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The Blue Sea is a huge body of water spanning across the entire world. Nearly everything in the world can be found on the Sea, save for sky islands such as Skypiea and Weatheria.


The Sea itself is divided into five oceans by the Red Line and the Calm Belts:

  • Grand Line is the part of the Blue Sea enclosed by the Calm Belts. It is divided into two parts by the Red Line. The first half is known by those who have been to the second half as Paradise. The second half is known as the New World. Notable pirates from the Grand Line are Buggy, Tony Tony Chopper, and Jinbe.

The main governmental body of the Blue Sea is the World Government which currently exercises control over a hundred-seventy countries. The Revolutionary Army is the main force opposing the World Government and they control multiple islands including Baltigo and Momoiro Island. The Four Emperors are the four strongest pirates who rule over the New World. Moving from one section of the Four Blues to another is no easy task, as they are separated by either the Red Line or the Calm Belt, which would entice a full voyage to go through.[1]

After the destruction of the Lulusia Kingdom, the Blue Sea's level rose by approximately one meter six days later, leading to worldwide flooding of several islands.


  • It is theorized that the sea, being the mother of nature, detests the unnaturalistic of Devil Fruits, thus taking away any eaters of such fruits their ability to swim as punishment.[2][3]


  1. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 81 Chapter 813 (p. 4-5) and Episode 763, Brook notes that Sanji moving from North Blue to East Blue is something big.
  2. One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 3 Chapter 19 (p. 14) and Episode 8, A young Shanks discusses Devil Fruits with Buggy.
  3. One Piece Manga — Vol. 106 Chapter 1069 (p. 9-11), Vegapunk explains his personal theory.

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