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During the Timeskip[]

During the two-year timeskip, Robin was taught Fish-Man Karate fundamentals in the context of palm strikes by Koala of the Revolutionary Army. Since then, Robin has learned how to incorporate the effects of Fish-Man Karate into her usual fighting style of sprouted limbs, allowing her to break structures with ease through precise palm strikes.[17]

Fish-Man Island Saga[]

Return to Sabaody Arc[]

Nico Robin Returns To Sabaody

Robin returns to Sabaody Archipelago.

Robin returned to Sabaody Archipelago in secret for reasons currently unknown. She had pulled her hair back, revealing more of her forehead and was wearing sunglasses and a long skirt. She was seen hiding from some unknown people who were chasing her. While wondering if she lost her pursuers, she read two posters, one about Brook's concert tour and the other one about the Fake Straw Hat Crew recruiting new members. She seemed confused by both articles.[18]

Later, when the Fake Robin was captured by her pursuers and they reported to an unknown source on a Den Den Mushi that they "have arrested Nico Robin", Robin showed no signs of surprise, saying she had to hurry while wondering if everyone else had made it back.[19]

She then returned to the Thousand Sunny at GR 17 where she met and got reacquainted with Franky. She commented that Franky had not changed (in terms of personality) and made a joke at the fact that he can no longer be considered "human".[20] Robin was then reunited with Nami, Usopp, and Chopper when they arrived at the Thousand Sunny.[21]

When the Thousand Sunny arrived at Grove 42, Chopper and a giant bird brought Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji to the ship. When Boa Hancock intercepted a Marine ship, Robin told the crew about her. With the Marines held back by the Straw Hats' new allies, the crew submerged and headed for Fish-Man Island.[22]

Fish-Man Island Arc[]

Undersea Voyage[]

Coating Infobox

The Straw Hats descend to Fish-Man Island.

As the ship descended, the crew marveled at the underwater sights. When Sanji was propelled out by a massive nosebleed and dragged back in the bubble by Luffy, she deduced that the coating had the same properties as the bubbles in Sabaody Archipelago. Usopp scolded her for analyzing the coating at the wrong time as Sanji's nosebleed was a more pressing issue. The crew then decided to have lunch while Franky explained how Kuma kept the ship safe for two years. As they pondered Kuma's intentions, the shadow of Caribou's ship is seen following them.[23]

As the Thousand Sunny descended even further, the Straw Hats marveled at how deep they were and how dark it was. With the help of a seacow, the Caribou Pirates caught up with the Straw Hats. Caribou quickly set foot on the Thousand Sunny. Before his crew could follow, his seacow, which turned out to be Momoo, fled in fear after seeing Nami, Sanji, and Luffy, taking the rest of the Caribou Pirates and leaving Caribou alone on the ship. The Straw Hats then tied up Caribou as he begged for mercy.

With that settled, Robin helped Nami explain about the Sea Currents. She was then the one to spot the 'underwater waterfall' where the crew encountered the Kraken.[24] Robin calmly commented that it is a rare sight and started sketching it. Even though the Monster Trio left the ship using Barefoot Coating to fight the Kraken, the sea monster aimed for the Thousand Sunny.

Mil Fleur Gigantesco Mano

Robin uses Mil Fleur to push the Thousand Sunny away from an undersea mountain.

After Chopper blocked a tentacle with his Guard Point, Robin used her Devil Fruit powers to prevent the Thousand Sunny from hitting the undersea mountain. The Monster Trio soon defeated the Kraken, but because they were not wearing life-lines, they got separated from Robin and the rest of the Straw Hats as the ship went down the "underwater waterfall".

After reaching 7000 meters below the surface, the crew encountered more sea monsters.[25] When the crew reached the deep-sea volcanic region, they encountered an angler fish which attempted to eat the Thousand Sunny. Robin and the crew are saved by an Umibozu. The crew then encountered Vander Decken and the Flying Dutchman. Vander Decken ordered the Umibozu to punch the Thousand Sunny, but the giant was stopped by the newly-tamed Kraken. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji were then reunited with the rest of the Straw Hats.

Before anything could happen, an underwater volcano started to erupt.[26] When the crew started escaping from the volcano, Robin commented that Surume, the Kraken´s new name given by Luffy, had an odd way of running. After jumping into the trench, she, along with Franky, noticed the rocks falling toward the ship. When Zoro tried to cut them, Robin grabbed him with her Devil Fruit powers, saying that the water pressure outside at this depth would kill him.

When the ship reached the bottom of the trench, the crew finally saw Fish-Man Island. The crew encountered a gang of sea monsters led by Hammond, who gave the crew two options: join the New Fish-Man Pirates or die. When Nami told Franky her plan to get away from Hammond, Robin agreed that it was a good idea and the only way for them to make it out alive.[27]

Discovering an Ancient History[]

Luffy rejected Hammond and the fish-man prepared to attack. Franky activated Coup de Burst (using the rest of the oxygen contained within the coating's bubble) and the ship flew through the bubble surrounding Fish-Man Island. Upon entry, Robin realized that the bubble is double-layered and that most ships would just fall through the air pocket between the layers. Upon successfully entering the second bubble, the Sunny then fell into a powerful current which separated the crew.[28]

Robin remained with Nami and Franky after they entered Fish-Man Island. They went on their separate ways to do different things. Robin decided to explore Fish-Man Island to study history.[29]

After defeating several Ammo Knights at a fish bus stop, she was seen riding on a fish bus heading to the Sea Forest. Robin learned that there might be a Poneglyph in there.[30] She soon met Franky and informed him that she was searching for something and heads to the Sea Forest.

Robin Discovers the Ryugu Poneglyph

Robin deciphers the apology letter on the Poneglyph in the Sea Forest.

Robin eventually found the Poneglyph, hidden in the backwoods of the Sea Forest. She read it easily, despite it being covered with moss and left to age. She commented that this poneglyph is different from the others, which had an apology letter written on it. She then wondered what the apology was for and asked about someone named Joy Boy.[31]

She then returned to the location of the Thousand Sunny to interrupt a fight between Luffy and Jinbe with her new duplication technique.[32] Later, when the group is discussing their attack strategy, Nami volunteered Robin and herself to get the keys to the royal family's shackles and swipe the Celestial Dragon letter, respectively.[33]

Battle for Fish-Man Island[]

Mil Fleur Gigantesco Mano Stomp

Mil Fleur: Gigantesco Mano.

Robin later went to Gyoncorde Plaza with the rest of the Straw Hats and used her ability to unlock the chains that bound Neptune and the princes. Robin and the crew then prepared to fight against the New Fish-Man Pirates. When Luffy unleashed a burst of Haoshoku Haki, Robin is surprised at his ability, though not unfamiliar with it.[34] As the battle with the New Fish-Man Pirates commenced, Robin defeated some of them with her Devil Fruit powers. She then used "Mil Fleur: Gigantesco Mano", summoning two giant legs to crush more of the pirates.[35]

Later, when Hyouzou went on a rampage, he charged at Robin. Zoro intercepted Hyouzou before he reached her.[36] When Jinbe saw Hammond's "Slave Tank" and how the New Fish-Man Pirates were treating their captives in the same way the World Nobles treated their slaves, he asked Robin to help, and she agrees.[37] Robin managed to get the key to the slaves' shackles and freed them as requested. Once freed, the slaves threw Hammond to the ground.

Hammond recovered and tried to capture Robin with a trawl net, but it only caught a clone made from Robin's Hana Hana Fruit powers. Robin then used Cuerpo Fleur to make a clone on Hammond's back and grabbed his neck, while she held Hammond's legs with multiple arms and performed a Double Clutch move, breaking Hammond's back.[38]

After all the leaders of the New Fish-Man Pirates had been defeated, the Straw Hats look into the sky as Luffy tried to destroy Noah. When the Sea Kings appeared and stopped Noah from falling, saving the ship and the island at the same time, everyone on Fish-Man Island celebrated.[39] Princess Shirahoshi brought a wounded Luffy to the Straw Hats, since Chopper could not move after using his Monster Point, Robin helped him move in order to save Luffy from blood loss.[40]

An Important Secret Revealed and Departure[]

Afterwards, she attended the party at the palace in honor of their victory against the New Fish-Man Pirates and was drinking with the Minister of the Left.

Neptune Speaks to Robin

Robin and Neptune discuss about Poseidon.

Later, she wished to talk with Neptune in private about the Poneglyph she read and about Joy Boy. Neptune told her that Joy Boy was a human who lived during the Void Century and talked about the promise Joy Boy made with the Mermaid Princess during the that time. He went on about the importance of Noah and how Joy Boy was unable to keep his side of the deal and sent the Poneglyph with an apology on it instead. Robin then told Neptune about the Poneglyph she read on Sky Island two years ago about Poseidon and stated that its location is Fish-Man Island. She then asked if the Mermaid Princess of the Void Century had a name and realized that Poseidon is the Mermaid Princess's name, so Shirahoshi has inherited the name and powers of the ancient weapon.[41] Robin and Neptune agreed to not talk about this as should other pirates or the World Government find out, they would hunt her down and try using her for themselves. Unfortunately for them, Caribou had listened to their entire conversation.[42]

As the party ended, Robin was seen sitting with her friends and talking to Camie.[43] Later when Luffy brought the news about him declaring war on Big Mom, everyone was shocked while Robin merely smiles.[44]

Afterwards, when the people of Fish-Man Island came to bid farewell to the Straw Hats, Robin was curious about what Neptune and Minister of the Right were whispering about. Later, she again seemed glad when Luffy decided to choose the route to the most dangerous island. When Luffy promised Shirahoshi that he will take her to the surface the next time they met, Robin and the other Straw Hats also promised Shirahoshi the same thing. After sailing away from Fish-Man Island, the Straw Hats cheered while they began their journey to their next adventure.[45]

On their way to New World, the Straw Hats decided to fish some deep-sea fishes for their welcoming party in New World. Later, Robin noticed a White Storm which was sucking Sunny towards it and informed the crew about its dangers. Finally, when the Straw Hats escaped the White Storm and enter the New World; Robin was seen among them remarking on the wild and strong winds of the New World.[46]

Dressrosa Saga[]

Punk Hazard Arc[]

Arriving at Punk Hazard[]

Straw Hats Riding Mini Merry Over Sea of Fire

Robin, Zoro, Luffy, and Usopp riding over the sea of flames.

Upon entering New World, the crew spotted an island surrounded by a sea of flames. They then received a distress call from someone who seemed to be in trouble and supposedly resided on Punk Hazard Island. At first, Robin suspected that the call was a trap by the Marines, but Luffy decided to go to the island anyway. Later on, Luffy and a small group (including Robin, Zoro and Usopp) chosen by picking straws went to explore the island.

After disembarking, they sailed over the sea of flames beneath them on a cloud road Nami had made for them. As Usopp flustered and panicked, she happily enjoyed Sanji's lunch he made for them and playfully fed Luffy some of it. As they approached, they began to feel the intense heat of the island and went deeper while observing the surroundings with Zoro and Robin wondering about the area being a former World Government base or locked up and closed off due to the extreme heat. She wondered why the log pose did not point to this place. As they began to explore, Robin stripped off her dress to an undershirt beneath due to the immense heat. Thinking back on the distress call remembering the caller mentioned feeling cold, with her wondering if there was a cold place on this island.[47]

Dragon Number Thirteen Anime Infobox

Robin, Zoro, Usopp, and Luffy encounter a dragon.

Later, they came across a mysterious dragon that was supposedly capable of communicating with human. After the dragon was cleaved by Zoro, Luffy revealed a pair of legs stuck on the dragon and pulled them off only to see it was just a pair of legs to begin with. The group, except Robin and Zoro, were further shocked to see that the pair of legs could move on its own and talk, making the group realize that the voices they heard did not came from the dragon. The legs took off in pursuit of a Warlord.[48]

After the group cut up and ate the dragon meat and took the rest with them, they continued their expedition. Luffy decided to play with the legs, placing them on his back and pretending to be a centaur. Robin commented on how vulgar Luffy was. Zoro then drew the group's attention to a remarkable sight: a lake separating the flaming half of the island from a frozen, mountainous region on the other half. Usopp then sighted a humanoid figure with wings.[49]

Straw Hats Freezing on Punk Hazard

Luffy, Zoro, Robin and Usopp freezing on Punk Hazard.

Luffy's group then received a call from Brook, who informed them that the Sunny had been taken to the frozen side of the island and that the other Straw Hats went missing. After Luffy and Robin defeated two centaurs, the group decided to go to the frozen side of the island.[50] To cross the lake, Usopp formed a boat from Pop Greens. While the group rode on the boat, the centaur that Luffy had just fought jumped after them and informed his boss that the pirates were heading his way. The four Straw Hats then saw a group of centaurs waiting for them on the other side.[51] The centaurs then fired their bazookas at the water around the boat, capsizing it and leaving Usopp and Zoro to hold up Luffy and Robin. Zoro moved to attack the centaurs, but was instead dragged underwater by sharks. The centaurs prepared to attack the Straw Hats again, but they were stopped by Brook, giving Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp enough time to escape the lake. After emerging from the freezing water, they planned on stealing coats from the centaurs.[52] After defeating them and stealing their coats, the group used Brownbeard as transportation to Vegapunk's former research facility. They soon arrived at the scene where Law and Smoker just fought.[53]

After Luffy talked to Law, the group quickly got away from the Marines and moved to the back side of the facility and met up with Nami, Franky, Sanji, Chopper, and some of the children that were held prisoner in the research facility. The Straw Hats then tied up Brownbeard and brought each other up to speed on the current situation.[54] After interrogating Brownbeard, they learned about a man known as Caesar Clown.[55] Kin'emon later left the group to find his torso and Sanji, Brook, and Zoro went out to search for him. As Franky started to adjust to Chopper's body, Robin told him not to talk. Before long, several of the giant children started to feel pain, saying that they need candy usually given to them in order to make the pain go away. However, Chopper stated that the candy contained a drug that the children became addicted to and Luffy's group learned that the children had been experimented on. The giant children started to go on a rampage, forcing Usopp to put them to sleep. Luffy's group then decided to help the children and find Caesar. The group also tied up the giant children so that they could not destroy anything else.[56] Luffy, Usopp, Franky, and Robin then left Chopper and Nami to watch the children while they headed to Caesar's lab. While they were gone, Luffy's group heard an explosion coming from the hideout and quickly turned back. When they returned, the Yeti Cool Brothers opened fire on them and escaped with Nami in Franky's body.[57]

Alliance with Law and Confrontation with Caesar Clown[]

Luffy and Franky went after the brothers and Robin and the rest were shocked that Franky turned into Monster Point and went on a rampage.[58] After the Yeti Cool Brothers were defeated, Luffy, Franky, Nami, and Law returned to the hideout. Robin and the rest were surprised that Luffy and Law formed an alliance. When Law returned Franky and Chopper to their bodies, Robin was pleased as she hated having Franky in Chopper's body. The Straw Hats and Law then formed a plan to capture Caesar while helping the children.[59]

Robin was later seen flying with Luffy and Franky towards Caesar's lab. While the other two crashed into a Marine warship, Robin used Wings to land safely on the ground.[60] They all then prepared to capture Caesar Clown. In the ensuing fight against Caesar's centaurs and the G-5 Marines, Franky blasted the doors open. Before Robin's group entered the facility, pieces of the Slime started falling from the sky and attacked anyone near them. Caesar Clown soon revealed himself to both Luffy's group and the G-5 Marines.[61]

Along with Franky, Robin then watched the battle between Luffy and Caesar. When Franky exclaimed that Luffy is finally able to grab a Logia user, Robin compared Busoshoku Haki to seastone, saying that while that form of Haki allowed the user to catch the real body of a Logia opponent, it did not negate the effects of the Logia ability like seastone does.[62]

When Luffy was attacked by Caesar's Gas Tank, she screamed out to Luffy and she was shocked when Luffy was attacked again by Gas Tank. She heaved a sigh of relief when Luffy managed to subdue Caesar after a lengthy battle. When Luffy suddenly fainted, Robin and Franky wondered what was happening to him. Robin, Franky, Smoker, and Tashigi later fell into unconsciousness without Caesar even touching them.[63]

She was then locked up in a cell with Luffy, Franky, Smoker, Tashigi, and Law. Robin asked Luffy if it felt nostalgic, as she and Crocodile had locked Luffy and Smoker in a cage at the Arabasta Kingdom.[64] While Clown was giving out his broadcast to the underworld brokers about his experiment with his chemical mass destruction weapon, Robin and the other captives just sat passively in the cell.[65] After Smiley exploded and released a poisonous cloud, the prisoners witnessed the destructive effects of the gas as some of Caesar's subordinates succumbed to it. After explaining about his weapon of mass destruction, Caesar proceeded to move the cell outside of the facility where the prisoners would die.[66]

Punk Hazard Counter Attack Begins

The counter attack begins.

Robin then watched as Law began their escape plan, directing Franky to launched his Franky Fireball at the segregated battleship down below. Setting the wood alight, the smoke then rose up to the cage, allowing them to discreetly take action. Law quickly revealed that he had replaced some of the seastone handcuffed with regular ones allowing for him to escape easily. After freeing Luffy and the others, Law used his powers to move them into the laboratory. They then opened the shutters, allowing everyone outside to escape the poison gas.[67]

After the G-5 Marines plugged up the hole made by Zoro and Kin'emon, they prepared to arrest the Straw Hat crew but were interrupted by Law. Law told everyone present about a way off the island through a door with "R Building 66". He then said that they all had only two hours to escape. As everyone departed with different objectives, Robin was seen standing next to Law as Luffy ran to find Caesar.[68] Luffy told her to go with Kin'emon's group, and she was later seen riding on Brownbeard's back. After one of Caesar's henchmen blew a hole on the wall of Building A with a cannon, the gas poured in. As the gate to the passageway to Building B closed, Robin and the others made haste to escape Building A. They, except for some of the Marines, managed to escape to the passageway before the gate shut completely.[69] They left Tashigi and the Marines to mourn the loss of the ones who did not make it. The group continued on to Building B while riding on Brownbeard's back. After entering the building, the small dragon, after attacking Tashigi's group, began to attack the Straw Hats, Kin'emon, and Brownbeard.[70]

While Brook and Kin'emon argued on who should fight the dragon, Robin, Nami, and Usopp dealt damage to it, leaving Brook and Kin'emon to deliver the finishing blow. The group then found Chopper (in Monster Point) trying to prevent the children from getting their candy.[71] Regardless of his efforts, the children beat him down and ran pass him when the Rumble Ball wore off. Robin, Kin'emon, Nami, Zoro, Usopp, and Brook quickly came to Chopper's aid and ran after the children to the Biscuits Room, where Mocha was guarding a piece of candy. Robin attempted to hinder the children by using her Devil Fruit powers to create giant hands as a barrier. This soon proved to be futile as the angry children continued going after Mocha. Monet then appeared and told Mocha to share the candy.[72] Robin told Usopp, Brook and Kin'emon to go find some seastone handcuffs and Momonosuke, and attempted to stop the children once again, only for Monet to stop her by stabbing her in the shoulder, telling her not to interfere. Zoro managed to stop Monet from landing more hits and told Robin to leave her to him, as she was a Logia user.[73]

Cuatro Mano Spank

Robin saves Nami and Chopper from Monet.

Nami and Chopper then tended to Robin, but she assured them that her wound was only a cut. Monet tried to attack them when they attempted to run after the children, but Zoro quickly blocked her. After getting hit by Nami's Heat Egg, Monet dove into the snow and stopped Robin, Nami, and Chopper from leaving by creating a wall to block their path. An enraged Monet suddenly ensnared Nami and Chopper and attempted to bite Chopper. Robin used her Hana Hana no Mi abilities to shatter Monet. Zoro then cut down the snow barrier, allowing Robin, Nami, and Chopper to go after the children.[74]

While Robin tried to help sedate the berserk children, she used Cien Fleur: Dos Mano which created two giant hands to pin down one of the children so that Chopper could give him a sedative. Despite Robin and Nami's best efforts, some of the children managed to get around them and caught Mocha. No longer able to run from the children, Mocha swallowed the whole batch of candy as Robin, Nami, and Chopper watched in horror. While Mocha coughed up blood, Robin was happy to see Sanji and the G-5 Medical Team arrive to help. With their assistance, they were able to sedate the children.[75]

While Chopper tended to Mocha's condition, Robin, Nami, Sanji, the children and the G-5 with them made haste to Building R. They later joined up with Zoro and Tashigi.[76] After Luffy defeated Caesar, Robin's group reunited with him. Once everyone reached Building R safely, they boarded a rail car and made their escape.[77] Once they reached the outside, they found Franky battling against Buffalo and Baby 5.


Robin, Mocha, and Chopper Celebrating at Punk Hazard Party

Robin celebrating with others.

After the defeat of Buffalo and Baby 5 and the capture of Caesar Clown, everyone took a moment to rest and relax and they all had a feast together.[78]

After the party ended, Robin and the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates made their way to their ship to set sail to their next destination. While they made their way, the G-5 marines put up a banner to prevent the kids from seeing the Straw Hats while yelling things like Marines are justice and pirates are scum. The kids, however, said that they were the ones who saved them, while remembering all the Straw Hats did for them. The G-5 marines continue to speak ill of pirates and praise the marines, but Tashigi interrupts them and says they are a disgrace. The G-5 marines respond with saying that if they do not badmouth the pirates, they would come to admire and respect them. Eventually the marines lower their voices and banners to let the kids say their goodbyes, while Robin and the rest of the Straw Hats wave them goodbye, as they continue to make their way to their ship.[79]

Robin and the Straw Hat pirates were later seen on a Seaslope, which are pretty common according to Law. A little while later, Luffy started to explain that they formed alliance with the Heart Pirates to take down an Emperor. Law then started explaining about the operations and underworld deals of all the major pirates of the New World and that Doflamingo, also known as Joker, has the most influence in the underworld. Law continued on, saying that Doflamingo's biggest client is Kaidou, which greatly shocked Kin’emon and Momonosuke. Law proceeded to explain the next goal of their plan which was to cut down Kaidou’s forces as much as possible, specifically his army synthetic devil fruit users. Law also revealed that the current number of synthetic devil fruit users is about 500. Law assured the crew that the number would not grow any time soon, due to the capture of Caesar Clown. Law concluded by saying that the devil fruits are being made on their next destination, Dressrosa, and also warned the crew to not underestimate Doflamingo. Luffy asked if Kin'emon had business on Dressrosa and Kin'emon revealed that he has a comrade being held prisoner there.[80]

Robin Bathes Momonosuke

Robin bathing Momonosuke.

Later that evening, Robin bathed together with Momonosuke, making Sanji, Brook, and Kin'emon quite jealous. When they saw him wrapped in her bosom, Sanji, Brook, and Kin'emon were completely infuriated until Nami reprimanded them to behave. Nami asked Momonosuke to sleep with her and Robin for the night, much to his delight.[81] On the next morning, everyone read the news about Doflamingo abdicating his position as a Warlord as per Law's demanded as well as his kingship of Dressrosa. They saw that the newspaper also explained about Luffy and Law's alliance and the alliance between Kid, Hawkins, and Apoo. Law remained unconcerned with the other pirate alliance and then explained his next phase of his plan to the crew.[82]

Dressrosa Arc[]

The Next Objective[]

After Law contacted Doflamingo to inform him that they were bringing Caesar to Green Bit, Robin had a meal with the rest of the crew while Kin'emon and Momonosuke told them the story about how they were shipwrecked and drifted to Dressrosa, how Momonosuke was separated from his father, and how Kanjuro was captured. The Thousand Sunny later approached Dressrosa.[83]

Law, Caesar, and Straw Hats in Disguise

Robin and her group incognito.

After disembarking, the group split into three teams. Robin was assigned to the team responsible for delivering Caesar to Green Bit.[84] Law's group and Caesar stopped by at a northeastern café wearing disguises like Luffy's group. While getting information on how to get to Green Bit, they learned that the bridge that connected to that island was surrounded by Fighting Fish that are strong enough to break iron. The man they were talking to warned them that no one who crossed the bridge to Green Bit had returned. Caesar and Usopp then became worried that they had to go through a dangerous passage. They then spotted CP0 walking by. Robin hid her face and commented that their presence was not good.[85]

As Law's group crossed the bridge, they were attacked by the fighting fish. Law told Usopp to release Caesar from his handcuffs so he could help fight off the fishes. Law also revealed that he held Caesar's heart as insurance. Since the use of his Ope Ope no Mi powers depleted his strength, Law tasked Usopp, Robin, and Caesar with defending the bridge, wanting to save all of his strength so he could confront Doflamingo. Despite their efforts, the bridge was destroyed. A fighting fish attacked them from the front, but it was then captured by some unknown people. The group then used Caesar to fly to the other side. After reaching Green Bit, they discovered a Marine ship on the island. Usopp and Robin scouted the island and spotted a group of Marines searching for someone. The two then witnessed the Marines suddenly stripped by the mysterious inhabitants of the island. Robin used her powers to catch the unseen people and deduced that they were dwarves.[86]

Company with the Dwarves[]

Robin Sewn to the Ground

Robin's encounter with the dwarves

While Robin is talking to the dwarf she caught, she and Usopp were put to sleep by the other dwarves. She later wakes up in Tontatta Kingdom, pinned to the ground while the dwarves, led by Leo, search her body. They release her when she promises that she will not hurt them. Robin was surprised at how trusting they are, but Leo demanded some kind of weapon in exchange. Since Robin does not have any weapons, the dwarves threaten to strip her of all her clothing. Another dwarf, Flapper, stops them, saying that Robin is a friend of the "hero". Robin then wondered what kind of lie Usopp came up with.[87]

Robin creates a copy of her upper body above ground and tells Law that she and Usopp are trapped underground but are still fine. She urges Law to leave Green Bit right before Issho and Doflamingo arrive at the exchange site.[88]

Robin was then seen having a feast with Usopp and the dwarves. As Usopp continued telling lies to the dwarves, she noticed a statue of Mont Blanc Noland. Leo then told her the history of how Mont Blanc Noland helped Tontatta Kingdom in the past. Robin commented on how Usopp was a bad person for claiming to be Mont Blanc Noland's descendant.[89]

As the dwarves prepared for their upcoming battle against Doflamingo, Robin learned that there was a dark factory in the basement of the Corrida Colosseum where 500 dwarves were forced to work as slaves. When the dwarves complete their preparation, they march to Dressrosa through an underground passage, riding on an army of insects while Robin and Usopp ride on linear foxes. Shorty after the beginning of the march, Gancho appears out of Robin's cleavage and explains to Robin and Usopp that the dwarves' history with Dressrosa goes back 900 years ago.[90]

Once the group from Green Bit gathered at the Riku Royal Army Headquarters hidden beneath the Flower Field, Robin listened to Thunder Soldier's speech about overthrowing Doflamingo.[91] Afterwards, Robin listened to Gancho as he explained more about the history of the dwarves centuries ago including their enslavement by the Donquixote Family and their liberation by the Riku Family after the Void Century. Once Gancho finished with his story, Robin asked Thunder Soldier about Rebecca and her grandfather. Thunder Soldier explained about an incident ten years ago which caused the former Riku King to lose all trust from the citizens before revealing himself to be Rebecca's father.[92]

After this revelation, Robin, Franky, and Usopp then listened to Thunder Soldier as he explained the story of Dressrosa in detail. Robin commented on how amazing it was that Dressrosa was so peaceful under the Riku Family's rule before the toy soldier talked about the fateful night in which Doflamingo took over.[93]

Usopp Robin and Franky Shocked

Usopp, Robin, and Franky after listening to Thunder Soldier's reason for rebellion.

After Thunder Soldier finished explaining the story behind Doflamingo's past takeover of the kingdom, Robin commented on how cunning Doflamingo was. Usopp assumed that Doldo was charged for the crimes he supposedly committed and put to death. Thunder Soldier explained otherwise, saying that Doldo still lived because his daughter, Viola, promised to aid the Donquixote Pirates on the condition that her father was spared. Thunder Soldier described how the citizens that were turned into toys were forgotten by their families and loved ones and also mentioned that some of the toys were beginning to lose their memories as well. However, they still remembered their hatred for Doflamingo and Thunder Soldier planned to use that fact to recruit them for the rebellion. After hearing about Doflamingo's atrocities, Robin was willing to join the fight, saying that Doflamingo cannot be forgiven. Thunder Soldier then expressed his despair regarding Doflamingo's fake resignation. As he went into detail about how at first they were overjoyed at his "resignation", he mentioned the fact that this being false information was what drove he and the dwarves to plan a rebellion. Robin, Usopp, and Franky looked on in shock as they realized they were the catalyst of the imminent rebellion.[94]

When Zoro finally made contact with Luffy at the Corrida Colosseum, Robin, Usopp, and Franky engaged in a conference call with both Sanji and Luffy's group without the dwarves listening in on their conversation. After the true situation on Dressrosa was explained and everyone was brought up to speed, the trio gained Luffy's approval to join the revolution against the Donquixote Pirates.[95]

During the skirmish at Corrida Colosseum, Kin'emon informed everyone that Law was defeated in battle by Doflamingo. Everyone was then shocked to hear that an admiral was present in Dressrosa, leading Robin to comment that they were against more enemies than they had originally thought. They became even more shocked upon learning that the Sunny was under attack by the Big Mom Pirates, who were after Caesar Clown. As Sanji's group continued on to Zou and Luffy's group decided to take the fight to Doflamingo, Franky's group was left in charge of destroying the SMILE factory.[96]

Thunder Soldier then explained to Robin, Franky, and Usopp the plans for the upcoming assault, which he named Dressrosa Operation S.O.P. As the three Straw Hats wondered what S.O.P. meant, the soldier informed them about an underground world where the factory and trade port were located and that they would infiltrate through an underground tunnel. Other than destroying the factory and the port, the key to the operation's success would be taking out Sugar, the Devil Fruit user who turned humans into toys. The Straw Hats learned that by knocking Sugar unconscious, her powers would be undone.[97]

Dressrosa Operation SOP[]

Robin and Usopp Infiltrate Dressrosa Underground

Robin and Usopp infiltrate the underground world.

Robin, Usopp, the dwarves, and Thunder Soldier entered the tunnel and began their infiltration. Robin was carried through the tunnel by Inhel, Cotton, Baxcon and Daikon, and she listened as Leo explained about the Donquixote Pirates' hierarchy. After hearing about Franky's assault on the toy house, they arrived at the trade port.[98]

After Thunder Soldier separated from the group to go to the royal palace, the rebels prepared to go to the central tower where Sugar is located. When Usopp was spotted by two of Doflamingo's subordinates, Robin watched as the dwarves stripped them and knocked them out. Robin and Usopp then put on disguises.[99]

They later infiltrated the officer tower and went to the room where Trebol and Sugar were located. Leo planned to take down Sugar by placing a spice known as Tatababasco into her basket of grapes. Robin was watching as Leo went forward to execute his plan.[100]

After seeing how accurately Trebol shot a fly with his ability, Robin stopped Leo, knowing that Trebol would be able to spot him. While Bian caused a commotion at the trade port with her army of wasps, Robin lured Trebol out of the tower. After leaving the tower, they heard Sugar calling Trebol to return. Robin then tricked Trebol into attacking a group of pirates and attempted to flee. Trebol soon caught on to her deception and tried to catch her, but it was just a clone.[101]

After Trebol threw a ship at the officer tower, Robin helped Usopp out of the wreckage. They could only watch as Trebol captured the dwarves with his sticky substance and tricked Leo into revealing who the dwarves were allied with. After Trebol ignited the sticky substance, causing it to explode, Leo was then blown away to where Robin and Usopp were.[102]

Robin as a Toy

Nico Robin after being turned into a toy by Sugar's ability.

With the dwarves incapacitated, Robin used her Devil Fruit powers in an attempt to knock out Sugar with the spice the dwarves were going to use. Sugar touched one of Robin's arms, transforming her into a toy. While wandering in the trade port, Robin wondered where Usopp went and put her hopes in him.[103] Robin was glad when Usopp finally mustered his courage and took a stand against Trebol.[104] When Usopp miraculously completed Operation SOP, Robin transformed back into a human. She then tend to a wounded Usopp and thanked him for his efforts.[105]

Trebol vs Robin

Robin confronts Trebol.

Angered at Sugar's defeat, Trebol threatened not to let the dwarves or Robin escape with Usopp. Robin asked the Tontatta to leave with Usopp while she dealt with Trebol. As she confronted Trebol, he asked if the Straw Hats' goal was the SMILE Factory. He proceeded to attack her, but she was able to block his attack by rising a giant rock from the ground with her abilities. Trebol was interrupted by Hajrudin, who took Usopp from the Tontatta and raised him above his head in a ceremonial fashion and proclaimed Usopp as their savior. As the ceiling above them began to collapse due to the destruction of the colosseum, Hajrudin and the rest of the newly restored combatants agreed to follow Usopp's instructions, vowing to save the Tontatta and destroy the SMILE Factory.[106]

The Birdcage[]

When the Revolutionary Army's members made their way down to the trading port, they were reunited with Robin, who introduced Usopp to them. Doflamingo then trapped Dressrosa in his Torikago and created a survival game which gave everyone a choice to either kill him or those on a list of certain people.[107] During the chaos occurring throughout the country, Robin's group was briefly reunited with Kin'emon. Doflamingo announced his hit list, which included Robin, Rebecca, Kin'emon, Sabo, and Usopp. Robin's bounty was one star, or Beli100 million. With Usopp's followers becoming their enemies, Robin, Usopp, Rebecca, Bartolomeo, the Revolutionaries, and the Tontatta dwarves fled to the surface. While fleeing, she contacted Zoro through Den Den Mushi.[108]

Robin's group (except for Sabo and Koala) later reached the colosseum stands. Robin noted that after Pica rearranged Dressrosa, the outer wall of the Colosseum came into contact with the King's Plateau, and that if they climbed up there, they could meet with the others.[109] They eventually arrived at the top of the old King's Plateau where they met up with Riku Doldo III, Viola, and Tank Lepanto.[110]

Journey on the Yellow Kabu

The Yellow Kabu Squad help Robin, Leo, Rebecca, and Bartolomeo cross Dressrosa.

After Viola found the keys to Law's seastone handcuffs, Robin contacted Luffy through Den Den Mushi and told him to meet her, Rebecca, Bartolomeo, and Leo at the sunflower garden on the fourth level of the new King's Plateau.[111] Using the beetles of the Tontatta Airlines Yellow Cab, Rebecca, Robin, and Bartolomeo jumped down from the old King's Plateau and were carried from rooftop to rooftop. Leo reminded them to aim for the fourth level and warned them to watch out for attacks from below.[112]

They later reached the giant Pica statue while Zoro was battling Pica. After Pica noticed them, he prepared to throw a colossal punch at the trio with the statue, but Zoro stopped Pica with a powerful sword slash, much to Robin's relief.[113] Robin, Rebecca, and Bartolomeo then passed the giant stone statue and continued onwards to the fourth level.[114]

Robin Faces Gladius With Mil Fleur Gigantesco Mano

Robin confronts Gladius.

While flying over the second level, the group was attacked by Gladius, and the explosions struck Robin's beetles and Bartolomeo, separating them from Rebecca, Leo, and Kabu. As she fell, Robin kept Gladius from pursuing Rebecca, and slowed her own fall with wings made of hands. Robin and Bartolomeo then landed on the third level where Luffy, Law, Kyros, and Cavendish were. Robin and Bartolomeo faced off against Gladius and an army of giant toys to enable Luffy and his allies to continue on towards the fourth level where Rebecca would be waiting.[115] As Luffy, Law, and Kyros went up the stairway created by Bartolomeo's ability, Bartolomeo got injured protecting Luffy from Gladius' attacks. After Robin saved Bartolomeo from one of the giant toys, she remarked that Luffy has always been the winning trump card. She then knocked away the toys in the vicinity and declared that she will not allow Gladius to lay a hand on Luffy.[116] When the giant toys returned to their original forms after Sugar's second defeat, Robin realized that the reason for the toys' size was that each was made from eight soldiers.[117]

Robin Catches Hakuba

Robin grabs Hakuba before he can attack her.

While Bartolomeo and Cavendish fought Gladius, Robin, worried about Rebecca, made her way up to level 4. Gladius tried to gun her down, but Bartolomeo used his barrier to block the shots. Robin winked at Bartolomeo in gratitude, making him very happy.[118] After Bartolomeo accidentally knocked Cavendish unconscious, Hakuba awoke and ran up the cliff to attack Robin, but Robin was able to stop him with her powers. Cavendish then regained control of his body while apologizing to Robin over what Hakuba did. While Robin had both Cavendish and Hakuba restrained, Gladius attempted to rupture the plateau they were on. Bartolomeo attempted to stop Gladius, but his efforts were in vain. Cavendish, having gained some control over Hakuba, pleaded with Robin to trust him to escape the explosion with Hakuba's speed. The two narrowly escaped from Gladius's attack with Cavendish stopping Hakuba from harming Robin by holding his blade with his hand. Cavendish then fell asleep afterwards while Robin went on ahead.

Mil Fleur Hanagasa

Robin protects Rebecca from Diamante's attack.

She arrived at the Sunflower Field just in time to save Rebecca from one of Diamante's attack. She then told Rebecca that she can leave the fight to her.[119] Robin then promised Kyros that she would protect Rebecca so he could focus on his battle with Diamante.[120] When Diamante caused spiky iron balls to rain down from the sky, Robin shielded Rebecca with Mil Fleur: Flower Umbrella. Robin remained at Rebecca's side until Kyros cut down Diamante.[121] However, some of Diamante's iron balls managed to graze Robin's back. After Diamante's defeat, Robin was surprised when Pica appeared and then left after speaking to Kyros and Rebecca. They then watched Pica head towards the Old King's Plateau.[122]

Cavendish Protects Law and Robin

Cavendish protects Law and Robin.

Later, Robin witnessed an explosion on the palace rooftop and saw Luffy carrying Law out of harm's way. She then told Luffy to bring Law down to the Flower Field, and Luffy thanked her as he threw Law down. Robin caught Law using Spider's Net and was appalled by his injuries. Not willing to let Law get away, Doflamingo shot at him using Tamaito and Robin immediately shielded Law with her own body. Fortunately, Cavendish reappeared and deflected the attack before it could hit. After Cavendish told Bartolomeo to make them a staircase to get down, Robin prepared to leave the Flower Field with the others. However, Law regained consciousness and declared his intent to stay on the Flower Field. Law stated that he was responsible for dragging Luffy into his fight, but Robin assured him that Luffy fought Doflamingo on his own choosing. Cavendish told Robin to go on ahead and gave her his coat.[123]

Robin, Kyros, and Rebecca then left the Sunflower Field and joined up with Bartolomeo and the colosseum gladiators as Riku Doldo III encouraged the citizens to not give in to despair.[124] Robin was later informed by Viola about Zoro and the others' attempt to hinder the Torikago, and she commented on how it was like Zoro to think of such a plan.[125] She then aided the colosseum gladiators in pushing back the Torikago via Bartolomeo's barrier. The island-wide effort momentarily stopped the cage, but it then continued shrinking so everyone refused to stop pushing.[126]

Once Luffy defeated Doflamingo and brought down the Torikago, Robin smiled as Luffy's victory was announced to Dressrosa.[127]

After Doflamingo's Defeat[]

Fighters Resting at Kyros's House

Robin and the Straw Hats recover at Kyros' house.

Robin and her group were later seen resting and recovering in Kyros' old house. Sabo told Robin that he would be leaving Dressrosa since CP0 was coming back for the revolutionaries. After Sabo told his story and gave Zoro a vivre card for Luffy, Robin bid Sabo farewell.[128]

Three days after Doflamingo's defeat, Robin and the other Straw Hats continued with their recovery. They were eating a meal as they heard the rumor about Rebecca's father. Bartolomeo then entered the house and informed them that the Marines were mobilized to pursue the Straw Hats. He also explained that there is an escape route planned for them. When the Marines were about to storm Kyros' house, Robin and the others fled.[129] After Luffy separated from the group to take care of unfinished business, Robin's group went to the eastern port. While waiting for Luffy, they saw Issho approaching.[130]

When Issho prepared to attack them with all the rubble from Dressrosa, the Straw Hats and their allies quickly fled to the escape ship. At that moment, Luffy arrived and attacked Issho.[131] During the clash, Issho used his gravity ability to blow away Luffy, who was then caught by Hajrudin. The Straw Hats and their allies quickly fled across a bridge leading to a gigantic ship in the distance. Issho prepared to drop the rubble on them but was obstructed by the Dressrosa citizens who were pretending to chase after the pirates.

Straw Hat Grand Fleet Celebrates

The Straw Hat Grand Fleet celebrates their formation.

They eventually reached Orlumbus' flagship, the Yonta Maria. The following then pledged their allegiance to the Straw Hats: Cavendish of the Beautiful Pirates (including Suleiman), Bartolomeo of the Barto Club, Sai of the Happo Navy, Ideo of the XXX Gym Martial Arts Alliance (including Blue Gilly, Abdullah, and Jeet), Leo of the Tontatta Tribe, Hajrudin of the Giant Warrior Pirates, and Orlumbus of the Yonta Maria Grand Fleet.[132] After the Straw Hat fleet was formed, the Straw Hats and company held a feast to celebrate their victory over Doflamingo.[133]

After the feast, each of the leading allies received Luffy's vivre card and parted ways. Bartolomeo then brought the Straw Hats, the samurais, and Law to his ship, the Going Luffy-senpai. After Zoro noticed the Straw Hats' increase in bounty from a newspaper, Bartolomeo proudly showed Luffy's group their new wanted posters.[134]

Whole Cake Island Saga[]

Zou Arc[]

Encounter with the Mink Tribe[]

During a hail storm, Robin learned that the Barto Club does not have a navigator, lacks experience in sailing, and usually called a granny who gives them useless advice. However, Robin was amused at the Barto Club's antics. After one week of traversing through the dangers of the New World, the ship finally arrived at Zou.[135]

After finding the Thousand Sunny, the Barto Club bid Luffy's group farewell. Proceeding to search for Sanji's group, they climbed the giant elephant's left hind leg with a dragon that Kanjuro conjured. After the samurais explained that they were also searching for their ninja comrade, Raizo, the group saw something dropping towards them.[136]

Bariete Falls onto Straw Hats

A monkey falls onto the Straw Hats.

The falling monkey mink hit Kin'emon and Kanjuro, causing them to fall off the dragon. Despite being separated from the group, the samurais assured the Straw Hats that they were alright and will catch up to them eventually. The rest of the group considered turning back for them, but after they saw the dragon struggling to climb, they decided to continue towards the top. Once they reached the top, the dragon turned back into a drawing, much to Robin's sorrow. They later entered a village and Luffy ran ahead of the group. While exploring the village, they saw signs of a recent attack before encountering two people from the Mink Tribe.[137]

Right after a brief scuffle between Carrot and Zoro, Wanda and Carrot proceeded to leave in a hurry to deal with an intruder at the Whale's Forest. Before leaving, Wanda explained to Robin's group about where to find a "corpse" of their comrade. Robin and the others thought that Wanda was saying the other Straw Hat members died, and Robin even made some morbid comments about it. However, they did not actually believe that to be true and they continued exploring the island. As they explored the Mink Tribe's civilization, they found it completely deserted with more signs of a recent battle.[138]

During their exploration at Kurau City, the group experienced an eruption rain and they fled to higher ground. Once the rain passed, they surmised that it is a daily occurrence based on how the city is built. Right after Usopp spotted Luffy with Carrot and Wanda, Law teleported the group close to their location. Wanda then led them into Right Belly Fortress, where they reunited with Nami and Chopper.[139]

Rightflank Fortress

The Straw Hat Pirates arrive at the Right Belly Fortress.

While having a feast with the Mink Tribe, Robin and the group were reunited with Brook, who explained that Momonosuke was safe but refused to leave his room. He also warned the group not to mention samurai or the Wano Country. Before he could explain the reason, he was interrupted by canine minks. Robin then listened to Nami and Chopper's story about how they escaped the Big Mom Pirates before listening to Wanda's story about how Nami's group saved the Mink Tribe. After hearing that Prince Inuarashi awakened from his coma and wanted to meet Zou's benefactors, Robin and her group went to meet him. On the way, Wanda began to explain to them about Jack's attack on Zou in more detail.[140]

Audience with Inuarashi

The Straw Hats visit Inuarashi.

During her explanation, Wanda revealed that Jack was searching for a Wano ninja known as Raizo. After Wanda finished with her recollection, Brook explained to his crew the reason why they should not mention samurai or the Wano Country.[141] They then arrived at the duke's home where they were introduced to Shishilian, who expressed his gratitude to the crew.[142] After entering the duke's home, they heard about a weapon Jack used against the Mink Tribe.[143] After Wanda recalled the devastation caused by Jack and the Mink Tribe's salvation, the Straw Hats decided to visit Nekomamushi and the Guardians. They then traveled to the Whale Forest with Wanda and Carrot.[144]

Journey to Nekomamushi

The Straw Hats go off to see Nekomamushi.

As Brook sang about Nekomamushi, Robin asked if Nekomamushi is like what Brook described, but Brook replied that he was singing about how he imagined the ruler. After hearing about the circumstances concerning Sanji's departure from Zou, Robin vaguely remembered the name 'Vinsmoke'. Nami apologized for not holding Sanji back before the rest of the crew arrived, but Robin assured her that they had no choice in the matter. Luffy decided to find Sanji, but his crew reminded him that they cannot invade Big Mom's domain without a strategy, and Robin said that as an Emperor, Big Mom is on a completely different level than any of their past opponents.

After arriving at the Whale Forest, Robin, Chopper, Brook, and Usopp paid Nekomamushi a visit.[145] As Nekomamushi partied with Luffy and his group, Robin, Franky, and Brook stood guard outside Zou's gates, planning to stop Kin'emon and Kanjuro from entering. However, by the time they arrived the next morning, Robin, Franky, and Brook already fell asleep, and went unnoticed by those they planned to meet as Kanjuro's living art overshadowed them.[146]

Revelations and a New Alliance[]

Straw Hats Hide Samurai From Minks

The Straw Hats attempt to hide the samurai from the minks.

When they woke up, the trio realized that Kin'emon and Kanjuro went passed them and they quickly ran back to the Mokomo Dukedom, fearing what would happen if the Mink Tribe met the samurais. The Straw Hats managed to intercept Kin'emon, Kanjuro, and Momonosuke just as they arrived at Kurau City and tried desperately to keep them hidden. However, as Nekomamushi and Inuarashi were fighting, Kin'emon and Kanjuro revealed themselves. Contrary to what the Straw Hats expected, the Mink Tribe welcomed the samurais and revealed that Raizo is safe. The Straw Hats were stunned to learn that the minks knew about Raizo all along and went to great lengths to keep him hidden despite the abuse they suffered.[147]

The Straw Hats were further astonished when Kin'emon revealed that Momonosuke was not his son, but rather the heir to the daimyo of Kuri. Nekomamushi and Inuarashi then took the Straw Hats, Law, and the samurais to Raizo's location. In a secret room inside the whale-shaped tree, they saw Raizo tied to a red poneglyph. Robin noted its color and got permission from Inuarashi to read it.[148]

Robin Reading Zou Poneglyph

Robin deciphers Zou's Poneglyph.

When Robin deciphered the red poneglyph, Inuarashi then explained to the Straw Hats about the four Road Poneglyphs and they listened in anticipation as he revealed how they can lead to Laugh Tale. After Nekomamushi revealed that Kaidou and Big Mom each possessed one Road Poneglyph, he expressed his concern for Robin as there will be people who would come after her for her ability to read poneglyphs. Robin expressed her confidence that her crewmates can protect her. Robin then inquired the two rulers about their knowledge of the poneglyphs and the Straw Hats were surprised when Nekomamushi revealed that Momonosuke's ancestors created the poneglyphs. However, the samurais explained that Momonosuke never inherited the knowledge of the poneglyphs due to the execution of Lord Kozuki Oden at the hands of Kaidou and the shogun of Wano. The Straw Hats also learned that Oden was part of Roger's crew and had been on Laugh Tale with him as well as the Beasts Pirates' objective in obtaining the secret that Oden knew.[149]

Zou Begins Shaking

Zou begins shaking due to Jack's attack.

Right after Luffy agreed to form an alliance with the samurais and Mink Tribe, the group left the secret room. Afterwards, Robin and the others learned that Inuarashi and Nekomamuhi traveled with Oden and had been on the ships of both Whitebeard and Roger. Robin also helped explain to Luffy about the war between the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates one year after the Summit War of Marineford, which ended with the Whitebeard Pirates being defeated and forced into hiding. The alliance decided to split up to accomplish different tasks and meet up again at Wano. Robin asked Luffy to make a copy of the poneglyph in Big Mom's possession. However, before they could start their operation, they felt Zou shaking and heard Zunesha crying.[150]

As everything shook around them, they witnessed Luffy and Momonosuke's ability to hear Zunesha's voice. They then heard from Momonosuke that Jack returned to Zou and started attacking Zunesha. On Momonosuke's command, Zunesha sank Jack's fleet with one blow. With the threat of Jack ended, everyone became calm again.[151]

While the samurai-pirate-mink alliance prepared to get on with their missions, Robin informed Franky that there are wild Den Den Mushis in the forest. As the Sanji retrieval team departed from Zou, everyone, except for the Straw Hat members left behind, were shocked when Luffy jumped off Zunesha with his party.[152]

Wano Country Saga[]

Wano Country Arc[]

Infiltration in Wano Country[]

Robin and her group later infiltrated Wano. While residing in Oden Castle in Kuri, Kin'emon told the crew to avoid drawing attention until the alliance was ready to strike. While incognito, Robin worked as a geisha[153] in order to get closer to the shogun so she could gather information on his forces.[154]

During a dancing performance, Robin listened in on a conversation between Kyoshiro and another man as they talked about the Kozuki Family and a prophecy.[155] She later read the news of Luffy's fight with Kaidou and was greatly shocked.[156]

After Sanji opened up a soba noodle stand, Robin, Franky, and Usopp visited him and ate soba noodles together. Later, some thugs from the Kyoshiro Family came and provoked Sanji. Robin and Usopp backed away as Sanji and Franky defeated the thugs. The group then got acquainted with a girl named Toko, a kamuro for the courtesan Komurasaki. After the girl left, the old woman that Robin was training under appeared and informed Robin that she had been summoned to Orochi's sitting room.[157]

Chaos and Complications[]

Robin Ambushed by the Orochi Oniwabanshu

The Orochi Oniwabanshu ambushes Robin.

Robin later attended Orochi's banquet and performed alongside other geishas.[158] While Orochi was busy with his banquet, Robin sneaked around in the castle. While she was searching one of the rooms, she was caught by the Orochi Oniwabanshu. The captain Fukurokuju then came in and gave Robin a chance to explain herself.[159] After Robin claimed to be Ushimitsu Kozо, Fukurokuju ordered his ninjas to capture her. However, the Robin they attacked was a duplicate created by her Devil Fruit powers. The real Robin contacted Nami and Shinobu through Den Den Mushi and informed them that she had been discovered and warned them about the ninjas. Robin then went back to the banquet where Orochi told her to come talk to him. Robin asked him about Onigashima before he devoted his attention to Komurasaki. She listened as Orochi cautioned the guests at his banquet about the prophesied resurrection of Oden's Nine Red Scabbards. Toko overheard the other guests making fun of him and was unable to stop herself from laughing. Orochi then attacked her with his sword, and when Komurasaki stepped in to defend her, Robin carried Toko away.[160] While running from the beserk shogun, Robin was once again confronted by the Orochi Oniwabanshu. Toko begged Robin to help Komurasaki, but Robin was more preoccupied with protecting her. Brook came to assist Robin by scaring Orochi's ninjas with his spirit form, which gave her the opening to repel the ninjas with her Mil Fleur: Gigantesco Mano technique. Robin was then shocked to witness Kyoshiro striking down Komurasaki. Robin continued fleeing from Orochi as Nami unleashed Zeus in the banquet hall.[161]

After escaping Orochi's castle, Robin and her group dropped Toko off in the red light district before meeting with Kanjuro at the Northern Graveyards in the Ringo region. Robin mentioned about all the information she managed to gather, surprising Kanjuro. Brook also told the group that he discovered a Poneglyph in the palace basement. Since that Poneglyph was not red, Robin suspected that Kaidou's Road Poneglyph was on Onigashima.[162] Robin, Shinobu, and Nami later went to a bathhouse. While bathing, Shinobu explained to Nami and Robin about Hyogoro and her past as Fukurokuju's subordinate.[163]

A Beasts Pirates squad led by Hawkins and Drake arrived at the bathhouse to look for people with the Kozuki Family's crescent moon symbol on their ankles. Robin prepared for a confrontation as Hawkins noticed Nami hiding behind Shinobu and tried to fish her out, causing her to disrobe. Sanji got a nosebleed and revealed his presence, causing Robin to be surprised to see Sanji. Drake then came into the bathhouse and fainted from seeing naked women. While Hawkins was distracted, Robin's group took the opportunity to escape. Sanji carried them and flew away from the bathhouse. While flying, Sanji informed them that Law's crew were captured.[164]

The group then went to Ebisu Town. Right after Tonoyasu spoke with Kanjuro and Shinobu, Robin, Sanji, and Franky were baffled when they said that they did not know who Tonoyasu was.[165]

When news of Tonoyasu's capture was revealed, Robin and her group gathered to see him being shown on a broadcast.[166] They rushed to Rasetsu Town but only arrived after Tonoyasu was shot to death. Robin then listened to Shinobu's explanation of the SMILE fruits and how the people of Ebisu Town were robbed of their ability to express any negative emotions. She was then alarmed to see Toko putting herself in harm's way by appearing at the execution site.[167] After Zoro and Sanji started a commotion by protecting Toko from Orochi, Robin joined in the ensuing chaos and helped fight Orochi's forces.[168]

Raid on Onigashima[]

After escaping Orochi's forces, Robin, Usopp, Brook, and Toko (who cried herself to sleep and was hidden under Brook's robes) snuck out of the Flower Capital. While riding on a boat, Robin held the sleeping Toko.[169] She later joined a meeting with several key alliance members at Amigasa Village.[170] Three days before the raid on Onigashima, Robin informed the alliance about the number of enemies they would be facing. She later visited Yasuie and Pedro's graves.[171]

Two days before the raid, Robin told the group in Amigasa Village that Onigashima's entrance is in winter.[172] At some point prior to the Onigashima raid, Law told Robin his full name in hopes of learning more about the Will of D. Robin thanked Law for trusting her but could not give him the answers he was looking for.[173]

On the day of the Fire Festival, the Straw Hats sailed to Tokage Port on the Thousand Sunny to join the Scabbards and enter the battle with the Beasts Pirates.[174]

While Kanjuro fled to Onigashima with Momonosuke in tow, the Straw Hats learned that Kanjuro was a spy working for Orochi. As the alliance was attacked by a Beasts Pirates ship with long ranged cannons, the Straw Hats were overjoyed to see Jinbe arriving and joining the battle.[175] With Jinbe officially part of the crew, the Straw Hats proceeded to take over the torii in front of Onigashima.[176] The crew then arrived at Onigashima with the rebels.[177]

After disembarking, the Straw Hats received Beasts Pirates disguises from Kin'emon. Luffy and Zoro went ahead into Onigashima and while the other Straw Hats used the Kurosai FR-U IV and the Brachio Tank V to travel, Robin and Jinbe decided to proceed on foot.[178] Robin, Jinbe, and several rebels later infiltrated the Performance Stage in the Skull Dome, where they found Momonosuke tied to a crucifix. Robin asked Jinbe what they could do for Momonosuke, but Jinbe told her to wait for the time to strike.[179] When Big Mom later arrived on stage, Robin was shocked when she saw that Big Mom had captured Nami and Carrot. Robin then witnessed Kaidou announce his plans for his New Onigashima Project.[180]

Robin Vs Big Mom

Robin sends Big Mom away from the Live Stage.

As the battle on the Live Stage was unfolding, Big Mom attempted to attack Franky, but Jinbe and Robin worked together and successfully threw Big Mom off of the stage. Once the rest of the crew arrived, all of the Straw Hats assembled on the Live Stage.[181] After Queen entered the fray, Robin and Chopper were alarmed when Queen used Excite Bullets on the rebels.[182] Robin, Chopper, and Brook soon found themselves besieged by those infected by the Ice Oni virus.[183] She was then alarmed when she noticed Chopper contracted the virus.[184]

After Zoro struck down Apoo, acquired the antidote vial, and destroyed Queen's Gatling gun, Robin commented that she understood how Zoro felt as she also saw Kikunojo's severed arm falling from the hole in the ceiling of the Skull Dome.[185] As the Beasts Pirates attacked Marco, Robin and Brook began running into the castle.[186]

Robin Saves Sanji From Black Maria With Her Devil Fruit

Robin slaps Black Maria for torturing Sanji.

Robin and Brook heard Sanji's cry for help broadcasted throughout Onigashima. They went to the Grand Banquet Hall on the third floor, where Robin stopped Black Maria from hurting Sanji by attacking her with her Devil Fruit powers. After Brook freed Sanji from Black Maria's webs, Robin and Brook prepared to fight the Tobiroppo.[187] At some point, Black Maria unleashed an Illusion Mist on the two Straw Hats. Brook who was immunized to it from his decades of loneliness in the Florian Triangle called out to Robin who started tearing up at the sight of seeing Nico Olvia, Professor Clover and Jaguar D. Saul "alive", though she soon snapped out of it and attacked the illusions with Tres Mano: Freesia, revealing them to Maria's subordinates, Tenjo-Sagari, Nure-Onna and the Number's Kunyun respectively. Black Maria then appeared as the two Straw Hat's retreated, and set the floor on fire with her polearm, which Robin dodged by hanging from the ceiling using Spider Net while carrying Brook. After identifying the source of her flames were actually generated by Wanyudo, the Pug Gifter running within the wheel of her polearm, Brook froze him using Cold Soul, before putting out the fires on the floor using Eisbahn. Now back on the floor, Brook offered to take care of Maria's subordinates, leaving Robin to take care of the Tobiroppo, which she gratefully accepted.

Gran Jacuzzi Clutch

Robin defeats Black Maria with Demonio Fleur.

As Maria mocked Sanji for his pathetic display before, Robin merely smiled, as she understood that he did it not because he was afraid to die or to betray her, but because he trusted her. She then used Gigante Fleur to create a giant clone of herself as well as several giant arms, before using Sea Dragon to grab onto Maria's spider legs.[188] However, Maria fought back and having quickly realized that Robin will take any damage her clone does, she coated her feet with poison, forcing Robin to let go. Maria then used Marianette: Oshizumaria, using webbing from her fingers to restraint Gigante Fleur, before coming in close and punching with Oiran Knuckle. Robin soon dispersed the clone, before attempting to use giant arms to restraint Maria from behind. However, the Tobiroppo noticed this and blocked with Ikidomaria, before setting her new webbing aflame with Atatamaria, cornering Robin within the fire. As Maria took advantage of this and launched a barrage of attacks on Robin, while taunting her claiming that she was a liability, Robin recalled her Fish-Man Karate lessons when she was with the Revolutionary Army. She then sprouted a gigantic hand on Black Maria's back and attacked the ceiling with Mil Fleur: Fish-Man Karate: Giganteum to collapse it and put out the flames. She then used Demonio Fleur to create a giant demonic looking clone of herself to finish of Black Maria with Grand Jacuzzi Clutch. As Robin collapsed from exhaustion, Brook, who had just finished of his own opponents, ran over to support her.[189]

CP0 Chase Robin and Brook

Robin is targeted and pursued by CP0.

Due to the exhaustion from her battle with Black Maria, Robin was carried by Brook as they were trying to escape from the fire Black Maria previously set while Brook simultaneously also informed Jinbe about their situation.[190] She later fully recovered and, alongside Brook, fought some Beasts Pirates.[191][192] Unbeknownst to her, the CP0 Agents Guernica and Maha were tasked with her capture and when they later discovered her in the castle, she was carried by Brook who jumped off from the third floor to flee from them and the fire. Robin tried to understand why the CP0 was in Wano as she informed Brook about the fact that the ones wearing masks are in a class of their own, even among the elites.[193] Both she and Brook then fell into Fuga's hair and were just as shocked as everyone else when the Kazenbo made its way downwards, igniting the CP0 Agents on the way. Fortunately, the Kazenbo created a wall of flames between the Straw Hats and the agents, giving them an opportunity to flee.[194] After a shaking caused by Big Mom's fall led to the island to shake, Brook and Robin fled from the falling debris[195] and ended up trapped in the basement alongside some samurai.[196] Both Robin and Brook were later engulfed in the water released from Raizo.[197]

After the fall of Kaidou, she would meet up with Yamato, who introduced himself to the Straw Hats as their new member, causing Robin to point out how amusing he was.[198]

A New Dawn in Wano Country[]

Later, while the rest of the Alliance was celebrating in the capital, Robin remained behind, descending towards the basement of the castle, looking around Tenguyama Hitetsu's kokeshi doll collections. When Tenguyama approached her, asking her if she liked his collections, she replied she didn't. After Tenguyama revealed his real identity of being Kozuki Sukiyaki to Robin, Robin said that the Poneglyph in Alabasta Kingdom revealed the Ancient Weapon Pluton was located in Wano, asking Sukiyaki if this was indeed true, which he confirmed.[199]

Sukiyaki Reveals Poneglyph

Robin is brought to Wano's Road Poneglyph.

He would later take Robin, as well as Trafalgar Law further into an underground entrance, and as they looked out of a glass window, he revealed to them both an entirely preserved underwater city that he stated as the "Old Wano". After explaining the origins of both the old and current Wano, Sukiyaki finally took them to the room containing the Road Poneglyph. Seeing him, Robin says that there is only one more Poneglyph, for the crew to finally reach Laugh Tale. Sukiyaki then told them that Pluton was below, and to get it back, the massive walls had to be destroyed, which, in other words, would open Wano's borders. Robin questions why Oden would want to do that, knowing the consequences of releasing the ancient weapon, to which Sukiyak replies that everything he said was passed down to him as shogun and that he knows nothing of what Oden discovered during his travels.[200]

After the festival ends, the crew gathers at the Flower Capital's castle, where she reveals to everyone that Pluton is in the country. When she reminds Luffy that it is a core weapon named after a god, she asks him if she would like to have it. Luffy tells her that he's not interested, which she expected, though she wonders why Oden wanted to free it. However, they are interrupted by Shinobu and Tama

A few days later, in the morning, the crew says goodbye to their friends and prepares to leave the Tokage Port. While she was there, she listens to Luffy, Law, and Kid's conversation, where she silently reacted to Kid's mention of a man with a "burn scar".[201] When everything is ready to set sail, Yamato, Momonosuke and Kin'emon appear, having caught up with the crew before they could leave. She witness how Momonosuke cryingly asks Luffy not to leave and stay with him. Where Luffy gives the shogun a flag with the crew's logo, in addition to declaring Wano under his protection. After saying goodbye to the three, Nami planned for the crew to go to Mogura Port so they could leave safely. However, after Kid mocks him for playing it safe, Luffy forces the ship past the waterfall again.[202]

Final Saga[]

Egghead Arc[]

After the crew departed Wano, Robin received the newspaper which also contained all of the crew's new bounties. When she announces to everyone this, Sanji excitedly runs towards her, so she dodges him, causing all posters to fall. She seemed uninterested in her own massive bounty increase and gave cotton candy to Chopper to cheer him up about his bounty update.[203] They then learn the news about Sabo being accused of murdering Nefertari Cobra, to which Robin sided with Luffy when he stated that Sabo would never do something so horrible. After the crew got into a heated conversation about what to do once they heard Vivi went missing, Robin inferred that a lot happened while they were in Wano, particularly that the Abolishment of the Seven Warlords of the Sea led to the creation of the Cross Guild under Buggy, Mihawk and Sir Crocodile as well as Buggy ascension towards an Emperor of the Sea. She also mentions to Luffy that in the paper lists other names related to him, asking him if he wants to know them, to which Luffy just tells her that she should alert him if there's anything she thinks is important, which she accepts, believing that Luffy must be very confused today. Then, Luffy is convinced of his brother's innocence, and tells everyone about the promise he, Sabo, and Ace made as children, even stating the ultimate goal of their dream. When Luffy mentions that the only people he had also revealed to Shanks, Ace and Sabo before, Robin asks what their reactions were, to which he tells her that they all laugh. Franky there mentions that he only needed to find a Road Poneglyph to get to Laugh Tale; so Robin declares that it was not that easy, since no one has seen that Poneglyph in years and there are no clues as to where it might be.

A few days later, the Thousand Sunny enters a stretch of sea in severe winter weather. Meanwhile, she was inside reading, where she also compliments Chopper's new style against the cold.[204] As she comes out of the cabin, she watches as Luffy and Chopper fly off the ship along with a girl (who was Jewerly Bonney). Suddenly they see a giant shark, which was attempting to maul the ship beneath its jaws. Franky, who took command when Jinbe went to save Luffy and Chopper, tried to save them with the Thousand Sunny; but the shark fires two torpedoes at the ship, causing it to capsize, throwing everyone into the water. There they were miraculously saved by a giant robot that pushed the shark away from the ship. The robot then picked up the ship, but to the surprise of everybody, a woman emerged from the robot, disappointed about her failure to correctly program the shark to make the ships it destroys salvageable. To the surprise of everyone, she then introduced herself as Dr. Vegapunk,[205] Robin, however, doubted that the woman could really be Vegapunk, as she never heard that Vegapunk was supposed to be female as well as being that young and Robin's suspicions were then confirmed by the female Vegapunk, who introduced herself as Punk-02 "Lilith" and not the main "Stella" Vegapunk.[206]

Robin attacking S-Shark

Robin attacks S-Shark for ambushing the Straw Hats.

The crew was then taken by Lilith and the Vegaforce-01 to the top of Egghead Island, the Labophase, and dropped off right in front of the lab itself. As they left the ship, everybody was advised by Lilith to use the Trancos to change their clothes before they headed inside the lab.[207] The group then follow Lilith to the lab on an escalator. Then, when they see Lilith walk through the door, the group does the same, leading Robin to wonder how this is possible. When Lilith is gone, they hear a voice that introduces itself as Edison and invites them to continue. As they were going, they see the Seraphim unit S-Shark, where Robin immediately notices that it looks younger than Jinbe. When Franky theorizes that he might be a pacifist, S-Shark attacks them, so they have to fight. After Sanji attacked him for hurting Nami, Robin used her Gigante Fleur: Sea Serpent Snapdragon Spank against the Seraphim, saying that she would not forgive him for hurting Nami either. However, it suddenly stopped its ambush on the Straw Hats when it was ordered to stand down by a man appearing, who introduced himself as Shaka who also made the Straw Hat's being magnetically stuck on the floor using their shoes and told them that the technology they saw on Egghead was not as advanced as 900 years ago,[208]

Shaka began to tell a theory of an archeologist who risked his life to discover the Great Kingdom, finding a machine that was manufactured on the same day as his theory had. Robin asked if the machine was built during the Void Century, and Shaka was intrigued as to how much she knew about it. When Nami also asked Robin about it, Shaka said that it might be painful for her to remember something about it; as well as telling how Ohara was destroyed, presumably due to the scholars' knowledge of the Void Century. After explaining about this period and that all traces were erased, Shaka revealed that anyone who knew about this information would be removed, though she pointed out that it was only a hypothesis. However, he asked Robin if that hypothesis was the reason why the people on his island were killed; which would mean that the World Government admitted that it was true. Robin then replied that the scholars only made a theory out of all the research they did, and asked Shaka if he could not learn the truth about the World Government himself, given the influence he had. But Shaka denied that, since all those affiliated with the latter would be eliminated. When Robin asked how he found out about the existence of that kingdom since all of Ohara's books were destroyed, Shaka told him that "Ohara's Will still lived".

Shaka began to tell when all of Ohara was destroyed due to the World Government labeling all the inhabitants as evil people who tried to take over the world, leaving Robin as the only survivor. He also tells her that he went to the island a month after its destruction to commemorate his friend Clover, to which Robin is surprised that Vegapunk knew him. Shaka then told her the story of how Clover became a scholar and how he was so moved to come to Ohara and see that all the scholars risked her life to save the books. This makes Robin begin to remember the destruction of the island and the last words of her mother, beginning to cry. She then confirmed to Shaka his suspicions that Ohara tried to expose the truth about the Great Kingdom and asked what happened to all the books, which Shaka revealed were brought to Elbaf by a group of giants, led by a man covered in bandages.

Later he revealed to everyone that Dragon was also present and how the Revolutionary Army arose; where Robin was surprised that Clover also knew Dragon. Then she asked Shaka if the leader of the giants was called Saul. However, Shaka only replied that he is currently in hiding, so he cannot reveal his identity, which makes Robin cry with joy. She then thanks Vegapunk for not letting Ohara's battle go in vain, to which Shaka only replied that he will be on the side of knowledge, due to his nature as a researcher. He then leads the crew somewhere through his shoes, saying that he wanted to show them something.[209]

Shaka and Straw Hats observing

The Straw Hats and Shaka observe Luffy's discussion with Vegapunk.

He then leads them to a monitoring room, where they see Luffy's group with Vegapunk's real body, with Robin and the rest of the Straw Hats listening in on their conversation. After Vegapunk talks about the Iron Giant,t that Mary Geoise attacked 200 years ago, Robin comments that it was at the same time that the discrimination against Fish-Men began. She then listens to Shaka tell how Vegapunk built Vegaforce-01 based on the iron giant, but that he was unsuccessful in copying its energy. However, Pythagoras suddenly arrives and informs everyone that CP0 has arrived on the island, including Rob Lucci.[210] Here Robin hears how Pythagoras tries to negotiate with them, but the CP0 just ignores him and then reaches the island.[211]

Later, the main body of Vegapunk teleported to where they were and asked Shaka if the "white warrior" had already appeared. Then began to tell everyone present about the truth of the Gomu Gomu no mi; where he also starts talking about the old god Nika. Although Vegapunk revealed to them that this name was erased from history, he tells them that as long as there are people who still desire it, it will never cease to exist, explaining that everything is born of desire, including devil fruits. Where he also begins to talk about his hypothesis of the latter, leaving Robin surprised.[212]

When Vegapunk was explaining to them the process of creating artificial Devil Fruits as well as the hurdles that come with this process, and implement them into the Seraphim using "Green Blood", both Robin and Sanji agreed that due to this uniqueness they would consider the Seraphim a threat to them.Vegapunk then revealed to them that the World Government wants to kill him, so he asked the crew to allow him to board their ship.[213]

Later, Vegapunk's six satellites arrived, where the latter told the crew that all six were going to come aboard as well; where Robin just smiled. Soon after, Luffy, Jinbe, and Chopper join them. When Luffy noticed that Bonney was missing, Robin realized that Vegapunk was not there either.[214]

Soon after, Robin overheard Stussy, who contacted Vegapunk's satellites to inform them that he had put Kaku and Lucci to sleep. Here Shaka revealed that Stussy has been her secret ally for over twenty years.[215]

When Zoro, Brook, and Stussy arrived, Shaka explained the situation: Vegapunk's main body was missing, plus the security system was down, which meant they were trapped inside the lab. When Franky asks how to find Vegapunk, Robin listened to Shaka explain that the Seraphim's attack caused some of his Cameko Vigilance Den Den Mushi to be incapacitated or out of position for him. He therefore told them that he would stay to observe the other satellites and workers on the island in search of Vegapunk. Then crew decided to help in the search for the latter. When Zoro wanted to join, Robin, Sanji, and Chopper wanted him to stay so he would not get lost. So Zoro and Luffy stayed behind to keep an eye on Lucci and Kaku.[216]

Robin, Atlas and Chopper searching

Robin, Atlas and Chopper team-up to look for Vegapunk.

Robin later teamed up with Atlas and Chopper in the search for Vegapunk; where they then arrived at the second floor of Building A. As Chopper and Atlas chatted, Robin looked at something inside some pods and asked if it was Vegapunk. But Atlas explained that they were artificial organs created for transplantation. Robin then told him that she thought it was Vegapunk cut to pieces, which scared Chopper.[217]

Soon after, Chopper said that he heard a lot of screaming and explosions, which is why he was worried. When Robin thought that it must be the Seraphim, Atlas told him that this was impossible. After stating that someone would help Nami if she screamed, Robin deduced that Vegapunk might be in danger as all the groups battled the Seraphim. Atlas then suggested that Vegapunk might be in a certain lab that has been closed for some time, so Robin asked him to take them there; and Atlas agreed.[218]

Later, when York was subdued, the crew reunited with their other allies, where they used the satellite as a hostage and forced it to contact the Five Elders;[219] while Chopper treated Robin's injuries. She later heard Luffy talking to the Five Elders, but when they asked about the situation of the Labophase, Robin cut off the transmission. Where she explained to Luffy that revealing so much information to the enemy would be disastrous, so he apologized to her. She then heard York crying and ordering them to free her or the Five Elders would destroy everything just like with Ohara, however, Nami hit the satellite while Zoro tried to stop her. Right there, when Chopper asked her if she was feeling better, Robin admitted it and thanked him.

Later, Vegapunk then talked to Nami about where they could escape, where they wanted to use one of the other two logs that Log Pose recorded in Wano. When they decided to use the one pointing northwest, Robin was left speechless when Vegapunk said that destination was Elbaf.[220] As Nami, Usopp, and Chopper attempted to leave the Labophase they carried Robin in a pod.[221] Back at the labophase Robin still appeared to be recovering from her injuries with Chopper telling her to lie back down despite the warning of a Buster Call.[222]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 13 Chapter 114 (p. 8) and Episode 67, Robin is first introduced.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 24 Chapter 218 (p. 9) and Episode 130, Robin says that 20 years before her joining of the crew she was 8.
  3. 3.0 3.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1058 (p. 3-5) and Episode 1086, The Straw Hat Pirates' bounties post-Wano Country.
  4. 4.0 4.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 90 Chapter 909 (p. 12) and Episode 892, Robin's alias in Wano is revealed.
  5. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 19 Chapter 169 (p. 5) and Episode 106, an employee of Rain Dinners addresses Robin as manager.
  6. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 391 and Episode 275.
  7. 7.0 7.1 One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 45 Chapter 435 (p. 16-17) and Episode 320, The crew's bounties for attacking Enies Lobby are revealed.
  8. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 60 Chapter 593 (p. 2) and Episode 510, Robin is called the Light of the Revolution by Bunny Joe.
  9. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 36 (p. 126), Robin's age is revealed.
  10. 10.0 10.1 One Piece Blue Deep: Characters World (p. 125), Robin's profile after timeskip is revealed.
  11. 11.0 11.1 SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 69 (p. 66), Robin's age and height after timeskip are revealed.
  12. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 25 (p. 26), Robin's birthday is revealed.
  13. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 37 (p. 146), Robin's height and body measurements are revealed.
  14. SBS One Piece Manga — Vol. 66 (p. 162), Oda explains the blood types of the world and reveals Robin's blood type.
  15. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 801 (p. 15-17) and Episode 746, The Straw Hat Pirates are given new bounties after Dressrosa.
  16. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 41 Chapter 398 (p. 4) and Episode 278, The origins of Robin's first bounty is revealed.
  17. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1021 (p. 9-11) and Episode 1044.
  18. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 598 and Episode 517.
  19. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 598 and Episode 518.
  20. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 599 and Episode 519.
  21. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 600 and Episode 520.
  22. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 602 and Episode 522, Robin and the crew set off for Fish-Man Island.
  23. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 61 Chapter 603 and Episode 523, Robin in the ship travelling, followed by Caribou.
  24. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 604 and Episode 524, Robin and co. deal with Caribou and come across the Kraken.
  25. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 605 and Episode 525, Robin drawing, and helping fight, the Kraken, reaching 7000 meters deep afterwards.
  26. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 606 and Episode 526, Robin and co. avoid sea creatures till Luffy returns.
  27. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 607 and Episode 527, Robin and co. approach Fish Man Island and encounter Hammond.
  28. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 608 and Episode 527, Robin and co. avoid Hammond but are separated.
  29. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 62 Chapter 612 and Episode 531, Robin decides to go off on her own.
  30. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 63 Chapter 616 and Episode 535, Robin heads for the forest to find the poneglyph.
  31. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 64 Chapter 628 and Episode 548, Robin finds Joy Boy's poneglyph.
  32. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 64 Chapter 629 and Episode 549, Robin stops the fight.
  33. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 64 Chapter 634 and Episode 554, Robin volunteered by Nami for the plan.
  34. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 64 Chapter 634 and Episode 554, Robin sees Luffy's Haki before she gets ready to fight.
  35. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 64 Chapter 635 and Episode 555, Robin attacks Hordy's gang.
  36. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 65 Chapter 639 and Episode 560, Robin attacked by Hyouzou, who is intercepted by Zoro.
  37. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 65 Chapter 642 and Episode 563, Robin agrees to help Jinbe.
  38. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 65 Chapter 643 and Episode 563, Robin frees the slaves and breaks Hammond's back.
  39. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 647 and Episode 567, Robin looks to the sky and later again as the island was saved.
  40. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 648 and Episode 568, Robin helps Chopper move to save Luffy.
  41. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 649 and Episode 569, Robin discusses matters with Neptune.
  42. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 650 and Episode 570, Robin is eavesdropped on by Caribou.
  43. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 651 and Episode 571, Robin with friends after the party.
  44. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 652 and Episode 572, Robin hears Luffy declare war on an Emperor.
  45. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 653 and Episode 573, Robin and the Straw Hats leave Fish-Man Island.
  46. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 654 and Episode 574, Robin and the crew deal with the White Storm.
  47. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 655 and Episode 579.
  48. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 66 Chapter 656 and Episode 581, The group meets Kin'emon's lower half.
  49. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 657 and Episode 581, The group arrive at the lake bordering both sides of the island.
  50. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 658 and Episode 583, After beating a centaur, Robin and the others decide to cross the lake to the ice mountains.
  51. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 659 and Episode 583, The Straw Hats on the lake are awaited by the centaurs.
  52. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 661 and Episode 586, Having their boat shot down, Robin and the others emerge from the water.
  53. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 662 and Episode 588, Riding on Brownbeard, the group arrives at the scene Law and Smoker just fought.
  54. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 663 and Episode 588, Robin meets up with the rest of the crew.
  55. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 664 and Episode 589, Robin learns about Caesar Clown.
  56. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 665 and Episode 591, The giant children rampage.
  57. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 666 and Episode 592, The Straw Hats are attacked by the Yeti Cool Brothers.
  58. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 67 Chapter 667 and Episode 593, Robin is shocked to see Franky in Monster Point.
  59. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 668 and Episode 594, The alliance is formed.
  60. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 669 and Episode 595, Robin, Luffy and Franky crash in a Marine warship.
  61. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 670 and Episode 596, Robin and the others see Caesar.
  62. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 671 and Episode 597, Robin explains the effect of Busoshoku Haki on a Logia user.
  63. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 672 and Episode 597, Robin and the other people present succumb to Caesar.
  64. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 673 and Episode 599, With Robin, Luffy and Smoker in the same cell, Robin thinks back to Arabasta.
  65. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 675 and Episode 601, The prisoners watch Caesar's broadcast.
  66. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 676 and Episode 602, The cage is moved outside, exposed to the lethal gas.
  67. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 677 and Episode 603, The prisoners escape and prepare for a counterattack.
  68. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 68 Chapter 678 and Episode 604, Inside the facility, Robin wants to accompany Luffy.
  69. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 679 and Episode 605, Robin rides Brownbeard.
  70. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 680 and Episode 606, The Brownbeard Bus is attacked by the dragon.
  71. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 682 and Episode 608, After defeating the dragon, the group spots Chopper.
  72. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 683 and Episode 609, Robin tries to stop the drugged children.
  73. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 685 and Episode 611, Robin is attacked by Monet.
  74. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 686 and Episode 612, Robin, Nami and Chopper flee from the Biscuits Room and chase the children.
  75. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 69 Chapter 688 and Episode 614, Robin is relieved as Sanji and the Marines come to their aid.
  76. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 691 and Episode 617, Zoro and Tashigi join Robin's group.
  77. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 692 and Episode 618, Escape by rail car.
  78. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 696 and Episode 622, After the defeat of Caesar, Baby 5 and Buffalo, everyone has a feast together.
  79. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 697 and Episode 623, The Straw Hats, Law, Kin'emon and his son leave Punk Hazard.
  80. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 698 and Episodes 624625.
  81. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 699 (p. 12-14) and Episode 625.
  82. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 699 (p. 15-19) and Episode 628, The group read about Doflamingo's resignation in the newspaper.
  83. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 70 Chapter 700 and Episode 629, The Straw Hats, Law, Kin'emon and his son approach Dressrosa.
  84. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 701 and Episode 630, Robin is revealed to be in the team that delivers Caesar to Green Bit.
  85. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 705 and Episode 635, Robin's group sees three members of CP0.
  86. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 710 (p. 14-19) and Episodes 639640, Robin and Usopp explore Green Bit.
  87. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 71 Chapter 711 and Episode 641, Robin meets the dwarves.
  88. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Chapter 712 and Episode 642, Robin summons a clone above ground to speak with Law.
  89. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Chapter 713 and Episode 643, Robin chides Usopp for lying to the dwarves.
  90. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 72 Chapter 718 and Episode 648.
  91. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 722 and Episode 652.
  92. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 726 and Episode 658.
  93. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 727 and Episode 659.
  94. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 728 and Episode 660.
  95. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 729 and Episode 661.
  96. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 730 and Episode 662.
  97. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 73 Chapter 731 and Episode 663.
  98. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 732 and Episode 664.
  99. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 733 and Episode 665.
  100. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 737 and Episode 669.
  101. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 738 (p. 2-3, 8-9, 15-19) and Episodes 670671.
  102. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 739 and Episode 672.
  103. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 740 and Episode 673.
  104. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 74 Chapter 741 and Episode 674.
  105. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 743 and Episode 677.
  106. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 744 and Episode 678.
  107. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 745 and Episodes 679680.
  108. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 746 and Episode 681.
  109. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 747 and Episodes 682683.
  110. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 750 (p. 7-12) and Episode 686, Robin and the others discuss on how to bring the key to Law.
  111. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 751 (p. 16) and Episode 688, Law is told the key to his handcuffs will be delivered to him.
  112. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 75 Chapter 752 (p. 12-14) and Episode 688, Bartolomeo, Robin and Rebecca use the Tontatta Airlines.
  113. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Chapter 754 and Episode 692.
  114. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Chapter 755 and Episode 693.
  115. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Chapter 756 and Episode 694.
  116. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Chapter 757 and Episode 695.
  117. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Chapter 759 and Episodes 697698.
  118. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 77 Chapter 772 and Episodes 711712.
  119. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 77 Chapter 773 and Episodes 712713.
  120. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 77 Chapter 774 and Episode 714.
  121. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 78 Chapter 776 and Episodes 716717.
  122. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 78 Chapter 777 and Episodes 717718.
  123. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 78 Chapter 783 (p. 2-7, 12-15) and Episodes 724725, Robin catches Law and then leaves the Flower Field.
  124. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 78 Chapter 785 (p. 12-13) and Episode 727, Robin listens to Riku's speech.
  125. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 787 and Episode 730.
  126. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 788 and Episodes 730731.
  127. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 791 and Episode 734.
  128. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 79 Chapter 794 and Episodes 737738.
  129. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 796 and Episodes 740741.
  130. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 797 and Episode 741.
  131. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 798 and Episode 743.
  132. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 799 and Episode 744.
  133. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 800 and Episode 745.
  134. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 801 and Episode 746.
  135. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 802 (p. 5, 13-15) and Episodes 747751, Robin, her crew, and her allies make their way to Zou.
  136. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 803 (p. 2-5, 12-13) and Episode 752, Robin, her crew, and her allies begin ascending the elephant's leg.
  137. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 804 and Episode 753.
  138. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 805 and Episode 754.
  139. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 80 Chapter 806 and Episode 755.
  140. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 807 and Episode 756.
  141. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 808 and Episode 757.
  142. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 808 and Episode 758.
  143. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 808.
  144. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 811.
  145. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 814.
  146. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 815.
  147. One Piece Manga — Vol. 81 Chapter 816.
  148. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 817.
  149. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 818.
  150. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 820.
  151. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 821.
  152. One Piece Manga — Vol. 82 Chapter 822.
  153. One Piece Manga — Vol. 90 Chapter 909.
  154. One Piece Manga — Vol. 91 Chapter 921.
  155. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 91 Chapter 919 and Episode 909.
  156. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 924.
  157. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 927.
  158. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 929.
  159. One Piece Manga — Vol. 92 Chapter 931 (p. 11-13).
  160. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 932.
  161. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 933.
  162. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 934.
  163. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 935.
  164. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 936.
  165. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 940.
  166. One Piece Manga — Vol. 93 Chapter 941.
  167. One Piece Manga — Vol. 94 Chapter 943.
  168. One Piece Manga — Vol. 94 Chapter 944 (p. 2-8).
  169. One Piece Manga — Vol. 94 Chapter 951 (p. 9-10).
  170. One Piece Manga — Vol. 95 Chapter 954 (p. 9).
  171. One Piece Manga — Vol. 95 Chapter 955 (p. 8, 14).
  172. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 95 Chapter 959 (p. 6) and Episode 959.
  173. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 996 and Episode 1010.
  174. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 975 and Episodes 978979.
  175. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 976 and Episodes 979980.
  176. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 977 and Episodes 981983.
  177. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 978 and Episode 983.
  178. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 979 and Episode 984.
  179. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 97 Chapter 984 and Episode 992.
  180. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 985 and Episode 994.
  181. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 989 and Episodes 9991000.
  182. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 993 and Episode 1005.
  183. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 98 Chapter 994 and Episode 1007.
  184. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 995 and Episode 1008.
  185. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 997 and Episode 1011.
  186. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 99 Chapter 999 and Episode 1014.
  187. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 100 Chapter 1005 and Episodes 10201021.
  188. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1020 and Episodes 10421043.
  189. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1021 and Episodes 10431044.
  190. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 101 Chapter 1024 and Episode 1047.
  191. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1028 and Episode 1053.
  192. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1030 and Episode 1055.
  193. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1031 and Episode 1057.
  194. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 102 Chapter 1032 and Episodes 10581059.
  195. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 103 Chapter 1040 and Episode 1067.
  196. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 103 Chapter 1046 and Episode 1073.
  197. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1049 and Episode 1076.
  198. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1051 and Episode 1078.
  199. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1053 and Episode 1080.
  200. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 104 Chapter 1055 and Episode 1082.
  201. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1056 (p. 8-9, 13-16) and Episode 1083.
  202. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1057 (p. 6-12) and Episode 1085.
  203. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1058 and Episode 1086.
  204. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1060 and Episodes 10881089.
  205. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1061 and Episodes 10891090.
  206. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 105 Chapter 1062 and Episode 1091.
  207. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1064.
  208. One Piece Manga — Vol. 105 Chapter 1065 (p. 6-17).
  209. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 106 Chapter 1066 and Episode 1097.
  210. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1067.
  211. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1068.
  212. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1069.
  213. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1070 (p. 6-8, 16-17).
  214. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1071 (p. 6-8, 15-16).
  215. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1073 (p. 4, 9).
  216. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1074 (p. 8-11).
  217. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1075 (p. 5).
  218. One Piece Manga — Vol. 107 Chapter 1078 (p. 6).
  219. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1089 (p. 17).
  220. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1090 (p. 2-3, 10).
  221. One Piece Manga — Vol. 108 Chapter 1094 (p. 11).
  222. One Piece Manga — Chapter 1105 (p. 6).

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