One Piece Wiki
This article is about Japanese merchandising. For some pointers about related subjects like bootlegs, Japanese version vs the world, or the Toei sticker, you can consult the Merchandise FAQ page.
Illustrations on this page are stock photos and aren't necessarily representative of the final products.

ワンピース 連携技フィギュア~ゴムゴムの悪魔風三刀流羊肉JET六百煩悩攻城砲~

One Piece Combo Attack Figure ~Gomu Gomu no Diable Santoryu Mouton Jet 600 Pound Cannon~ is a set of 3 figures produced by Banpresto, representing the Monster Trio performing their combo attack against the Pacifista PX-4 on Sabaody Archipelago.

Ths style of this unique set is reminiscent of the figures produced for the One Piece Super Effect - Devil Fruit User series or Bandai's One Piece Attack Motions series: iconic characters performing powerful attacks.

Each figure is around 8 cm tall and were available mid-April 2011 in UFO catcher in Japanese game centers.

One Piece Combo Attack Figure - Gomu Gomu no Diable Santoryu Mouton Jet Roppyaku Pound Cannon
One Piece Combo Attack Figure Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy firing a Gomu Gomu no Jet Cannon
One Piece Combo Attack Figure Zoro
Roronoa Zoro performing a Santōryū 108 Pound Hō
One Piece Combo Attack Figure Sanji
Sanji delivering a Diable Jambe Mouton Shoot

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