam Pirates stand at the Great Gate of Goa surrounded by fire, as it is revealed that they will receive titles from the King, become nobles, and live in High Town as payment for their services. However, the gate will not open for the pirates, as Bluejam realizes that their bargain has been betrayed, and they have been left to die.

Meanwhile, Luffy and Ace manage to cut themselves loose after being bound to a tree, whilst surrounded by the encroaching flames. In the Town Center, a rumor had circulated amongst citizens that the Bluejam Pirates were responsible for the atrocity, in an attempt to halt the Inspection Unit and the Celestial Dragon from visiting the island. Sabo is chased by the Royal Guards and is noted as being the last citizen remaining in Edge Town. While running, he crashes and falls to the ground, to be aided by an unknown cloaked person. In a frenzy, Sabo tells the person about the atrocity that the nobles had concocted and that he is ashamed of having been born a noble.

It is revealed that the cloaked individual is none other than Dragon, as he informs Sabo that he feels he understands as he too was born in Goa Kingdom. Dragon then follows by saying that he still lacked the power to change it and would listen to and remember Sabo's story at the boys' behest. Luffy and Ace are seen fleeing from engulfing flames, as an individual wearing high heels informs Dragon that preparations have been made.[6]

Meanwhile, Bluejam and his crew are still at the gate. The pirate captain remembers the King of Goa promising him he would make Bluejam and his crew nobles for carrying out the trash-burning job. The shock of being betrayed hits Bluejam hard as he watches his ship catch fire and burn down. He and his crew are now trapped in the same fire they started. At the palace, a noble girl asks her father why they are burning Trash Mountain and the people inside. The father responds that it is because the people there were not born nobles, to which the daughter agrees. Back at the Gray Terminal, the residents are still trying to find a way out of the fire, among them being Luffy and Ace, who are not having any luck. If that was not bad enough, Bluejam finds them and has them restrained, despite protests from the boys that they should worry about escaping. Bluejam once more inquiries about the money Ace and Sabo hid, commenting that their efforts will go to waste if the fire gets it. Ace, though hesitant, agrees with Bluejam and tells them where the treasure is. Nonetheless, Bluejam continues to keep them in captivity in case they were lying since Sabo is their friend, and Bluejam's newfound hatred of nobles has him thinking Sabo was just using Ace and Luffy to make himself look superior. These comments anger Luffy and Ace, the former of whom bites the pirate holding him. Luffy is attacked and is wounded as a result.

Dadan vs

Dadan vs. Bluejam.

Just as the pirates are about to kill Luffy, Ace shouts at them to stop unwittingly unleashing Haki and causing the pirates save for Bluejam to faint. Bluejam attacks Ace but is stopped by the arrival of Dadan and her band of bandits. They grab the boys and prepare to run, but Ace once again refuses to and faces down Bluejam. Dadan decides to stay with Ace while the rest of the bandits get Luffy to safety on her orders. Meanwhile, the rest of the residents of Trash Mountain are still trapped with nowhere left to run. As all seems lost, a pathway appears out of nowhere to the ocean and a boat. The residents quickly take it while those on the boat, revealed to be Dragon and his Revolutionaries (among whom are Iva and Kuma), wait for them. Iva is astonished that Dragon found out what was going to happen in the kingdom and questions if Dragon has an attachment to the place. Dragon answers that the island is nothing more than a blueprint for the world's future and that there is no happiness in a world that views people as "useless". He then vows to change the world and offers any of the trash mountain residents who are willing to fight to come with him.

Meanwhile, the bandits manage to escape, but a caption comes up revealing that Ace and Dadan did not return as the Gray Terminal continues to burn. The next day, Luffy tries to go out and search for Ace and Dadan, but the bandits tell him that his wounds are still recovering. Plus, the soldiers of Goa are "cleaning up" after the fire, including any survivors in the area. At the Gray Terminal, the guards are doing just that, though they remark that there are not as many corpses as they thought there would be, shrugging it off that they burned in the fire. News of Bluejam's boat burning reaches Sabo's ears, whose father comments that it is futile for Sabo to run and that he should just listen to his parents' orders and make them proud. Sabo ignores him and thinks of Luffy and Ace, wondering if they are okay before pondering what the true meaning of freedom is.

Sabo's Explosion Wreckage

Sabo's boat is destroyed.

The day of the Celestial Dragon's arrival comes, and the Goa Kingdom prepares for the event. However, the kingdom spots a fishing ship out in the ocean with a child sailing it, and the residents panic, worried that it will ruin the ceremony. It is revealed to be Sabo at the helm who prepares to sail off from the kingdom.[7] The kingdom's residents try to get Sabo to turn back, but he ignores them, unaware that one of Dadan's crew, Dogra, is in the crowd who instantly recognizes him. Sabo, meanwhile, comments that his greatest fear is getting caught up in the country and becoming a different person, and he refuses to turn around.

At that instance, the Government ship carrying the Celestial Dragon arrives. Seeing it, Sabo tries to move out of its path while those on board spot him. The crowd at the kingdom cheers as they arrive, and even Sabo marvels at how big the ship is. However, the Celestial Dragon onboard pulls out a hand-held cannon and fires on Sabo's ship, setting it ablaze.[8]

Looking Towards the Future: We Are Pirates[]

Back at the bandits' hideout, Luffy tries once more to go search for Ace and Dadan, but the bandits refuse to let him do so due to him still healing. They tell Luffy they know how he feels and that they sent Dogra to go check out the grounds. Back at the ceremony, the crowd looks on in shock as Sabo's boat continues to burn. A servant tells the Celestial Dragon, Saint Jalmack, that there was a child on the ship. But Jalmack comments that if he raised a pirate flag then it did not matter, but he is angrier at the fact that a commoner crossed his path. Sabo, meanwhile, tries to put out the flames of his ship, but Jalmack fires again and this time sinks the boat, presumably killing Sabo as well. The crowd continues to look on in horror at this turn of events while the officials order the ship's remains to be cleaned up so as not to upset the Celestial Dragon any further. Back at the hideout, Ace suddenly arrives carrying Dadan, both bruised and burned but still alive, much to the joy of everyone, especially Luffy who hugs Ace who in turn bops him on the head for crying about him.

Ace then explains that they managed to beat Bluejam but their escape route got cut off. Dadan got burns on her body, but the duo managed to escape into the middle forest. They hid in the riverbank until everything died down, at which point Ace stole some medicine from the town to keep Dadan alive. Dadan is then patched up and set down to rest as the day goes on. Dadan asks why Ace did not run, to which he explains that he was afraid if he did, he'd lose something important to him, in this case, Luffy. Dadan soon realizes the similarities between him and Roger, as she remembers Garp explaining that Roger was the same way, not running because he was fearless but rather to keep the enemy from following after his crewmates. It was this trust that convinced Garp to take care of Ace in secret.

Dogra returns and Luffy tells him of the good news about Dadan and Ace coming back. However, this joy is short-lived as Dogra tells the others what happened to Sabo. Ace attacks him instantly, thinking it's a lie, but Dogra, being a rogue, knows what it's like not to want to return to some place they do not want to. Luffy begins to cry again, and Ace starts to blame himself for not going back to get Sabo. He yells at Dogra to tell him who killed Sabo and starts to run off. Dadan pins him to the floor, telling him that Sabo's enemy was the whole country, and he did not have the power to take fight against it. If he does it now, that he will just die and be forgotten and that if Ace wants to change the world, he must get strong enough to do so like his father. She then has the bandits tie Ace to a tree as he keeps struggling while Luffy continues to cry. Morning comes, and Ace has cooled down when the bandits come to check on him. A letter bird arrives with a message from Sabo to Luffy and Ace. The bandits cut Ace free so he could read it, which he does as he walks back to the cliff where they made their bond. The letter starts off with Sabo worrying about their safety but believing they are alright. He then explains that he is going out to sea, anywhere away from the country, and hopes to become stronger and freer than any pirate on the sea. He then closes out by asking Ace to take care of their younger brother, Luffy. As Ace finishes the letter, he cannot help but cry for his fallen friend.[8]

Luffy is lying with his face on the ground on the cliff where Ace read Sabo's letter. He is crying, and Ace punches him in the head, scolding him for his behavior, saying that their hidden treasure is gone, and that there is no point in having treasure if it cannot be protected. Luffy tearfully cries out his will to become stronger in order to protect the ones he loves, and then begs Ace to survive, to which he takes another punch. Ace then promises him that he will not die since he has a weak little brother to take care of. He says that what killed Sabo was the "opposite of freedom", and that the two remaining brothers must obtain freedom and become pirates, even if that means making a lot of enemies, even Garp. The two then agreed to set sail on their 17th year and become pirates, as Sabo told them that children born from noble families obtain their title at 18 years old and wanted to leave Goa at 17. On that night, the Celestial Dragon reached the Goa Kingdom: there are two brief scenes of Zoro's and Kuina's training, and then, in a small, unnamed port town in East Blue, Dragon is boarding on his ship, apologizing for his delay, asking for the conditions of an undetermined "him" and being told about the supplies being restocked. He then orders his men to set sail for Baltigo.

As months pass, the Gray Terminal is being reconstructed. Ace and Luffy are training again, and the rubber boy is trying to develop his Gomu Gomu no Pistol technique but ends up hitting himself, to which Ace laughs and remarks that rubber is not for fighting. The two start arguing over the utility of the Gomu Gomu no Mi, but are interrupted by the one they think is Sabo, but in reality, it is nothing else than rock: they are just remembering their beloved brother. Luffy states that Sabo was really a good brother, to which Ace angrily replies in a comical way, asking his brother if he wanted him to die instead. They return to Dadan's hideout and build two rudimentary shacks which they name "Ace's country" and "Luffy's country," much to Dadan's surprise, as they want to survive alone and get stronger. Following this, the two adventure in the jungle, and Luffy runs across a fierce bear. Ace refuses to help him, because they must grow stronger alone, but when the animal severely injures Luffy off-screen, he desperately cries for him. He managed to bring Luffy back to the Bandit hideout, where the rubber boy was being treated by Dogra. Ace huddles up on the wall, saying to Luffy that he is sorry. Sometime later, Makino pays a visit to Ace, and he tells her of his intentions to meet Red-Haired Shanks and introduce himself to the man who once saved his brother's life. Ace is annoyed because Makino keeps smiling.

Ace and Luffy are then seen escaping from a restaurant's owner after eating without paying the check (an attitude Ace will show again in the future) and once again having training. They fight and defeat a bear, then chase punks and fight a giant insect. Garp is seen again, one more time, beating up his grandsons. The two "brothers" are seen together one more time, and happily jumping from a building.

Ace Departs from Mt

Ace sets out to become a pirate.

Seven years later, Ace, at age 17, is finally setting sail: he is on a little boat with a triangular sail and sports many of his trademark objects: his hat with the two smiles, the orange belt with his initial on the buckle, the armband on the left arm, and his green bag with a black pattern on it. He happily says goodbye to the ones at the shore; Luffy, who is now 14, Makino, Woop Slap, Dogra, Magra, and the other bandits, who wish him good luck in return. Dadan was not there as she remained in her hideout. Her subordinates inform her that Ace is already gone. She appears to remain unmoved upon hearing it, claiming that Garp will be angry, and that Ace is always causing trouble. However, as her bandits tell her that Ace sent her a message, "Thank you," she burst out in tears, showing her sadness.

We now get to see Luffy, who is trying his Gomu Gomu no Pistol move again, this time against a rock. Finally, he shows off his capabilities, shattering the rock to pieces with his mighty rubber punch. He rejoices, having gotten stronger. He then receives a visit from Dogra, who shows him a newspaper: it is Ace, his crew, and his ship, already famous. The rubber boy is happy and states that he will not let Ace surpass him.

Three more years pass, and finally, at 17 years old, Luffy is ready to set sail himself. He says goodbye to the Bandits, who cannot go to Foosha Village because of its civilians. He thanks them, and then tells Dadan that he dislikes mountain bandits, to which she gets angry and shouts at him, but when the boy says that he likes them instead, the woman bursts out in tears, as she did three years before for Ace's departure. Luffy is then seen on a dinghy in Foosha Village. One of the citizens asks him to take one of their old fishing boats, but the boy refuses, content with his little boat. He then cries Sabo's name, telling his deceased brother of his departure. After saying farewell to his friends, he sets sail, and he rapidly defeats the King of the Coast off-screen, a feat commented on by Dadan, Dogra, and Magra, hidden behind a wall.[9]

Moving Past Mourning: Luffy Gets Back on His Feet[]

Luffy Declares His Weakness

Overwhelmed with grief, Luffy declares he is too weak to be the King of the Pirates.

Time returns to the present, where Luffy is still crying over Ace's death before Jinbe. He expresses doubt for the first time about his dream of being the Pirate King, exclaiming he is weak.[9]

Garp returns to Luffy's hometown only to hear that Makino's bar has been over-run by vicious mountain bandits. Those mountain bandits ended up being Dadan and her underlings. Dadan sees Garp and hits him with a wooden bat. Makino steps between Dadan and Garp before she can attack again. Makino then states that "Garp could not save both Ace and Luffy even if he wanted to" and "Garp is the one truly suffering." But as soon as she says that, Dadan says, with tears in her eyes, that the one truly suffering the most is Luffy. Makino then remembers the very first time she met Ace and runs off in a face full of tears. As soon as she leaves, Garp states that Luffy is alive—for now. The final words that come out of Dadan's mouth are that she will always support Luffy no matter what he does from that point forward and that he better not lose no matter what.

Tomb of Ace and Whitebeard

Shanks and Marco pay their last respects to Ace and Whitebeard.

Meanwhile, on an island in the New World, the Whitebeard and Red Hair Pirate crews bid a final farewell to Edward Newgate and Portgas D. Ace at their funeral, where Marco thanks Shanks for everything he has done for him and his crew. Shanks states that although he was an enemy, he deserved their respect and even Sengoku's as well. With that said, Shanks and his crew leave silently. In his mind, Shanks says to Luffy that he must move on by relieving his emotions and crying everything out, even if he is a man.

Jinbe tells Luffy to stop beating himself up over Ace's actions, but Luffy refuses and tries to punch him but misses. Jinbe then pins Luffy to the ground where Luffy bites him, and Jinbe finally gets mad at Luffy and pins him to a rock. There he says that right now his thoughts and path are over-shadowed by grief, but someday he will find something he will never stop fighting for. At that point, he lets Luffy go, and Luffy takes a while to think. When he finally reaches his answer, his face is drowned in tears and he admits that he still has his loyal and faithful crew and that he wants to go back to them as soon as possible, no matter what.[10]

Meanwhile, the Heart Pirates spot something that kills a Sea King, which then lands on the island near them. The person reveals himself to be Rayleigh, much to their surprise, even more so when he makes it known he knows Luffy is on the island too. Hancock, along with her sisters and Nyon, come to bring Luffy food just as Luffy and Jinbe meet up with Rayleigh. The duo also notices how the Heart Pirates have left, which Rayleigh tells Luffy that Law said to take it easy for two more weeks. Hancock's bunch soon arrive at the group's location, much to Nyon's surprise when she spots Rayleigh, revealing the Boas know him. Luffy and Jinbe begin to eat (though Jinbe was only allowed a little food due to Hancock) while Rayleigh delivers a letter to the Boas from Shakky, which reveals that they know her as well due to the fact that she once lived on the island. Rayleigh also mentions how he figured out Luffy's location thanks to Kuma after the battle on Sabaody, as well as Shakky's intuition after the Marineford War.

Rayleigh asks Luffy if he is planning on returning to Sabaody, which Luffy confirms. However, Rayleigh mentions that if they go back, the whole incident could start all over again. He then says he has a plan and it's up to Luffy if he wants to go along with it.[11]

The Crew in a Panic[]

On the island of Boin Archipelago, Usopp, now fat from eating the island's natural food, is trying to fight his way past a giant horned beetle despite the pleas of his companion, Heracles. He gets knocked down and Heracles mentions that the further out from the island you go, the tougher the creatures are, making it impossible to escape. Usopp, on the other hand, does not listen and takes off again just as the Sea Kings, distracted by the smell of the island, begin to arrive. Heracles notices the island beginning to move and warns Usopp to cling to something, as we find out the island is actually one large carnivorous plant called the Stomach Baron. Usopp is nearly eaten, but Heracles saves him and asks what is wrong, having noticed that Usopp changed after he read a newspaper dropped by a newspaper bird. Usopp answers that he found out about Ace's death and is trying desperately to get off the island to help Luffy through his pain; otherwise, he could not call himself a member of Luffy's crew.

Meanwhile, in the Torino Kingdom, Chopper helps the natives and the birds of the island get along. It turns out the reason the birds have been attacking the natives was because they thought they were stealing their eggs. In actuality, the natives just wanted plants near their trees. He is set to leave after having found out what happened to Ace and wishing to get off the island to treat Luffy. Bidding the island's residents farewell, Chopper heads off on one of the birds. They pass a newspaper bird and Chopper grabs a paper from it. However, he finds something about Luffy in the paper and begins to panic.[11]

Mihawk at Home

Mihawk back at his home in Kuraigana Island.

On Kuraigana Island, which we find out is the home of Mihawk, who has returned and is reading the newspaper about Moria's supposed death, which causes Perona to cry, although Mihawk doubts the credibility of the article. Meanwhile, Zoro is fighting against humandrills that somehow know swordplay and is having a tough time reaching the ocean. Mihawk appears and notices the boat he gave him to get off the island has been trashed. When asked why he is in such a rush, Zoro reveals he found out about the battle at Marineford as well. However, Mihawk tells him that 7 years ago, war broke out over the island and the humandrills learned their skills from the people that fought it and grew strong over the years. Mihawk offers Zoro a place to rest at his castle, but Zoro roughly refuses his offer and continues to try to leave the island.

On Weatheria, Nami has been thrown into a small prison for trying to steal a weather ball and some weather knots the people were using for research. Haredas comes by to help her and asks why her mood suddenly changed, showing that, like the other members, she too found out about what happened to Luffy and Ace. She begins to cry and break down, earning the resident's pity. As soon as they release her, Nami, in the blink of an eye, grabs Haredas and the objects that were confiscated from her and is already a good distance away from her captors. Realizing they've been tricked, they set after her while Nami runs and tells Haredas to just drop her anywhere. All the while, she is thinking of Luffy and hoping he will be alright. Haredas points out to Nami that her crocodile tears have not stopped running, but Nami just tells him to shut up.

Nightmare of Baldimore Infobox

Franky causes the "Nightmare of Baldimore".

In the snow kingdom of Baldimore, Franky finds himself being chased by marines and cyborg animals as he makes his way through Vegapunk's old laboratory. He is unable to defend himself since neither he nor his pursuers wish to damage the place, considering it a "treasure". Recalling the conversation, he had with a young boy and his grandfather, they reveal that Vegapunk created a heating system in the form of a mountain to help the island. However, it is incomplete due to the fact that while Vegapunk had the blueprints, he did not have the money or resources to finish it. The old man then warns Franky not to enter the lab, but Franky, having also heard the news of what happened to Luffy, is in need of an ice-breaking ship, and Vegapunk's lab seems to be the only place to find one.

In the present, Franky comes across a few blueprints and is impressed by their contents. He also comes across the self-destruct switch, which the old man also warned him about. Franky mistakes the skull and crossbones design on it as a pirate symbol and presses it, causing the whole lab to explode. This incident soon reached around the world and was dubbed "The Nightmare of Baldimore."

Meanwhile, on the island of Namakura in the poor country of Harahettania, we find that Brook and the residents of the island have managed to imprison the Longarm Tribe, thanks to Brook's music, which helped them gain the courage to take them on. Brook congratulates the islanders on their success but secretly finds out about what happened at Marineford and is preparing to leave. When one of the islanders mentions making a show out of the Longarms to get rich, Brook objects and threatens the Longarms to stay away from the island lest they face his retribution. The Longarms agree and are let out of the cage. However, they capture Brook and run off with him, revealing that they do not believe in devils and plan to sell him off to their homeland. The Harahettania Islanders go to perform another summoning ritual while Brook thinks of Luffy, calling out for his help.[12]

In East Blue, we find Robin making her way across the huge bridge via carriage thanks to the Revolutionaries who freed her from slavery. They explain that they have been searching for her for ten years since the destruction of Ohara and are under orders from Dragon to protect her. While appreciative of the offer, Robin declines, mentioning she has her own crew and wishes to get back to them. Not long after she leaves, the Revolutionaries who stayed behind get the newspaper and find out what went on with Luffy. They send one of the carrier crows to deliver it to Robin. The lead revolutionary explains about the bridge and how it was ordered by the Celestial Dragons to be made, and that it has cost many slaves their lives during construction. The paper soon reaches the carriage and is handed off to Robin, who learns of Luffy's current status as well as something else about him.

Sanji Argues with Ivankov

Ivankov arguing with Sanji.

On Peach Island of the Kamabakka Kingdom, Sanji (having somehow snapped out of Okama trance) is trying to convince the recently returned Ivankov that he is part of Luffy's crew, having read Iva helped him during the Marineford War. Iva does not believe him due to his bounty poster and Sanji constantly saying the name is his, but the picture is not. Getting nowhere, Sanji tries to fight Ivankov so he can steal a boat, but is quickly beaten down. Iva eventually decides to let him know Luffy's current status via the recent newspaper, to which he reacts with shock. Inazuma tells Iva he has a call from Baltigo, where Dragon and his men are currently residing. Iva worries about his whole identity being public knowledge, but Dragon assures him that it just put his followers at ease knowing that he is human. Dragon comments that soon it'll be time to gather their leaders since the death of Whitebeard is changing the world and the government. Iva however is curious on what happened to their former member, Kuma.[13]

The Shocking News: The Rings Heard Around the World[]

Back in the Sabaody Archipelago, Duval and the Rosy Life Riders are working diligently to protect the Thousand Sunny from being taken by hunters looking to sell it to the Marines. In the meantime, Camie, Pappag, and Hatchan talk about the trip to Fish-Man Island when the Straw Hats return, though Shakky says it'll take some time but figured Rayleigh had reached Luffy already. One of the Rosy Life Riders suddenly cries out that Kuma is coming their way. Shakky prevents Duval and his men from attacking him by asking Kuma if he is still their ally.

In Arabasta, the kingdom recently had pirate troubles, though the guards are keeping them at bay. Cobra, Vivi, and Karoo also found out about the news of Luffy after reading an article about him. In an unnamed town in an unnamed section of the Grand Line, we find Crocodile and Daz Bonez (Mr. 1) having just read the paper about Luffy. Crocodile decides to head back to the New World and asks Mr. 1 if he will join him, which he does. Finally, on another unnamed island in the Grand Line, Buggy has been reunited with his crew, having brought all the Impel Down prisoners with him. Buggy is touched that his crewmates were worried about him (though Alvida points out that they left him to die). Cabaji and Mohji introduce themselves to the new crewmates while Buggy shows Alvida Captain John's map. As he gloats, a bat suddenly arrives with a letter from the government addressed to Buggy. Mr. 3 reads it and tells Buggy he will not believe what it says.[13]

Sengoku Resigns from the Marines

Sengoku resigning from the Marines.

Meanwhile, the Five Elders discussed among one another Luffy's current actions, the vacant Warlord positions left vacant by Jinbe, Moria, and Blackbeard, the growing menace of Blackbeard himself and his ambition to become the new Emperor, and the meaning of the "D". In another section of Mary Geoise, Sengoku is visiting Kong and resigning from his position. We also find that Garp has done the same, though Kong states that their records will remain untouched in the hopes of rearing up young marines. Sengoku agrees, reasoning that he is too old for the new era that's coming. He also recommends that Aokiji succeed him as Fleet Admiral.

In Marineford, the Marine Headquarters is slowly being rebuilt little by little since the war. Smoker meets with Aokiji and states his wish to be transferred to G-5, a Marine base in the New World. Aokiji warns him that the base is full of problems. But Smoker does not mind, making it obvious he hopes to run into Luffy once again. In the medical base of the island, a doctor checks on Koby and tells him he has gained Haki due to the shock of the war. Helmeppo is a little miffed that Koby managed to gain a level of strength, but Koby tells him he does not know what is going on.

Luffy Pays His Respects

Luffy, as seen in the newspaper, paying his respects at Marineford.

In the Agenda Chamber, Lieutenant Commander Brannew briefs the other officers on what has happened recently, and we finally find out what Luffy did that caused such a stir. He, Jinbe, and Rayleigh went back to Marineford and managed to steal a ship since the security of the island had been stretched thin since Whitebeard's death. They sailed a ring around the island, which was stated to be a ritual for a burial at sea. Luffy then made his way into the plaza to the Ox Bell at the western edge of the island and rang it 16 times. He then threw a bouquet of flowers over the war wounds that remained on the ground and performed a silent prayer. This act was sent by photographers and journalists, which made it into the papers. Brannew then states that while this may seem like an act of respect to those that have fallen during the war, they should take the 16 bell rings as a declaration of war against the marines.[14]

A World in Chaos: The Supernovas Begin to Move[]

In the New World, Eustass Kid has just read about these events and questions Killer about what the 16 rings mean. Killer responds by explaining that the bell is sacred and that ringing it 16 times may represent the end of one era and the beginning of another. Kid takes this as meaning Luffy wishes to create his own era and sees it as a challenge against him. He then confronts some pirates he captured, the captain of which states he wishes to return to "Paradise" alive. Kid, however, responds by crucifying them, saying that pirates with no resolve should not come out onto that ocean.

Meanwhile, Capone Bege and his crew find their ship suddenly lifted from the ocean into the air by some mysterious force coming from the sky. Luffy is returning from Marineford and is on the Kuja ship and currently resting (while also being poked and prodded by the Kuja again along with Rayleigh and Jinbe). Luffy hopes the message will reach his crew. Rayleigh responds that it should if they understand its meaning. The rest of the Straw Hats seem to get it (except for Zoro, who has trouble understanding it).

We then go to the island where Brownbeard took over, and he finds himself meeting Basil Hawkins. After learning his name and reading his fortune, Hawkins proclaims he does not like jokes (finding Brownbeard's name as such) and, while unsheathing his sword, that the shadow of death on the pirate was visible as he activated his ability.

We then go to Urouge, whose ship comes across an island with lighting coming from it. As he and his crew marvel at the sight, another ship approaches them with an elderly figure asking if they would like some umbrellas. A caption then comes up telling us that all pirates who entered the New World proclaimed that the first half of the Grand Line was Paradise.[14]

Somewhere near the Sabaody Archipelago, Law is discussing with his crew why he does not want to enter the New World yet, saying that in any case, One Piece will not disappear and that the others are free to engage each other without him. He then tells his men to follow the orders he gave them, in order for him to "steal the proper throne", to which his crew happily rejoices.

On an unnamed winter island in the New World, X Drake and his crew confront "Iron Boy" Scotch, who is guarding the island, which, according to him, is one of Kaidou's favorites, and attacking him will attract the attention of the powerful pirate. Eager for a chance to confront the Emperor, Drake turns into his dinosaur form and gets ready to fight.

Somewhere else in the New World, on a Spring Island, Apoo and his crew are fleeing from some big, striped boars. They remain quite surprised when, trying to jump off a cliff, they continue running up into the air with the boars still chasing them.

Jewelry Bonney As Blackbeard's Prisoner

The Bonney Pirates as Blackbeard's prisoners.

On a burning island in the New World, the Blackbeard Pirates are drinking, eating, and relaxing on their raft, which, according to Teach, is breaking apart, so they are waiting to meet the Marines for a battleship in exchange for Jewelry Bonney, who has been taken hostage by them. Teach approaches her, teasing her and telling her that he will set her free if she becomes his woman, to which Bonney kicks him with her free legs. Van Augur informs his captain that the Marines do not seem willing to do the exchange, as Akainu is leading them. The Blackbeard Pirates flee in a hurry, leaving behind their chained prisoner. He tells her that he was concerned when she escaped the World Government, but that the problem has now been resolved. Bonney angrily cries out that she will never forgive them.

In the meantime, in Mary Geoise, Doflamingo is teasing some unknown representative of the World Government, telling him that Moria, while on the verge of death, disappeared suddenly, to which the other replies that that's not a funny story. Doflamingo retorts that as a pirate, he can leave the Seven Warlords of the Sea whenever he wants.[15]

Straw Hats Begin to Train: We'll Meet Again in Two Years[]

Chopper's Reaction to Luffy's News

Chopper's reaction to Luffy's news.

Back with Chopper, he decided to head back to Torino Kingdom. At first, he was disguised as someone named Chopper Mask, due to his being embarrassed at coming back so soon after he left, though the villagers assured him it was alright. After the disguise fails, he asks to stay and study the plants. As he goes to the library, he realizes the natives on the island are much more advanced than he thought. He hopes to use the knowledge he gains from them to help his captain and crewmates get stronger.

Sanji's Reaction to Luffy's News

Sanji's reaction to Luffy's news.

Meanwhile, at the Kamabakka Kingdom, Sanji and Iva are having lunch, to which Sanji finds their food very delicious and inquiries about it. Iva tells him it is the "Attack Cuisine" food that strengthens the body. Sanji sees the benefits of using such a meal for his crew (mostly thinking about what it could do to Nami and Robin) and asks for the recipes. Iva refuses, however, mentioning that it is part of the secret bridal training, and it cannot just be passed on to a random stranger, though if he were an Okama, he would be willing. Sanji refuses this, stating that he was born to love women, not make friends with them. This resolve impresses Iva and tells Sanji that the recipes are being held by 99 masters of Newkama Kenpo, and if he defeats them, Sanji can take the recipes, though he warns that they, as well as the other Okamas, will try to get him in a dress again. If Sanji endures and wins, Iva will grant his every request. If not, Iva wonders if he will remain a man. Sanji, remembering his first meeting with Luffy, swears that he will give him the best support as the cook of the crew before accepting Iva's challenge.[15]

Nami Training

Nami learning about weather in the New World from Haredas.

On the small sky island of Weatheria, Nami has returned to the Sky Scientists to apologize, in which she was declined, but due to the fact that she promised to jump over to the blue ocean, she makes them apologize for making her cry. She accepts and demands to have a house and do research about the weather. While researching, Haredas explains that the sky island moves to the will of the wind, that they are researching weather and that the center of weather phenomena is at the Grand Line. She promises not to be an ordinary navigator because the lives of her crew members depend on her. Nami also asks about a weather phenomenon called "Rain of Lightning" that is a phenomenon that occurs in the New World and insists on Haredas teaching her all about the Weather Balls and asks if they could be turned into a weapon. Haredas responds that she should never say such dangerous things.

Brook Reading Newspaper

Brook reading the news about Luffy's exploits at Marineford.

Meanwhile, in the Teena Geena Kingdom, on Kenzan Island in the Grand Line, Brook is imprisoned in a cage and is displayed to the public as a freak show. Due to the message that he read in the news, Brook has stayed still for a while, making the audience mad and causing them to think that he is just a prop. After thinking about what he could do to become better, he performs a 40-degree trick and falls down, stating that if he goes lower than his usual 45-degree trick, he will slip and fall. The movement causes the audience to believe he is real and cheer. Brook comes up with a new solo, "BONE to be Wild" and starts performing it with a guitar, stating that the word "ALONE" is no longer in his dictionary.

Robin and Revolutionaries

Robin sailing with the Revolutionaries.

In East Blue, under Tequila Wolf's bridge, Nico Robin accepts the Revolutionaries' offer to meet Dragon at Baltigo. She teases the revolutionaries, stating that if she had known they had such groups, she would have had them come earlier. When she rides the ship that the Revolutionaries use to go to Baltigo, she refuses to go inside and stays on the ship's balcony, even in the harsh weather, for she states that she does not like the idea of being invited into a room with no escape, to which the Revolutionaries respond that their intentions bear no malice. Since she does not accept the invitation to go inside, the Revolutionaries prepare her warm food and drinks, blankets, windshields, and a sofa on the balcony of the ship. Robin thinks that going to her captain's father could make her stronger and states that this is the first time she wanted to become stronger for someone else.

Franky Finds Vegapunk's Blueprints

Franky finding Vegapunk's blueprints.

Meanwhile, in Karakuri, the marines led by Captain Gorilla investigate the "Nightmare of Baldimore" incident and have information that Cyborg Franky might be behind it, but question how he could arrive on the island while there is no report of the arrival of an icebreaker ship. Meanwhile, in the kingdom's mountains, Franky locates another laboratory whose entrance was exposed after the explosion. Inside, he finds blueprints, but instead of cultural creations, these blueprints are about weapons, ranging from battleships to human cells. Franky decides to live there and become stronger, leaving the mountain once in a while to get some cola from his companions' house. Due to his wrecked face scaring his friends, Franky decides to wear a tiger fur rug, but after lighting a fireplace, Franky's tiger fur gets caught on fire, causing him to run wild and scaring the marines investigating the area, making them think he is a beast. That incident was later called the "Legend of the Sacred Burning Beast of Baldimore," which is passed through generations in the Grand Line.

Usopp and Heracles

Usopp working out with Heracles.

Still in the Grand Line, Boin Archipelago, Usopp decides to lose weight, gain muscles, and become stronger, causing Heracles to wonder what is in the newspaper to turn Usopp's determination around. Usopp said that he got a message from his captain and that he needed to become stronger. He asks about Heracles' weapon and asks him to teach him, and tells him that he is an amazing teacher, which flatters Heracles. He teaches Usopp everything he knows, including the "Pop Green", which are the seeds of hostile plants that grow in the forest with various uses. Usopp then promises to become the true king of snipers.[16]

Zoro Begs Mihawk

Zoro begging Mihawk to train him.

Back in the Shikkearu Kingdom, Zoro goes back to Mihawk's castle and bows, begging Mihawk to train him. Mihawk dismisses Zoro's plea, thinking he is coming back after being defeated. Zoro reveals he defeated all the humandrills but admits that at his level, he will not be able to surpass Mihawk. Mihawk realizes he is not doing it for himself, and soon agrees to train Zoro once his body is healed. While Perona is fixing up his wounds, Zoro reveals the message Luffy sent to his crew. A tattoo on his arm that said "3D2Y." Zoro explains that the 3D meant they were supposed to meet at Sabaody in 3 days, but since it was crossed out and replaced with 2Y, that means the time to meet again is now two years. Luffy had purposefully drawn attention to himself to get the message out to the crew, knowing that they would need to strengthen themselves if they wished to take on the New World.

Jinbe Departs from Luffy

Jinbe parting ways with Luffy.

The story then goes back to Amazon Lily, a few days earlier. Jinbe has decided to head back to Fish-Man Island, thanking Luffy for freeing him and mentioning that he would wait for him to visit Fish-Man Island in two years. With that, he heads off, and Luffy and the Kuja bid him farewell. Afterward, Luffy, the Kuja Pirates, and Rayleigh head to an abandoned island not far from Amazon Lily called Rusukaina. Rayleigh brought Luffy there to train him. He forbids Hancock and her pirates from coming to see Luffy during his training period, so he can make him stronger without distraction. Once the Kuja Pirates are gone, Rayleigh begins Luffy's training by mentioning that the island was once inhabited, but the chaotic climate changes and the ferocious nature of the wildlife eventually killed all the natives. As a wild elephant comes charging at them, Rayleigh explains the basic concepts of Haki, using the elephant to demonstrate them.

Straw Hat 3D2Y

Luffy leaving his trademark straw hat.

Luffy realizes that he has seen these techniques before in some form or another during his adventures. Rayleigh hopes to use those two years to teach him the basics of controlling the different types of Haki, as it would take longer with a normal person. After a night of rest, Luffy goes off to begin his training, setting his straw hat and Vivre Card on a rock in the only safe place on the island.[17]

Story Impact[]

  • With the war against Whitebeard over, and the New Age beginning, the whole world begins to change.[1]
    • The balance of the Three Great Powers declines after Emperor Whitebeard's death and the resignations of both Jinbe and Blackbeard from their positions as a Warlord of the Sea.[1]
    • Gecko Moria is stripped of his Warlord status and attacked by Doflamingo and the Pacifistas as an order by the World Government.[1] He is later confirmed to be alive during the Wano Country Arc.[18]
    • Garp and Sengoku abdicate their positions, and Aokiji becomes a candidate for Sengoku's rank as Fleet Admiral.[14]
    • Smoker is transferred to G-5 in the New World.[14]
    • Crocodile, Daz Bonez, the Blackbeard Pirates, and the Eleven Supernovas (except Luffy, Zoro, and Trafalgar Law) travel to the New World as well.[13][14][15]
      • Bonney swears revenge against someone, blaming them for something that occurred during the war.[1] That would later be expanded upon during the Egghead Arc.[19]
  • Luffy's backstory about how he met and began his brotherhood with Ace is shown.[2][3]
    • Luffy and Ace's foster mother is revealed to be Curly Dadan.[2]
    • In the flashback, his second brother, Sabo, who is presumed deceased, is shown.[3]
      • In the flashback, Sabo's parents adopt another boy in case Sabo fails, named Sterry,[6] who, as revealed in the Levely Arc, is now the King of the Goa Kingdom.[20]
      • The S crossed out on Ace's arm is not an error but a homage to Sabo.[21][22]
    • During this flashback, Bartholomew Kuma is seen with Dragon and Ivankov as a Revolutionary.[7]
    • Sabo's talk with Dragon[6] would foreshadow his return in the Dressrosa Arc and his involvement with the Revolutionary Army.[23]
  • Brownbeard's defeat at the hands of Basil Hawkins[14] would cause him to lose the use of his legs and find his way to Punk Hazard, where he would become an alligator centaur and a subordinate of Caesar Clown.[24]
  • The foreshadowing of Smoker's role in the Punk Hazard Arc,[14] Trafalgar Law becoming a Warlord of the Sea,[15] and Aokiji battling Akainu for the title of Fleet Admiral are all shown in some form.[14][25]
  • The letter sent to Buggy[13] would foreshadow him becoming a Warlord of the Sea after the timeskip.[26]
  • After having a talk with Jinbe, Luffy decides to reunite with his crew but regroups with Rayleigh, who develops a plan to regroup with the other Straw Hat Pirates by sending a message via Luffy's tattoo, 3D2Y, meaning not to meet back at Sabaody Archipelago in 3 days as they planned, but in 2 years so they can train.[10][11][14]
    • Chopper studies advanced medicine in Torino Kingdom.[15]
    • Sanji begins to learn the ninety-nine Attack Cuisine recipes in Kamabakka Kingdom as well as fighting 99 Newkama Kenpo masters.[15]
    • Nami begins to learn about the New World's meteorology on Weatheria.[16]
    • Brook composes a new song for the Longarm Tribe on Kenzan Island.[16]
    • Robin goes to Baltigo to join Dragon and the Revolutionary Army.[16]
    • Franky begins to study Dr. Vegapunk's explorations into weaponry on Karakuri Island.[16]
    • Usopp begins survival training from Heracles in order to eventually escape from the Boin Archipelago.[16]
    • Zoro begins to train under Mihawk on Kuraigana Island.[17]
    • Luffy begins to train with Rayleigh who begins teaching Luffy how to use Haki on Rusukaina.[17]
  • In Luffy's training, it is finally revealed that there are three different forms of Haki.[17]
    • Kenbunshoku Haki (known as Mantra on Skypiea) which allows the user to predict their enemy's movements.
    • Busoshoku Haki, the ability which allows people to create a force which allows their attacks to become stronger, and even attack other Devil Fruit users without problems, especially Logias.
    • Haoshoku Haki, the ability which one in a million people have and grants the ability to intimidate their enemies.

Anime and Manga Differences[]

  • Certain scenes shown in the anime were not shown in the manga, like the Straw Hats receiving and reacting to the news on the war, and Luffy's actions when he got back to Marineford.
  • The birds of Torino Kingdom, rather than attempting to prevent humans from hunting their eggs, were trying to protect their treasure instead.

Anime Filler[]

The Arc includes an episode which is mostly filler but is roughly based on the cover stories for the Straw Hats during the timeskip. This can be considered as a prelude to the events that follow in the manga. Robin's scenes on this episode are considered canon.

The Crew Receives the Bad News[]

The story starts off with Roronoa Zoro on Kuraigana Island, with Perona accompanying him. He is seen fighting against humandrills. He manages to keep equal ground with them but is then thrown against the giant cross. The humandrills are about to attack when they become mysteriously terrified. A mysterious figure approaches them, and the baboons run off in fright. The figure is actually Hawk-Eyes Mihawk. Zoro looks shocked to see him.

The scene changes to Torino Kingdom, where Chopper is hanging over a hot pot, about to be eaten. The people who caught him finally realize that he is not a raccoon, but a talking reindeer. The hot pot burns Chopper's butt, and the people put a cream on it that instantly cools it down. They tell Chopper that they make all kinds of medicines out of plants and that they can't get to them because of the birds. More and more people are getting sick, and their supply is dangerously low. They decide to go to war against the birds. Chopper decides to talk to the birds and tell them about the situation.

Chopper goes up the tree and tells the birds about what the humans need. The birds reply by saying that they will not let them have the treasure. Chopper does not understand, and the humans are about to fight the birds. More birds arrive, so the humans shoot an arrow at them, but Chopper guards the birds with Guard Point. He ends up falling from the blast but is saved by the chick he befriended from before and its mother. The mother bird talks with the others, and they all come to an understanding. The reason the birds were so ferocious was because they liked collecting shiny things and had a whole treasure trove in their old home, but the humans on that island took that treasure and forced the birds out of their homes. The birds, thinking that these humans would do the same, made sure that none of them could come up the tree.

Chopper, exhausted from the effort, falls unconscious, wakes up bandaged and finds his wounds healed. He goes outside to see the humans and birds working together by exchanging plants and shiny things. A News Coo then comes and gives him the newspaper. Chopper's reaction shows that it is not good news.

The scene changes again to Weatheria, where Nami is working in the weather fields, cultivating Weather Balls. A News Coo arrives, and Nami sees something horrible too. In the Boin Archipelago, Usopp has eaten too much. A News Coo arrives again, and Usopp sees the news as well. In the Kamabakka Kingdom, Sanji is dressed as a woman and is receiving the same news as well, turning him back into a man. At Tequila Wolf, Robin is talking to one of the Revolutionary Army. They ask her to come with them, but she says that she has to meet up with her friends. They say that they have information on the Straw Hat Pirates and tell Robin the news. On Karakuri Island, Franky finally gets some cola and defeats the animal he met inside Vegapunk's laboratory. A piece of paper is printed, and Franky finds out what the news is. In Harahettania, Brook is composing music, and tries to do a 45-degree angle, but ends up doing 60. He goes back to his music and sees piles of papers underneath. Brook also reads the news.

The scene goes back to Zoro, where he asks Mihawk the reason he is here. He replies by saying that he lives here and asks Zoro the same question. He replies by saying that Kuma sent him here. Mihawk says that explains why Monkey D. Luffy was at Marineford. He then tells Zoro what all of the Straw Hats found out: that Luffy's brother, Fire Fist Ace, died before Luffy's eyes.[27]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 59 Chapter 581 and Episodes 490491.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 59 Chapter 582 and Episodes 491 & 493.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 59 Chapter 583 and Episodes 493494.
  4. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 59 Chapter 584 and Episodes 494495.
  5. 5.0 5.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 585 and Episodes 496498, 500.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 586 and Episodes 500501.
  7. 7.0 7.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 587 and Episodes 501502.
  8. 8.0 8.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 588 and Episodes 502503.
  9. 9.0 9.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 589 and Episodes 503504.
  10. 10.0 10.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 590 and Episode 505.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 591 and Episode 507.
  12. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 592 and Episodes 508509.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 593 and Episodes 510 & 512.
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 594 and Episodes 511512.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 595 and Episodes 513514.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 596 and Episodes 514515.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 597 and Episodes 515516.
  18. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 92 Chapter 925 (p. 2-11) and Episode 917, Moria is confirmed to be alive.
  19. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1062 (p. 7), Bonney goes to Egghead to get some answers regarding her father.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 905 (p. 9) and Episode 883, Sterry attends the Levely.
  21. One Piece Green: Secret Pieces, The meaning behind Ace's tattoo is explained as trivia under the recap for The Greatest War of All Time.
  22. One Piece Manga — Vol. 61 Chapter 596, cover story: , This cover shows that Ace would've had a different tattoo in a what-if scenario: if Sabo had not "died" and was not separated from Luffy and Ace.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 744 (p. 13) and Episode 679, Sabo is introduced as the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army.
  24. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 664 (p. 10-16) and Episode 589, Brownbeard reveals how he became a centaur.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 650 (p. 4-6) and Episode 570, Aokiji and Akainu battle for the position of Fleet Admiral.
  26. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 700 (p. 13) and Episode 629, Buggy is revealed to have become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
  27. One Piece Anime — Episode 506, filler episode

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Post-War Arc
Manga Chapters
581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591
592 593 594 595 596 597
Manga Volumes
59 60 61
Anime Episodes
490 491 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501
502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512
513 514 515 516

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