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Coverstory Summary

CP9's Independent Report vol. 24: "CP9 Departs from St. Poplar".

Taking the Candy Pirates ship the CP9 set sail to their next location.

Quick Summary

Long Summary

Quick Reference

Plot Points

  • Elder Nyon is revealed to be a former empress from three generations past by the name of Gloriosa.
  • Boa Hancock and her sisters are known as the Gorgon Sisters.
  • They apparently have a "curse" on their backs after they "slayed a gorgon monster".
  • Luffy accidentally crashes into the Sisters' bath house and sees what's on Hancock's back.



1: first introduction

3: first apparition

Pirates Kuja World Government
Kuja Pirates

Straw Hat Pirates


CP9 (Cover Story)


Anime episode

Episode 411

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