One Piece Wiki

For the chapter with the same name, see Chapter 363.

Aqua Laguna is an annual storm and high tide that takes place in Water 7. It engulfs the lower part of the city with a huge wave, causing a huge flood and property damage, causing the city to constantly receive repairing. Every year during the Aqua Laguna, all citizens evacuate from the lower parts of Water 7 to higher ground. After each Aqua Laguna, the foundation of Water 7 sinks a little.


Aqua Laguna in the Manga

Aqua Laguna as depicted in the manga.

The water that makes up the Aqua Laguna comes from Long Ring Long Land in the once-in-a-year time when the sea level lowers exposing the ring of land that connects the islets to each other.[1] When Aqua Laguna arrives at Water 7, the water level recedes away from the island; the farther the water recedes, the larger and more destructive the following tidal waves will be.

The Aqua Laguna seen during the Water 7 Arc was noted to be much worse than normal, so it’s is unknown what a standard Aqua Laguna looks like.

Even during a normal Aqua Laguna, no ship can sail through the powerful storm and waves without being destroyed. Only a Sea Train has a chance of getting through.

Since the Aqua Laguna is becoming more and more violent every year, the ground level of Water 7 is sinking day by day. To counter this and prevent the city from being destroyed, after the raid on Enies Lobby, mayor Iceburg decided to convert the entirety of Water 7 into a ship.

Anime and Manga Differences[]

In a non-canon anime filler episode, it was shown that in the aftermath of the storm, the roofs of all the houses in the lower part of the city are covered in salt left by the high waves. Once the salt has been dried by the sun, it is ready for harvesting. This salt vastly improves every dish it is added to, its not simply a matter of quality, there is a fundamental difference from regular salt. Sanji stockpiled a great deal of it before leaving the city. Since Aqua Laguna carries water, from all of the world's seas, the salt supposedly comes from the All Blue.[2]


  • Oda explained in an SBS that this came from the Acqua Alta (High Water in Italian), a similar phenomenon (but much less important) that happens in the Adriatic sea, and so in Venice, where it is an important problem due to the fact that the city itself is on the Venetian lagoon.[3]


  1. One Piece Yellow: Grand Elements - An explanation of the Aqua Laguna.
  2. One Piece Anime - Episode 319, the salt left by Aqua Laguna is said to be from the All Blue.
  3. SBS One Piece Manga - SBS Volume 38 - Fan question: Hello, Oda-sensei!!! I have a question. On TV, they were saying how the "City of Water" Venice has a high tide called the "Acqua Alta", which forces all the townspeople to wear long boots!! Is this what the Aqua Laguna in Water 7 is modeled upon?.

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